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Jordi is in favor of continuing to be bribed by the wizard for as many days as possible, and getting a stipend for as many days as possible. They should take a loooooot more days to discuss everything. Hey that's another political opinion! He has two now!


She nods to Korva. "I was not here for the first day, as I was engaged in the business of the Westcrown College of Wizardry. A matter of summoning circles, that could have loosed demons across Westcrown if it had gone amiss. Today I am here again, but who knows for tomorrow? I am a working teacher, and I would welcome positive outcomes from the committee on Education in whatever form they take, whenever they arrive. All these Great Men-" (She indicates the nobles) "- need soon to return to their homes, to preserve their lands against the terrors of the forest and the earth. Many of these Worthy Men-" (She indicates the Sortitioned) "-need to see to their farms and families. There's yet tomorrow to work, but that's no reason not to hasten today's work."

She nods at Theopho. "The reason I would place these titles at the very first, in the hands of those who have circles, such as the priests" (she nods at Jaume) "the wizards (she nods at Carlota) and the sorcerers" (she nods at Lucia)- "is that it is very easy to see what circle and title that one qualifies for. If we were to grant them to the adventurers, perhaps we would need a standardized army of summoned creatures, always the same ones, and see how fast they might be killed by the great adventurers. Let us do so, if we want. This proposal does not eliminate the chance of another."

"The constitution and the laws are no house. If we make the lives of the indebted wizards better today, it will not make them worse tomorrow. I hear that the committee on forests is now considering farms. I hear that the committee on safe roads is considering cities. I hear that the committee on the monarchy is considering a senate. There's yet tomorrow to work, but tomorrow there will be more work to do." 


"Debt relief may be useful now, though it is not an emergency. It's the dual-track system I take issue with. This may be a fine idea, but I don't think it's an idea for the academies, most of which only serve adult students who have already mastered cantrips. It's an idea for the wizard prep schools, which are currently not in operation. As an anonymous delegate said a few moments ago, we have not determined yet whether we will have the rest of a school system. We should not make decisions about its teaching tracks until we have determined whether it exists and how it will be organized."


"The magic committee is to decide matters of magic. Not restricting things to only casters."

"Or else the committee full of wizards will decide everything should be a privilege only for wizards."

"Give education back to education! Give metatitles to a committee that knows honors are for the Queen to give out to whoever she pleases, wizard or no!"

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