Template: Lysander
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A wizard from my Pathfinder game. His default version is NOT from glow-golarion or any golarion at all, but other versions are.

He is a wizard, travels the world or the worlds. Usually has some sort of business, has some sort of midlife crisis, and becomes an adventure-tourist. Usually for good, sometimes just to see what’s out there.

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Complete Erastil there are children just lying around [1 2] The Chelish Constitutional Convention From The Lamp-Posts! (Evening, 3 Sarenith) 32 by Aestrix
“mysterious wizard” : Lisandro The Chelish Constitutional Convention The Distinguished Delegates 1 by lux
Complete dark wings are a dark omen The Chelish Constitutional Convention From The Lamp-Posts! (Evening, 3 Sarenith) 10 by Aestrix
The Glorious Engines of Wizards [open] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Pamphlet Wars - Pre-Convention 0 by lux