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Asking around the usual places after "the Paladin called Feliu, with whom I have Urgent Business" yields a time and place; a small church where he does regular channels.

Under her* umbrella, she seeks it out at around the right time. Hello, I'm an Important Attorney, see the Conical Hat Characteristic of Attorneys, and I have business with this paladin, can you ask him to hold back for a moment after channeling?

* In her possession, not her property. It's tortious conversion at worst, not theft.

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Sure, no problem. He'll stop and talk to the lawyer after his channel. "Hello? I'm Feliu Tauler."


"It is Pleasant to meet you at last; I am Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà, a Barrister of the Courts, the Attorney retained by Select of Iomedae Valia Wain in respect of her Unfortunate Troubles. You are that same Feliu Tauler that was present throughout the Select's Taking into Custody and, to hear it, who remained after for a Time on Guard?"


He bows. "I am indeed, the pleasure is mine. Late the evening of the riots, a wizard I had met during my Worldwound service summoned me by Sending. He said that he had been warned she might be in danger, and two others, Archduke Xavier of Sirmium and Count Joan-Pau of Gandisa, were also there, guarding her and helping her Stabilize injured and unconscious people from the riots. Once the urgent work was done, I informed her that the Archduke was placing her under protective custody, which he confirmed, and the three of us escorted her to the palace complex. The Archduke and Count returned to their other duties and I escorted her further to the cells and stood guard over her to ensure that there would be no harm done to her, before returning to my own when she dismissed me."


This is something she can take notes on, so she takes them here.

"I consider that such Purported Protective Custody was a Flimsy Fiction at best, though I do Allow and am Grateful on behalf of my Client who is a Young Woman that a Paladin was present rather than the Probable Atrocity that would have been an Arrest by the City Watch or anything Similarly Constituted. As a Paladin bound against Falsehood you were at least Honest with my Client regarding this, I am told. I am curious to hear your understanding of the Lawful Basis for such an Arrest under Pretext, and under what Authority and on whose Behalf you considered yourself to Act."


"- Oh, no, the risk was completely real. There were a lot of angry people running around that night who'd been attacked, in many cases lost friends or clients or relatives, who could kill a first circle cleric with no particular difficulty and probably would have if they saw the person whose name was on the pamphlets. I wasn't sure that either the Archduke of Sirmium or the count of Gandisa could protect her from some of the more experienced vengeance-seekers, and thought getting Delegate Wain to somewhere safe was a very important priority. We were also worried about abuse from the city watch if they found her first, of course; that's why I personally escorted her to her cell."


"Most Sensible, and not at all Unappreciated; and yet, shall we go Together to the Palace now and Demand her Immediate Release into such Secure Lodging as has been Prepared? Perhaps consulting the Church of Iomedae as regards Exceptional Security, or the Reclamation, or even that which I may provide Personally? I have of course made Demands along such Lines and am Empowered to so Consult. Did Sirmium consider himself to Arrest a Criminal; did you; from Whence does this Detention as of a Notorious Criminal, yet without Formal Charge, arise? If there is no such Theory to be found it is of course Well for me, showing forth the Arbitrary Flimsiness of any Purported Case."

It would be nice if there were some bright line to follow and cite rather than contradictory gleanings from old books. The Crown has arbitrary power to detain, but the basis for detention is sometimes able to be challenged, and all in all no one knows what the law is supposed to be right now, a darkness well suited to casting salutary doubt on everything.


"Sirmium is an archduke, with the authority to enforce the laws - according to our Queen - and the far broader authority to 'take actions necessary for the maintenance and welfare of the people' according to Aspex. The Crown has not told me why they have not released her since then, probably because I have not asked, but I speculate that she is presently held with the intention of charging her when several hundred cases of causing wrongful deaths via incitement to murder."

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