extremely Chaotic non-citizens who actually didn't commit any crimes
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So while she was spending her morning taking notes, she noted at least one familiar face she wasn't expecting to see. Well, she did kind of want to pay back the wizard she partied with during the riots, didn't she, and there he is. She puts her notes of political clans (named with goblin swear words to differentiate them) in order and then away, and then heads over to say hello.

"Hello again," she says to the wizard. Her voice sounds familiar, but he may or may not be able to place it.

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This happens fairly often, most of the time Lisandro can just fake it until he realizes where he knows the person from.

"Greetings and salutations."


She considers him, briefly.

"You have no idea who I am, do you." She sounds amused.


hate it when this happens


"So, you have me at a disadvantage."


"Not much of one, I expect you'd figure it out soon enough. The noblewoman and her entourage got safely down from the rope trick, and her family members got raised. The children at the temple of Erastil are I think now mostly adopted, though I haven't kept track of the specifics. Liushna's also been raised - that being the body I was so concerned about." She points at the now living strix.


"Aha, the good Lady Blackbird."

"Good to hear that they're all okay, and that they brought your friend back. Hope the noble and my colleague aren't too annoyed at me. One of the children gave me a name, so I am keeping tabs on him. Temple of Erastil said he was adopted, sent my familiar to check out the situation. The family seems alright, and the kid was very amused by a tiny dragon insisting that he learn to read."


"A worthwhile endeavor if there ever was one. So you are... being the mysterious mentor wizard to him? Hm." The hum doesn't sound disapproving, just thoughtful. She's not sure why else you would keep tabs on a random child that you're not raising. And this is one of those obscure wizard hobbies that they get up to. Like living in towers and having extremely heated arguments about obscure magical theory. "Let me know if you need a mysterious prophetic bird to lead him out of trouble, or something. I consider you owed a minor favor, for your help and company."


"Mysterious mentor wizard, you've got it. If he does something interesting, at least. If not I'll just help him exactly three times, without ever telling him, and then consider it done. If ever the situation needs a bird, I will keep you in mind."

"I would not call it a favor unless you insist. Interesting company and working together during a crisis is its own reward."


"True, but I would have had trouble carrying anyone at all up or down from anywhere in particular. The downsides of turning into a bird."


Ah, this game. "True, but I could not have dispersed a mob with plants and wind. Downsides of preparing spells for a day like today, instead of for a riot."


Snort. "Fair enough. We can call it even. Thank you all the same. You are... here as a curious observer, assisting a delegate?" She did spot the guy that this wizard was making water for, and the way he was acting like a good scribe. It was pretty funny.


"He hired me to be his assistant, yes. I had to teach him how to have political opinions, but he's doing well now. They forgot to make some slots for meddling foreign wizards, a surprising oversight considering the recent history of the country, so this seemed the best way in."


"Possibly they considered all of the slots already filled by themselves," points out Voshrelka, dryly. "But if they look askance at you, you can have your familiar pretend to be a druid. Anferita hasn't sent a delegate as of yet."


"I could never usurp political power from the druids right after one of them–" making an assumption but it seems safe– "helped me get my bearings and did some thrilling heroics with me. It would be rude."


Yeah, it's totally safe, she has leaves on her face and turns into a bird. She's an extremely druidy druid that druids all over the place, druidily.

"I really doubt Anferita is going to send anyone, and we're not politically complicated, as a group. Say cutting forests is bad and killing dryads is evil, and you'd get a commendation for going out of your way on behalf of their interests."


“Well, if I need to, I will let my familiar know. He is probably willing to claim to be a fey from a different forest than his actual one. Right now I am working in the interests of my delegate, as he figures out what his interests actually are. With one or three side projects of course.”


“Of course. Just providing alternatives if they become necessary.” She inclines her head. “Anyway, it seemed apt to say hello, I am not always a bird. So. Hello, I am not always a bird. Let me know if you want introductions of some kind to the strange sorts we of the wood pick up, or just an amusing nature portent for something.”


"My thanks, and happy you stopped by to say hello. Good to know you are not always a bird, I would have wasted a commune with birds spell next time I wanted to get in touch. Let me know if you want introductions to kind of people we of the cities pick up, or to join another adventuring party. There is a lich I may have to deal with at some point in the future."


“A lich? Sure, why not. I’d be happy to help.” Also she wants more circles, and the archmages will currently pay for her resurrection, so. Lich hunting just makes sense right now.


“We are negotiating right now to get some of her spells published and a play made based on her. But when that’s done, or if she turns hostile, lair raiding time. I’ll let you know when.”


That sounds like exactly the sort of weird nonsense wizards get up to. She nods, then departs to attempt to soak up some sunlight before she's dragged back to the argument room.

Here Ends This Thread
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