there really can be no peace without justice. Thread open to internal tags/tags which don't disrupt the proceedings
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(Wait, did that man say Cotonnet? Like Archmage Cotonnet? What sort of speeches would Archmage Cotonnet be making that this man could possibly see as supporting him, Archmage Cotonnet wouldn't even let them remove the Evil nobles from the convention!)


Giving him a choice seems… Good, if a touch Anarchic?  Well, Dia will concede to Thea the new regime does some things differently, even if Dia remains convinced other things have stayed the same.


It would have been too poetic. The words that inspire the people to fight for liberty and righteousness, read by a man whose execution is inevitable; the audience deciding whether to place more import on the speech or the context. 

If this were a proper Chelish Blood Opera, the galtan revolutionary would make the speeches and then die by final blade as soon as he finishes. But, while the game the archmage and queen are playing may resemble two auteurs directing the same opera but fighting over the themes and symbols, it’s not actually that. 


What? No manticores?!

How is the queen supposed to awe the rabble with her power if the trials are so boring that no one shows up?


"Poor bastard. He's damned for sure and he doesn't know it. Did he not read anything about Bernat, while he was idolizing Galt?"

She's not really talking to anyone, but she says it anyway.


"The axe!" Albert yells at the deafening barrier. "You should have given him the fucking axe!"

He sinks to his knees in despair.


Carlota's impression of the crowd, as she departs, is that they are not particularly satisfied, and not particularly terrorized, and have learned nothing. 

Well, if the Queen won't keep the country from ripping itself apart the convention will just have to do it.

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