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Version: 1
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The First Slate of Proposals from the Committee on Magic

Coeliaris gets to go third, despite having shown up early. If this annoys her, it doesn't show.  She'll prepare Dimension Door next time.

"Esteemed delegates, honorable members of the convention, fellows of our newly liberated Cheliax!

I, Senior Professor Coeliaris, of the Westcrown College of Wizardry, come before you as a voice for the responsible regulation of magic in our reborn nation, and as Chairman of the Committee on Magic."

Coeliaris waves a paper dramatically in the air.

"This is why I'm here! A letter, from the Archduchess of a hundred years ago, from Arodenite Cheliax, to me, stating that I am permitted to reside in the city, the Country, and that for the purpose of the Laws of Aroden, that I count as human! This document not only legitimizes my presence here today but also serves as a bridge between our past and our future, reminding us of the ideals we once held and now seek to reclaim. It is with great deliberation and debate that the Convention on Magic committee has formulated this first Slate of proposals. We therefore ask of the Honored Delegates that they place their seal on the following laws, all of which passed through the committee on magic on the first vote. My apprentice will be maintaining an illusory page, sufficiently large for all to see, above, with the text we have formulated. 

"The Establishment of a Good Spell Lord
First and foremost, the creation of the office of Spell Lord, in the style of Absalom, a position of utmost importance in our new government. This individual must be of demonstrably Good alignment, an will be charged with the regulation of magic. It is the sense of the committee that this post be offered to our esteemed President, whose pivotal role cannot be overstated. The Spell Lord will have the authority to draft and enforce regulations on magical practices, and intervene in cases where magic poses a threat to public safety."

"Hellknight Enforcement
To give teeth to the Spell Lord's authority, who may not always be an archmage, the assigning of the relevant orders of Hellknights, or whatever they will be called in the future, to serve under his command."

"Standardized Contracts for Magic Schools
A standardized contract system for magic schools to be written and enforced on colleges of magic, linking the maximal repayment to the circle of magic achieved by the student. This fair and equitable system will encourage aspiring wizards to pursue their studies without fear of insurmountable debt, while still ensuring that our educational institutions remain financially viable. Under this system, a wizard who achieves mastery of higher circles will pay more, reflecting their increased earning potential. "

"Debt Relief for Unsuccessful Students
In recognition of the challenges faced by those who do not achieve even cantrip-level magic,  a substantial debt reduction for students who surrender their spellbooks. This compassionate measure will prevent a lifetime of burden for those unsuited to the arcane arts. Specifically, a half reduction in outstanding debt for those who fail to master even cantrips, and a quarter reduction for those who achieve cantrips but fail to master first-circle spells. This first offer would be contingent upon the burning of the spellbook of the student in question."

"Deregulation of Magic Teaching
By removing the need for teaching licenses, we open the doors to a more diverse and dynamic magical education system. This will foster innovation and allow for a broader dissemination of arcane knowledge. However, this deregulation does not mean a free-for-all. The Spell Lord will still have the authority to intervene in cases where magical instruction poses a clear danger to students or the public."

"Dual-Track Education System
The division of magical education into supplemental and primary wizard tracks will allow for more specialized and focused training. This system recognizes that not all practitioners of magic seek to become full-fledged wizards, and provides appropriate educational paths for various arcane pursuits.
The primary track will be an intensive program designed for those who aim to master the highest circles of magic. The supplemental track will cater to those who wish to incorporate magic into other professions, such as the common laundry-wizard."

The establishment of Metatitles, to replace the outdated Paratitles- I heard the words Thrune Lackey in committee- will serve multiple purposes. By selling these titles to any able buyer of sufficient circle, and directing the revenue to our major magic universities, we ensure continued funding for magical education, without burdening the pockets of the President. We likewise give a significant discount for national service and a lesser discount for alumni."

"By implementing these proposals, we take a significant step towards preventing the creation of new magical threats while simultaneously fostering responsible magical growth and education. I urge you all to consider the weight of this moment. As we rebuild our nation, we have the opportunity to set a new standard for the responsible use of magic. Let us not squander this chance. Vote in favor of these laws. Thank you.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Content
The First Slate of Proposals from the Committee on Magic

Coeliaris gets to go third, despite having shown up early. If this annoys her, it doesn't show.  She'll prepare Dimension Door next time.

"Esteemed delegates, honorable members of the convention, fellows of our newly liberated Cheliax!

I, Senior Professor Coeliaris, of the Westcrown College of Wizardry, come before you as a voice for the responsible regulation of magic in our reborn nation, and as Chairman of the Committee on Magic."

Coeliaris waves a paper dramatically in the air.

"This is why I'm here! A letter, from the Archduchess of a hundred years ago, from Arodenite Cheliax, to me, stating that I am permitted to reside in the city, the Country, and that for the purpose of the Laws of Aroden, that I count as human! This document not only legitimizes my presence here today but also serves as a bridge between our past and our future, reminding us of the ideals we once held and now seek to reclaim. It is with great deliberation and debate that the Convention on Magic committee has formulated this first Slate of proposals. We therefore ask of the Honored Delegates that they place their seal on the following laws, all of which passed through the committee on magic on the first vote. My apprentice will be maintaining an illusory page, sufficiently large for all to see, above, with the text we have formulated. 

"The Establishment of a Good Spell Lord
First and foremost, the creation of the office of Spell Lord, in the style of Absalom, a position of utmost importance in our new government. This individual must be of demonstrably Good alignment, an will be charged with the regulation of magic. It is the sense of the committee that this post be offered to our esteemed President, whose pivotal role cannot be overstated. The Spell Lord will have the authority to draft and enforce regulations on magical practices, and intervene in cases where magic poses a threat to public safety."

"Hellknight Enforcement
To give teeth to the Spell Lord's authority, who may not always be an archmage, the assigning of the relevant orders of Hellknights, or whatever they will be called in the future, to serve under his command."

"Standardized Contracts for Magic Schools
A standardized contract system for magic schools to be written and enforced on colleges of magic, linking the maximal repayment to the circle of magic achieved by the student. This fair and equitable system will encourage aspiring wizards to pursue their studies without fear of insurmountable debt, while still ensuring that our educational institutions remain financially viable. Under this system, a wizard who achieves mastery of higher circles will pay more, reflecting their increased earning potential. "

"Debt Relief for Unsuccessful Students
In recognition of the challenges faced by those who do not achieve even cantrip-level magic,  a substantial debt reduction for students who surrender their spellbooks. This compassionate measure will prevent a lifetime of burden for those unsuited to the arcane arts. Specifically, a half reduction in outstanding debt for those who fail to master even cantrips, and a quarter reduction for those who achieve cantrips but fail to master first-circle spells. This first offer would be contingent upon the burning of the spellbook of the student in question."

"Deregulation of Magic Teaching
By removing the need for teaching licenses, we open the doors to a more diverse and dynamic magical education system. This will foster innovation and allow for a broader dissemination of arcane knowledge. However, this deregulation does not mean a free-for-all. The Spell Lord will still have the authority to intervene in cases where magical instruction poses a clear danger to students or the public."

"Dual-Track Education System
The division of magical education into supplemental and primary wizard tracks will allow for more specialized and focused training. This system recognizes that not all practitioners of magic seek to become full-fledged wizards, and provides appropriate educational paths for various arcane pursuits.
The primary track will be an intensive program designed for those who aim to master the highest circles of magic. The supplemental track will cater to those who wish to incorporate magic into other professions, such as the common laundry-wizard."

The establishment of Metatitles, to replace the outdated Paratitles- I heard the words Thrune Lackey in committee- will serve multiple purposes. By selling these titles to any able buyer of sufficient circle, and directing the revenue to our major magic universities, we ensure continued funding for magical education, without burdening the pockets of the President. We likewise give a significant discount for national service and a lesser discount for alumni."

"By implementing these proposals, we take a significant step towards preventing the creation of new magical threats while simultaneously fostering responsible magical growth and education. I urge you all to consider the weight of this moment. As we rebuild our nation, we have the opportunity to set a new standard for the responsible use of magic. Let us not squander this chance. Vote in favor of these laws. Thank you."

Version: 3
Fields Changed Subject, authors locked
The First Slate of Proposals from the Committee on Magic [OPEN]]

Coeliaris gets to go third, despite having shown up early. If this annoys her, it doesn't show.  She'll prepare Dimension Door next time.

"Esteemed delegates, honorable members of the convention, fellows of our newly liberated Cheliax!

I, Senior Professor Coeliaris, of the Westcrown College of Wizardry, come before you as a voice for the responsible regulation of magic in our reborn nation, and as Chairman of the Committee on Magic."

Coeliaris waves a paper dramatically in the air.

"This is why I'm here! A letter, from the Archduchess of a hundred years ago, from Arodenite Cheliax, to me, stating that I am permitted to reside in the city, the Country, and that for the purpose of the Laws of Aroden, that I count as human! This document not only legitimizes my presence here today but also serves as a bridge between our past and our future, reminding us of the ideals we once held and now seek to reclaim. It is with great deliberation and debate that the Convention on Magic committee has formulated this first Slate of proposals. We therefore ask of the Honored Delegates that they place their seal on the following laws, all of which passed through the committee on magic on the first vote. My apprentice will be maintaining an illusory page, sufficiently large for all to see, above, with the text we have formulated. 

"The Establishment of a Good Spell Lord
First and foremost, the creation of the office of Spell Lord, in the style of Absalom, a position of utmost importance in our new government. This individual must be of demonstrably Good alignment, an will be charged with the regulation of magic. It is the sense of the committee that this post be offered to our esteemed President, whose pivotal role cannot be overstated. The Spell Lord will have the authority to draft and enforce regulations on magical practices, and intervene in cases where magic poses a threat to public safety."

"Hellknight Enforcement
To give teeth to the Spell Lord's authority, who may not always be an archmage, the assigning of the relevant orders of Hellknights, or whatever they will be called in the future, to serve under his command."

"Standardized Contracts for Magic Schools
A standardized contract system for magic schools to be written and enforced on colleges of magic, linking the maximal repayment to the circle of magic achieved by the student. This fair and equitable system will encourage aspiring wizards to pursue their studies without fear of insurmountable debt, while still ensuring that our educational institutions remain financially viable. Under this system, a wizard who achieves mastery of higher circles will pay more, reflecting their increased earning potential. "

"Debt Relief for Unsuccessful Students
In recognition of the challenges faced by those who do not achieve even cantrip-level magic,  a substantial debt reduction for students who surrender their spellbooks. This compassionate measure will prevent a lifetime of burden for those unsuited to the arcane arts. Specifically, a half reduction in outstanding debt for those who fail to master even cantrips, and a quarter reduction for those who achieve cantrips but fail to master first-circle spells. This first offer would be contingent upon the burning of the spellbook of the student in question."

"Deregulation of Magic Teaching
By removing the need for teaching licenses, we open the doors to a more diverse and dynamic magical education system. This will foster innovation and allow for a broader dissemination of arcane knowledge. However, this deregulation does not mean a free-for-all. The Spell Lord will still have the authority to intervene in cases where magical instruction poses a clear danger to students or the public."

"Dual-Track Education System
The division of magical education into supplemental and primary wizard tracks will allow for more specialized and focused training. This system recognizes that not all practitioners of magic seek to become full-fledged wizards, and provides appropriate educational paths for various arcane pursuits.
The primary track will be an intensive program designed for those who aim to master the highest circles of magic. The supplemental track will cater to those who wish to incorporate magic into other professions, such as the common laundry-wizard."

The establishment of Metatitles, to replace the outdated Paratitles- I heard the words Thrune Lackey in committee- will serve multiple purposes. By selling these titles to any able buyer of sufficient circle, and directing the revenue to our major magic universities, we ensure continued funding for magical education, without burdening the pockets of the President. We likewise give a significant discount for national service and a lesser discount for alumni."

"By implementing these proposals, we take a significant step towards preventing the creation of new magical threats while simultaneously fostering responsible magical growth and education. I urge you all to consider the weight of this moment. As we rebuild our nation, we have the opportunity to set a new standard for the responsible use of magic. Let us not squander this chance. Vote in favor of these laws. Thank you."

Version: 4
Fields Changed Content, subject
The First Slate of Proposed Laws from the Committee on Magic [OPEN]]

Coeliaris gets to go third, despite having shown up early. If this annoys her, it doesn't show.  She'll prepare Dimension Door next time.

"Esteemed delegates, honorable members of the convention, fellows of our newly liberated Cheliax!

I, Senior Professor Coeliaris, of the Westcrown College of Wizardry, come before you as a voice for the responsible regulation of magic in our reborn nation, and as Chairman of the Committee on Magic."

Coeliaris waves a paper dramatically in the air.

"This is why I'm here! A letter, from the Archduchess of a hundred years ago, from Arodenite Cheliax, to me, stating that I am permitted to reside in the city, the Country, and that for the purpose of the Laws of Aroden, that I count as human! This document not only legitimizes my presence here today but also serves as a bridge between our past and our future, reminding us of the ideals we once held and now seek to reclaim. It is with great deliberation and debate that the Convention on Magic committee has formulated this first Slate of Proposed Laws. We therefore ask of the Honored Delegates that they place their seal on the following proposals, all of which passed through the committee on magic on the first vote. My apprentice will be maintaining an illusory page, sufficiently large for all to see, above, with the text we have formulated. 

"The Establishment of a Good Spell Lord
First and foremost, the creation of the office of Spell Lord, in the style of Absalom, a position of utmost importance in our new government. This individual must be of demonstrably Good alignment, an will be charged with the regulation of magic. It is the sense of the committee that this post be offered to our esteemed President, whose pivotal role cannot be overstated. The Spell Lord will have the authority to draft and enforce regulations on magical practices, and intervene in cases where magic poses a threat to public safety."

"Hellknight Enforcement
To give teeth to the Spell Lord's authority, who may not always be an archmage, the assigning of the relevant orders of Hellknights, or whatever they will be called in the future, to serve under his command."

"Standardized Contracts for Magic Schools
A standardized contract system for magic schools to be written and enforced on colleges of magic, linking the maximal repayment to the circle of magic achieved by the student. This fair and equitable system will encourage aspiring wizards to pursue their studies without fear of insurmountable debt, while still ensuring that our educational institutions remain financially viable. Under this system, a wizard who achieves mastery of higher circles will pay more, reflecting their increased earning potential. "

"Debt Relief for Unsuccessful Students
In recognition of the challenges faced by those who do not achieve even cantrip-level magic,  a substantial debt reduction for students who surrender their spellbooks. This compassionate measure will prevent a lifetime of burden for those unsuited to the arcane arts. Specifically, a half reduction in outstanding debt for those who fail to master even cantrips, and a quarter reduction for those who achieve cantrips but fail to master first-circle spells. This first offer would be contingent upon the burning of the spellbook of the student in question."

"Deregulation of Magic Teaching
By removing the need for teaching licenses, we open the doors to a more diverse and dynamic magical education system. This will foster innovation and allow for a broader dissemination of arcane knowledge. However, this deregulation does not mean a free-for-all. The Spell Lord will still have the authority to intervene in cases where magical instruction poses a clear danger to students or the public."

"Dual-Track Education System
The division of magical education into supplemental and primary wizard tracks will allow for more specialized and focused training. This system recognizes that not all practitioners of magic seek to become full-fledged wizards, and provides appropriate educational paths for various arcane pursuits.
The primary track will be an intensive program designed for those who aim to master the highest circles of magic. The supplemental track will cater to those who wish to incorporate magic into other professions, such as the common laundry-wizard."

The establishment of Metatitles, to replace the outdated Paratitles- I heard the words Thrune Lackey in committee- will serve multiple purposes. By selling these titles to any able buyer of sufficient circle, and directing the revenue to our major magic universities, we ensure continued funding for magical education, without burdening the pockets of the President. We likewise give a significant discount for national service and a lesser discount for alumni."

"By implementing these proposals, we take a significant step towards preventing the creation of new magical threats while simultaneously fostering responsible magical growth and education. I urge you all to consider the weight of this moment. As we rebuild our nation, we have the opportunity to set a new standard for the responsible use of magic. Let us not squander this chance. Vote in favor of these laws. Thank you."

Version: 5
Fields Changed Content
The First Slate of Proposed Laws from the Committee on Magic [OPEN]]

Coeliaris gets to go third, despite having shown up early. If this annoys her, it doesn't show.  She'll prepare Dimension Door next time.

"Esteemed delegates, honorable members of the convention, fellows of our newly liberated Cheliax!

I, Senior Professor Coeliaris, of the Westcrown College of Wizardry, come before you as a voice for the responsible regulation of magic in our reborn nation, and as Chairman of the Committee on Magic."

Coeliaris waves a paper dramatically in the air.

"This is why I'm here! A letter, from the Archduchess of a hundred years ago, from Arodenite Cheliax, to me, stating that I am permitted to reside in the city, the Country, and that for the purpose of the Laws of Aroden, that I count as human! This document not only legitimizes my presence here today but also serves as a bridge between our past and our future, reminding us of the ideals we once held and now seek to reclaim. It is with great deliberation and debate that the Convention on Magic committee has formulated this first Slate of Proposed Laws. We therefore ask of the Honored Delegates that they place their seal on the following proposals, all of which passed through the committee on magic on the first vote. My apprentice will be maintaining an illusory page, sufficiently large for all to see, above, with the text we have formulated. 

"The Establishment of a Good Spell Lord
First and foremost, the creation of the office of Spell Lord, in the style of Absalom, a position of utmost importance in our new government. This individual must be of demonstrably Good alignment, an will be charged with the regulation of magic. It is the sense of the committee that this post be offered to our esteemed President, whose pivotal role cannot be overstated. The Spell Lord will have the authority to draft and enforce regulations on magical practices, and intervene in cases where magic poses a threat to public safety."

"Hellknight Enforcement
To give teeth to the Spell Lord's authority, who may not always be an archmage, the assigning of the relevant orders of Hellknights, or whatever they will be called in the future, to serve under his command."

"Standardized Contracts for Magic Schools
A standardized contract system for magic schools to be written and enforced on colleges of magic, linking the maximal repayment to the circle of magic achieved by the student. This fair and equitable system will encourage aspiring wizards to pursue their studies without fear of insurmountable debt, while still ensuring that our educational institutions remain financially viable. Under this system, a wizard who achieves mastery of higher circles will pay more, reflecting their increased earning potential. "

"Debt Relief for Unsuccessful Students
In recognition of the challenges faced by those who do not achieve even cantrip-level magic,  a substantial debt reduction for students who surrender their spellbooks. This compassionate measure will prevent a lifetime of burden for those unsuited to the arcane arts. Specifically, a half reduction in outstanding debt for those who fail to master even cantrips, and a quarter reduction for those who achieve cantrips but fail to master first-circle spells. This first offer would be contingent upon the surrender of the spellbook of the student in question."

"Deregulation of Magic Teaching
By removing the need for teaching licenses, we open the doors to a more diverse and dynamic magical education system. This will foster innovation and allow for a broader dissemination of arcane knowledge. However, this deregulation does not mean a free-for-all. The Spell Lord will still have the authority to intervene in cases where magical instruction poses a clear danger to students or the public."

"Dual-Track Education System
The division of magical education into supplemental and primary wizard tracks will allow for more specialized and focused training. This system recognizes that not all practitioners of magic seek to become full-fledged wizards, and provides appropriate educational paths for various arcane pursuits.
The primary track will be an intensive program designed for those who aim to master the highest circles of magic. The supplemental track will cater to those who wish to incorporate magic into other professions, such as the common laundry-wizard."

The establishment of Metatitles, to replace the outdated Paratitles- I heard the words Thrune Lackey in committee- will serve multiple purposes. By selling these titles to any able buyer of sufficient circle, and directing the revenue to our major magic universities, we ensure continued funding for magical education, without burdening the pockets of the President. We likewise give a significant discount for national service and a lesser discount for alumni."

"By implementing these proposals, we take a significant step towards preventing the creation of new magical threats while simultaneously fostering responsible magical growth and education. I urge you all to consider the weight of this moment. As we rebuild our nation, we have the opportunity to set a new standard for the responsible use of magic. Let us not squander this chance. Vote in favor of these laws. Thank you."

Version: 6
Fields Changed Subject
The First Slate of Proposed Laws from the Committee on Magic [OPEN]

Coeliaris gets to go third, despite having shown up early. If this annoys her, it doesn't show.  She'll prepare Dimension Door next time.

"Esteemed delegates, honorable members of the convention, fellows of our newly liberated Cheliax!

I, Senior Professor Coeliaris, of the Westcrown College of Wizardry, come before you as a voice for the responsible regulation of magic in our reborn nation, and as Chairman of the Committee on Magic."

Coeliaris waves a paper dramatically in the air.

"This is why I'm here! A letter, from the Archduchess of a hundred years ago, from Arodenite Cheliax, to me, stating that I am permitted to reside in the city, the Country, and that for the purpose of the Laws of Aroden, that I count as human! This document not only legitimizes my presence here today but also serves as a bridge between our past and our future, reminding us of the ideals we once held and now seek to reclaim. It is with great deliberation and debate that the Convention on Magic committee has formulated this first Slate of Proposed Laws. We therefore ask of the Honored Delegates that they place their seal on the following proposals, all of which passed through the committee on magic on the first vote. My apprentice will be maintaining an illusory page, sufficiently large for all to see, above, with the text we have formulated. 

"The Establishment of a Good Spell Lord
First and foremost, the creation of the office of Spell Lord, in the style of Absalom, a position of utmost importance in our new government. This individual must be of demonstrably Good alignment, an will be charged with the regulation of magic. It is the sense of the committee that this post be offered to our esteemed President, whose pivotal role cannot be overstated. The Spell Lord will have the authority to draft and enforce regulations on magical practices, and intervene in cases where magic poses a threat to public safety."

"Hellknight Enforcement
To give teeth to the Spell Lord's authority, who may not always be an archmage, the assigning of the relevant orders of Hellknights, or whatever they will be called in the future, to serve under his command."

"Standardized Contracts for Magic Schools
A standardized contract system for magic schools to be written and enforced on colleges of magic, linking the maximal repayment to the circle of magic achieved by the student. This fair and equitable system will encourage aspiring wizards to pursue their studies without fear of insurmountable debt, while still ensuring that our educational institutions remain financially viable. Under this system, a wizard who achieves mastery of higher circles will pay more, reflecting their increased earning potential. "

"Debt Relief for Unsuccessful Students
In recognition of the challenges faced by those who do not achieve even cantrip-level magic,  a substantial debt reduction for students who surrender their spellbooks. This compassionate measure will prevent a lifetime of burden for those unsuited to the arcane arts. Specifically, a half reduction in outstanding debt for those who fail to master even cantrips, and a quarter reduction for those who achieve cantrips but fail to master first-circle spells. This first offer would be contingent upon the surrender of the spellbook of the student in question."

"Deregulation of Magic Teaching
By removing the need for teaching licenses, we open the doors to a more diverse and dynamic magical education system. This will foster innovation and allow for a broader dissemination of arcane knowledge. However, this deregulation does not mean a free-for-all. The Spell Lord will still have the authority to intervene in cases where magical instruction poses a clear danger to students or the public."

"Dual-Track Education System
The division of magical education into supplemental and primary wizard tracks will allow for more specialized and focused training. This system recognizes that not all practitioners of magic seek to become full-fledged wizards, and provides appropriate educational paths for various arcane pursuits.
The primary track will be an intensive program designed for those who aim to master the highest circles of magic. The supplemental track will cater to those who wish to incorporate magic into other professions, such as the common laundry-wizard."

The establishment of Metatitles, to replace the outdated Paratitles- I heard the words Thrune Lackey in committee- will serve multiple purposes. By selling these titles to any able buyer of sufficient circle, and directing the revenue to our major magic universities, we ensure continued funding for magical education, without burdening the pockets of the President. We likewise give a significant discount for national service and a lesser discount for alumni."

"By implementing these proposals, we take a significant step towards preventing the creation of new magical threats while simultaneously fostering responsible magical growth and education. I urge you all to consider the weight of this moment. As we rebuild our nation, we have the opportunity to set a new standard for the responsible use of magic. Let us not squander this chance. Vote in favor of these laws. Thank you."