Site News
Release 2024-09-29

  • Post notifications now have their own feature, rather than being integrated into site messages; see Notifications on the top bar. (Old notifications will not be immediately migrated.)
  • Added a markdown editor mode. This may struggle with multiple newlines; manually adding <br /> should resolve this.
  • Clarified the signup page
  • Added an option to disallow posts and continuities you've hidden from unread from appearing in other posts lists or the daily report
  • Large continuities, character lists, galleries, and gallery lists will now paginate.
Bug fixes
  • Made user#edit work for reader users again
  • Made an api method actually check if you're logged in when filtering what you can see
  • Added more tools for developers
  • Some memory improvements to how we handle text internally
  • Upgraded several dependencies, including ruby, postgresql and redis versions
  • Reduced the amount of data we unnecessarily ask the database for in several cases.
  • Fixed one of our test tools
Full GitHub changelog here: changelog
Posted on by teceler