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"Of course. I expect he'd be willing." Feliu can go find him. 


The scout nods. "She'll be along in a minute or two if you want to wait for her. Her escort may spare a teleport from her staff."


- there's Victòria. Valia's going to stumble up to Victòria and hug her. "I thought I would never see you again."


Hug. Very tight hug. "I'm so glad you're alright. 

—you were right about the Queen."


"Mmmhmm." Hughughughug. "There's - it's not that everything is all right. It isn't. I don't even think the Queen wants us to pretend so. But - but she's trying, she must be trying so hard, I can't even think how I'd do something like this if I spent all my time trying to build it - I was scared, you know, that they'd hang me which I don't think would really have been all that terribly unfair, and that you would decide to fight the Queen and die -"


Victòria thinks she'd've been more likely to decide to fight the prosecutor and the magistrate and all the Evil nobles who tried to help them get Valia killed, and then die, but she's pretty sure that would not be even slightly reassuring.

"—I think the guard is almost certainly keeping an eye on what I do." Because of the arson, but she's not going to say that out loud in public. "So anything that might get me executed is only worth doing if it's worth definitely getting executed, and there are probably some things like that but — I think not very many of them, now that Asmodeus isn't in charge anymore."


"Well you owe me nothing but I'd be very personally grateful if you obeyed the law and the Queen and did not get yourself into horrible trouble of any kind. Where things are not just there are other ways to fix them. - they're going to take me to Pezzack, so I can make sure that the rumors do not break there in a very damaging way, and then to Lastwall, where the Church is, where I can't make anything go horribly wrong out of ignorance."




It shouldn't be upsetting that Valia is going to Lastwall. Lastwall is probably a perfectly nice country full of people just like Valia, or at least like Feliu and Blai and Delegate Cansellarion. Valia will be fine. She might even be better off, if it keeps her safe from the nobles who want her dead. It's just — it's just that it feels very much like Valia is dying and going to Heaven, where Victòria will never be able to see her ever again.

"I — don't want to promise that I definitely won't get into horrible trouble, there's lots of nobles and Alicia thinks probably some of them want me dead — but I can try not to break the law without a really good reason that you'd definitely agree with? And — do you know if it's possible to send letters between Lastwall and Westcrown? And if they'll have someone who can read them to you, and take dictation to send them back? I can write to you, and then you'll know that I'm okay and not in trouble or anything." And it'll be a little less like Valia being off in Heaven. 

(Victòria has never in her life seen an accurate map of even the whole of Cheliax, let alone Avistan; accurate maps of Cheliax are the sort of thing that make it easier for people to run away to Andoran.)


"I think it's possible to send letters? And I don't mean to be gone forever, just for long enough to become - a proper priest of Iomedae who doesn't do awful things that Iomedae would have told her not to."


Hug. "Do you know how long it'll be until you're back?"


"I have no idea. I am meaning to - do what I am told. The Church has been very generous to me and I have caused them an enormous amount of harm and I don't want to make that worse. If they say in a month I have learned all I need to, I'll come back. If they send me to the Worldwound - I'll serve at the Worldwound."


Victòria really hopes they do not send Valia to get eaten by demons at the Worldwound. Obviously there should be someone fighting at the Worldwound but there are plenty of people other than Valia who could do it.

"...I hope very much that I will see you again, and I hope it will be sooner rather than later, but even if it isn't I'm glad that you're safe. And I'll write to you as often as I can so that you know I haven't gotten into trouble. And if it turns out there's no one in Lastwall who can read your letters to you I can... draw pictures, or something."


"I am sure there will be someone who can read things to me at least occasionally. ....thank you. I was very glad of you, through this whole ordeal, except when I feared I'd gotten you killed."


Hug. " wouldn't've been your fault if they killed me, anyways. I — even when I thought they were going to kill me I never wished I hadn't met you—"


Oh. She's very very glad of that, somehow. Cling. 


- also there's Alicia. "Alicia!"



She’s not pushing her way through the crowd, both because that would be rude and also because she’s flatly incapable of it, but she’s near enough by then it doesn’t take much longer to get close.


She can join the hug. "I'm so glad you're okay - I'm sorry I got you arrested."


Being arrested was in fact terrifying but it would be ridiculous to blame Valia for that, it’s not like she did anything wrong. Alicia feels a sudden burst of understanding for how Raimon feels.

“I can’t say I’d do it again when there are so many things I’d do differently, but I don’t regret trying to help you. Though it does help that the guards were a lot less bad than I expected.”


"It's really quite a good justice system Her Majesty has set up. At least when it's a high profile case. ....that thought gave me the temptation to get anonymously arrested and compose a review of the justice system from that perspective but even though this apparently wouldn't be a sin on my part according to the paladins it'd be very very stupid."


“I think I could have done it before but it would be particularly stupid to do now… maybe can find someone who was already arrested and then talk to them, that’s definitely not illegal.”


"I think that's a good idea, do you know how to find people who've been arrested and let go again?"


"You could put out a pamphlet, say the judiciary committee's asking, and maybe a different one saying a priestess of Calistria's asking and different people will want to come forward to you."


“Oh, that could be smart. I’m not used to thinking of pamphlets. I was thinking that the fastest way is probably to ask a guard, since they don’t tend to keep that a secret, but I think if I wanted to be sure they weren’t hiding the worst cases I would have had to just talk to a lot of people and ask if they knew anyone who had been arrested.”


Feliu returns! To Alex - "He'll do it but need a scry target in Pezzack for accuracy." To Victoria "- Delegate Ferrer, should you have time I would like to speak with you about your recent release from prison, if you have time today or tomorrow."


(Victòria is a little worried that if she puts out an advertisement for recent prisoners who want to talk to a Calistrian priestess, someone is going to tell her about something she obviously needs to avenge, and then she'll die and Valia will be upset. Probably this is a silly thing to worry about.)

To Feliu:

"I don't have any plans for this evening or anything. I can talk to you once I'm done talking to Valia and Alicia, if that works for you."

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