Carlota arrives the following morning to the Convention in a good mood. The Badgers are still up on the walls, yes, but if anyone complains she has a spectacularly good rejoinder prepared.
Also, this afternoon Safe Roads is going to consider adopting all of Lastwall's lich-related rules. It turns out Lastwall feels strongly about liches and has lots of good ideas for rules to ensure they can't go around living in your cities, who'd have guessed?
He spoke against it; he will vote against it. May they bring something he could vote for instead.
No. For all the reasons before, and also it would mean putting more nobles in the army and they can be corrosive to chains of command.
He doesn’t really care if other people want to have metatitles even though they’re stupid, certainly not enough to break his record of abstaining on every vote.
Against, wizards already cost too much, if they get titles it will be even worse.
For? If it fails Coeliaris might not get to the part about the Hellknights. It's not like he cares very much about who is or isn't a noble.
Against, a hundred times over. If a wizard wants to be a noble they should either cultivate sufficient virtues an existing noble is willing to tie their dynasty to them or else perform a sufficiently meritous deed to the state that the crown disburses some of its land to them on the merits.
Very suspicious about what this actually does, and whether it gives a ton of third circle wizards a bunch of legal privileges. Against.
Even with all the arguments against, they do really need good wizards. And money.
And she could get a title.
No one's allowed to complain about how much a proposal costs now because they voted down a fundraising measure! This is definitely how politics works. Another big win by the magic committee.
This is great, if any of his ideas for revisions work to get it passed, he will look really clever to Professor Coeliaris!
Professor Coeliaris withdraws from the podium at this point, in order to speak again with the magic committee.