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"Honored delegates,

 It should be clear to all of you that I have greatly erred. I did not predict the results of Valia Wain’s speech. I did not intend for the city to be seized by unrest, nor for any of you to have cause to fear for your lives.These things were within my power to prevent. I have spent the past four days thinking about what I ought to have done to prevent them.  

In the first place: I failed to protect you. I brought you here, and your safety is my responsibility. The Queen has made arrangements to improve security in the city; I have arranged for personal bodyguards to be available to any delegate who requests them. We will resurrect you as many times as it is required, if you die under any circumstances other than being duly executed for a crime. I certainly hope it won’t be necessary.

If you want to speak before the whole body you may do so anonymously. Just ask Kagiso – the tall gentleman with the blue feathers – he’ll use magic to conceal your identity before you speak. Of course, this measure won’t work in committees, and it’s come to my attention that several of you have the practice of sending secretaries and amanuenses to observe committees of which you are not yourselves members. Every committee is perfectly within their rights to expel these observers and conduct their meeting in privacy, and if you vote to do it, I’ll see that it’s done. If you don’t, I’ve taken the liberty of installing permanent secretaries in every committee to provide minutes of public sessions to all the delegates who may wish to read them. They’re lay acolytes of the church of Abadar in Absalom. You may also consult the secretaries on questions of Chelish law as it now stands, or ask them to contact me.  

From this time forward, votes will be secret. We are well aware that many of you have been offering, or accepting, bribes. You may continue to do that. But no one has to vote the way you bribed them to, and attempting to by magical means verify the way another delegate voted is now prohibited.

Next, because it needs to be said: the laws of this convention are the laws of Cheliax. Just as every Chelish citizen can speak freely so long as he does not incite crimes or proselytize for infernal powers, so may all of you. If you’re worried about the potential consequences –  is within my power to conceal all the proceedings of this convention from all but the most determined observers. I’ll do this if you vote in favor, though I would advise against it. 

I’ve avoided giving you advice before now. This was also a mistake. I know what it is to live under Infernal rule, how difficult it is to break the habit of cringing obedience – and how little I have done to earn your trust. I feared that you would treat anything I said as an order. I hope you’ll believe me when I say that this is the last thing I wanted: if I wished to dictate the form of the constitution this convention will produce, I’m more than capable of writing it myself. I’ve chosen not to, not because I don’t think I could write better laws, but because it is not my place to do so. 

All my life, I’ve fought to free Cheliax and her territories from Asmodeus. Expelling his servants is a fine and important start to this work. Nothing could make me more proud than to have twice played some small part in it. But it is not enough to replace one master with another. I don’t hate tyranny and slavery because they are of Asmodeus – I hate Asmodeus because he is the god of tyranny and slavery, and wherever they remain, the work will not be finished. 

It is not a coincidence that every movement which has successfully expelled the infernal tyrant from their homes – in Galt, in Andoran, in Rahadoum, and even in Pezzack – has been Republican. Some of them have been more successful than others, but all of them understood one important principle: Hell cannot be defeated with its own weapons. It can be conquered – it only ever has been conquered – by men and women who believed that those entrusted with the awesome power of government must be accountable to those they rule. 

Every reasoning being in Cheliax deserves this right. Since it would be impractical to bring them all together in this room, it’s your task to represent them. I do not suffer from the delusion that the process by which you were selected was perfect, or even that it grants the vast majority of people in Cheliax a meaningful voice in their own government. I’d like to say that it was the best I could have done in a nation so scarred by the rule of Hell. At the time, I believed it was, but I’m sure that there, too, I have erred. All I can do is apologize for my mistakes and do my best to not to repeat them, in the interests of Cheliax and all free people. 

Now, I ask the same of you. No one here is fully prepared for the task before us, but if Cheliax is to be governed by the Chelish people, it cannot find some different, better Chelish people to be governed by.”

And – because a little more preparation clearly can’t hurt –  he will try through many different avenues to describe to them what a Constitution is. He will read excerpts from Andoran’s constitution, and Galt’s. He will read them speeches by political theorists. He will explain it from as many angles as he and his staff, spending a month on it, were able to come up with.  

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She is not feeling very charitably inclined to Elie Cotonnet at the moment but it is, in fact, a real and significant set of improvements, and the lengthy lecture on political theory will perhaps take some of the steam out of the room. About as well as could be done at this stage, probably. 

....and now the free-for-all starts.


A doomed idea, since it is founded on the concept that people are remotely decent, but hardly an ugly one.


Hell was defeated by three archmages and an archfighter and an arch-inquisitor? She really doesn't think anyone else had anything to do with it.


The moment he gets a chance to go for the podium he's taking it, he's in the front row and everything.


Fernando’s mind is initially almost unable to fit the Archmage’s speech into the framing of the loyalty test he obviously considers the convention to be, but he figures out a meaning:  The Archmage isn’t expecting perfection, just a good showing and effort, with an emphasis on denouncing Asmodeus.  He’s going to make it harder to cheat/copy off other people, but is providing more resources to aid the delegates’ work.

Well, Fernando has put in effort… maybe he could add a few more denouncements of Asmodeus to the constitution he wrote for the Monarchy committee?

Also, good news! Reading off bits of constitutions matches the Paladin’s approach in the Monarchy committee, which means Fernando successfully picked one of the more important committees!  He was starting to doubt he made the right choice!


Blai promptly delegates the task of investigating the free bodyguard situation to Lieutenant Sauer since the archmage did not point out a gentleman with feathers to ask and it might take some several layers of inquiry to find out what the process there is and if the bodyguards will work for Blai's situation.


if I wished to dictate the form of the constitution this convention will produce, I’m more than capable of writing it myself. I’ve chosen not to, not because I don’t think I could write better laws, but because it is not my place to do so. 

She’s really not getting why he couldn’t write it himself, and kind of mad at him for not doing so.


Archmages are like the fae. You endure their presence as politely as you possibly can and think thoughts once they've gone or at least once they aren't paying any attention.


So it sounds like the Archmage is intending to improve the convention.  “the laws of this convention are the laws of Cheliax” means he may not approve of her proposal which would grant immunity, but conversely he means to provide support for the delegates, so Thea could reframe her proposal as a request for legal support (with corresponding protection for any approved or at least not-warned speeches, if not immunity).

He didn’t sound like he’s backing down on sortition delegates though, so maybe it won’t come up.  Thea will maintain her plan to wait for someone else to propose getting rid of them first before she makes a counter proposal to create super-delegates.

And good news, he’s countering the obvious nobility move of bribing delegates, and providing reliable transcripts, so Thea’s worry about reading a critically flawed set of committee notes is relieved.


Listening to the person who destroyed her house and killed half her charges and knocked her from respectable working class to desperate, aching poverty is never going to stop hurting. No matter how pretty the words - and they're pretty, she'll give him that - the man leveled a city and killed thousands of civilians, and then left them there for several days to kill one another in desperation, before anyone on his side even bothered to try holding the fucking city. She doesn't think he needed to. He just saw them as the enemy, and wanted them dead or suffering. So fare the people of Cheliax, at this man's hands.

....but, given that he has evidently not selected the convention to be exclusively full of people who don't think so, and given that she's here and clearly not refusing to participate out of spite, it is in fact good to know that they can choose to expel secretaries from committees, and that they can now get all of the notes from committees that don't without spending a third of their stipend on keeping up with the nobility. She knows something about constitutions now, but it's - a positive sign about the seriousness of the convention, she supposes, for him to actually explain them to everyone.


Laia kind of wants to clap just because it's the sort of speech that seems best punctuated with thrilling applause but - nobody else is going for it? The sense of the room doesn't seem applause shaped? Huh.


It's not entirely fair to accuse the archmage of deciding to burn Cheliax to the ground for the sake of pretending that all men are alike in those virtues necessary for governance, but that's not stopping Jonatan from thinking it.


Right. So he's saying he plans for the sortitions to stay, and wants to prevent any method of bringing them into line from working. From anyone else it'd be a declaration of war, but he supposes the archmage doesn't consider them important enough to warrant that.  Well, so be it. All the more important that they force him to take as many unpopular stands as possible enforcing this.


This speaking anonymously thing sounds like a coward move. When Iker provokes someone, he does it face to face. 


Maybe he should send the man that pamphlet, and ask him to write a response.


She's not entirely sure what he's telling her she's supposed to believe but probably if she just keeps following the important nobles and the paladins she'll be fine. No, wait, if there's a secret ballot that won't work. Hopefully they'll make it clear from their speeches. She doesn't think anything he said is instructions for the Forest Committee, and if it hopefully someone else on the committee will figure it out.

She kind of wants to ask for a bodyguard, in case the men from the riots come back for Ot. She also kind of wants to stay far away from anyone involved with the government. Right now the second want is winning.


Maybe he can have some constitutions sent back home for Joan. It's not that it's a safe topic for him to develop opinions on, but if the alternative is religion it seems hard for it to be worse. Besides, he's never been anywhere near as interested in politics; it's really very unlikely that he'll suddenly develop the conviction that piracy should be encouraged.

...But just to be safe, he'll leave out the Rahadi constitution.


This is boring. Can they go back to the part where they didn't have to show up and get lectured but still got paid?


Wizards must really hate vote selling. Even the wizard who bribed Jordi said to take the money but come up with his own opinions and vote on them. Just like the Galtan wizard says now. But that sounds hard, those constitutions and speeches were all confusing. 

He liked the being exempt from taxes thing, maybe that one will pass if someone proposes it again, now that votes are secret. That’s a political opinion, right?


Jordi’s assistant is taking notes on the speeches and example constitutions, as fits his job as a delegate’s assistant.


The archduchess has asked him to speak up for Andoran's protections, if it looks like censorship will ban them. Speaking anonymously will make it non-disastrous if he can't make it happen? But Sergi is not a public speaker and his rehearsed speech is not that good.

The man means well. He's Good, Sergi's sure, and was even before he did the two greatest Good things available. He wishes that meant it was going to work out well.


Ysabet is trying very hard not to think it in a way anyone might notice, but she's pretty sure that the "secret ballots" thing is an excuse to make it easier for the government to keep track of who voted which way.


It's not exactly the speech Dolor had expected from the man who had her as one of his picks for making Chelish laws, but she's not going to ignore it. The archmage Cotonnet gave her an incredible opportunity here to work towards their shared goals, and if he wants a little more from her in exchange that's a price she's happy to pay.


Felip is one of those different, better Chelish people! He thought that was the whole point of asking him to govern his ancestral lands!


Blah blah blah blah I'm an archmage using your country for my radical experiments because no one can stop me, sit there and bear it. Time will tell whether the archmage will shred Cheliax as he hopes to or get bored while there is still something to salvage.

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