Carlota arrives the following morning to the Convention in a good mood. The Badgers are still up on the walls, yes, but if anyone complains she has a spectacularly good rejoinder prepared.
Also, this afternoon Safe Roads is going to consider adopting all of Lastwall's lich-related rules. It turns out Lastwall feels strongly about liches and has lots of good ideas for rules to ensure they can't go around living in your cities, who'd have guessed?
Usually when Taís is confused about how she's supposed to vote it's because there are a lot of people on both sides saying things that she might be supposed to listen to but this time it's because none of the arguments on either side really seem important.
Abstain. They didn't punish her for it yesterday.
He's not entirely sure what he's supposed to do now. Maybe just enjoy his Big Bag of Money? Abstain.
More people with noble titles is bad. If they paid enough money it meant less taxes that would be one thing, but it sounded like this was a one time sale? Against.
For. Even if he had a reason to be against he can’t risk Coeliaris checking with detect thought if he’s going to continue to be aligned with her.
Feather thinks Cheliax could stand to have fewer wizards and has no idea what downstream effects this law would have. Abstain.
For. She’s learned on the Education Committee how desperate the funding situation is.
The sorceress that bought his vote is for, so he is as well! He's less afraid of the other people that he sold his vote to, they probably can't check with the secret ballots now. (The price for votes is lower, now, but that just means you need to sell it more times to make up the difference!)
"Metabaron" completely sucks, she needs to go adventure or something before this is relevant, for.
This one is even more strongly in her favor, but the idea of some of the asmodean wizards coming back as counts is something she really doesn’t want. Adventuring a bit more and becoming a metabaron isn’t worth it by far.
Well, it’s kind of lame to be actually aiming for a meta title, but maybe this will get more wizards to come back to Cheliax. In favor.