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"Thank you." He can bow and back off to where Alex is.


" - and then," says Valia, thinking along similar lines to Victòria, "if they tell you about something terrible, you and Alicia will consult Lluisa and compose a very legal speech or pamphlet about it and avenge it with the justice system."


"—I sort of assumed that the justice system wouldn't do anything about the guards hurting people, since they're... part of the justice system. Even though the Queen is Good that seems like a really hard problem to fix. ...I guess if we make sure the Queen sees the pamphlet or hears the speeches it would probably work."


She has a cached thought wondering why it would possibly matter if it was legal or not before she remembers the trial result. It’d probably be worth doing to solve a big enough problem even if she got arrested for it, but - it’d certainly be better for her nerves to not be. And better for all of her surviving things. 

“That’s one advantage of being convention delegates. But we could probably also try talking to Feliu or Ser Cansellarion or someone, the queen would listen to them.

“…Maybe I should make a pamphlet saying people should come to me if people are being evil in the ways that the guards won’t stop. In general, not just about the prisons.”


"I think that would be a good idea, if you will be able to - protect them - maybe you should ask the Queen for assurance that if people come to you about evils the guards won't stop she won't read your mind to learn who came to you that way. I think that a Lawful Good queen would promise that. And that way - not that people will trust it, at first, but it'll be true, and that matters."


"I'm not sure how we'd get an audience with the Queen, do you know how we'd do that?"


" You can write her letters, though, I think. The prosecutor lady did, and Feliu did."


Victòria doesn't know how you write a letter that the Queen will actually read but probably she can ask Feliu about that when she talks to him this evening.


(Jilia has approached close enough to overhear and is inwardly beaming. Yes, she surely set herself up as one of the committed radicals in the Convention. Yes, she burned a lot of political capital. Yes, none of the investment in Valia will pay off for anyone in Cheliax until she spends a year or more in Lastwall being catechized. But everything the girl does points to that investment being entirely worthwhile. Formidable.)


The idea of writing a letter to the queen is pretty terrifying even though objectively it’s probably not as bad as getting arrested. It’s fine, if she has to do it she’ll just… make sure she has heroism up when she sends it, then, and push her way through it.

She doesn’t notice the archduchess. It’d be an embarrassing lapse on her part if she knew she didn’t but she wasn’t really expecting to notice people spying on her anyway.


Laia flows past in the crowd and doesn't try to fight through it to Valia but she waves and blows a kiss.


Victòria feels like she should have more things to say before Valia leaves for Lastwall, but she doesn't actually know what to say. Instead she is going to cling pathetically to Valia and Alicia until someone else says something or makes her stop.


Valia would also like to hug them forever but she should stop using the church's resources and it hasn't escaped her that both Feliu and Ser Cansellarion and standing there waiting for her. "Thank you both. Take care. Be safe." 




"—you as well. Gods watch over you."


"I'll try."

Alicia would follow with 'you as well' but it's obviously redundant with Victoria having said it and somehow all her words are failing her right now. Valia is obviously going to be fine, she's going with the paladins of Iomedae to go to Iomedae's country, and it still somehow feels like she's never going to see Valia again. Maybe what she really needs to do is find a way to get another circle and figure out scrying.


Valia smiles tightly at them and turns around. "Right, I'm ready to go."


Lluïsa is relieved and a bit melancholy to see her client exit with paladin escort.

See, acquittals don't exist, this is just a really bizarre form of conviction involving paladins.

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