"I would have, in my Naiveté, expected President Cotonnet to Promptly Opine on any Potential Lawbreaking. But his Silence is not as Salutary to me as could be Hoped for; he has made a habit of Silence, to all appearances Napping Soundly as his chief Manner of Presiding. The Archduchess is of high Rank, presiding over two notable Governments, those of the City of Kintargo and the Archduchy of Ravounel, and to be expected to know the Law at least as well as any in that Hall. Moreover as a matter of Practicality the Archduchess is Helpfully Inclined and able to be Located, while the Archmage is presumably in his own Plane of Archmagery or Tower of Wizardry or else in Far Castrovel or wherever it is Archmages retire to."
"The Archduchess is an Exemplar of the silence of the Whole Hall as regards any Thought that the Speech may have been Unlawful, and a Notable one, not being a Retiring Personality but having immediately spoken in Opposition to it."