Carlota arrives the following morning to the Convention in a good mood. The Badgers are still up on the walls, yes, but if anyone complains she has a spectacularly good rejoinder prepared.
Also, this afternoon Safe Roads is going to consider adopting all of Lastwall's lich-related rules. It turns out Lastwall feels strongly about liches and has lots of good ideas for rules to ensure they can't go around living in your cities, who'd have guessed?
There are currently legally not actually any rights of the nobility, not that she really wants to get into that argument here and now.
And yet, if Victòria chased another delegate through the convention hall with a sword for insulting her, she'd hang for it.
Maybe, just maybe, the proper thing for a country to do is not have a ‘the rights of nobility’ at all. Give rights to everyone, or no one, it’s not complicated.
Safe Roads is going to gently introduce some obvious rights of the nobility but they can word them to not apply to Metatitles anyway; they'll be about what a lord can do in his own territory.
If the metatitles bill goes back to committee… Fernando has thought of modification that will act as a bribe for nobility to vote for it. And it will indirectly associate metatitled wizards with territory!
"Noble and Great Delegates! None of us are here without goals. I run a school for wizards. I would like Cheliax to be like the Cheliax of the past, the Great Cheliax before hell got its claws in it, the Cheliax many of you remember. A state that does not have wizard universities is a state that is weakened. Education should be voluntary, but it is certainly sad when clever urchins spend their time distributing filthy pamplets rather than learn to cast [Ant Haul] and work as laborers."
"Cheliax used to have powerful wizards that spent their wealth here. Many of them have left- and this might bring them back. The state has need of money, and this will put coins in the pockets of our Noble Queen. Men enjoy titles- look at what adventurers will do for them, and this will grant them to them for a fixed sum of money- speak to the Abadarans of the benefit of fixed prices. It is frequently difficult to know what a wizard might accomplish, and putting the imprimatur of the state on the capabilities of specific wizards would be beneficial."
"In all- this is something that this convention can create, for free, to be able to sell. It is rare to be able to create money with no effort, and we should take the opportunity."
"I call for cloture on this proposal."
It's going to be a lot harder to stop the schools if there's enough money to pay for them. Against.
They shouldn't make it even easier for powerful wizards to just go around hurting whoever they want. Against.
This proposal seems to fundamentally misunderstand the concept of nobility. Against.
Antoni has no interest in being expected to treat any rich third-circle wizard with pretensions as equal in rank to him, not that anyone would actually expect him to. Against.
No one is actually going to take the metatitles seriously, but sure, if there are wizards who want to waste their money on a metatitle they can donate it to the wizarding schools.
This law seems underspecified in a number of particulars, as evidenced by the number of speakers who disagree about what it would actually do. This is admittedly true of many of the laws they've passed, but Marit feels particularly unequipped to evaluate this one. Abstain.