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The movement that expelled the infernal tyrant from Galt was an army organized by the man widely recognized as the most intelligent officer in the Galtan military before the rebellion and lead by a dozen of his handpicked generals who won their titles through sheer ability, and Andoran and its archmage only made peace because Cheliax didn't want to keep fighting them any more.


Victòria really doesn't think he can talk about "expelling" Asmodeus's "servants" as if it's already happened when he didn't even kill most of the Asmodean priests and he left a bunch of the Evil Asmodean nobles in charge! Even if some of them are fighting monsters, they're still here and still in power and definitely haven't been expelled, and the people of Cheliax will never be truly free until that changes. And also, you know, there'll be a bunch of Evil nobles not only evading justice for their wrongs but getting to stay in power.


If the archmage really doesn't want them taking bribes he needs to make committee votes use secret ballots too, but this guy isn't going to point that out.


Silvia listens to the archmage, and then he says they can be secret. Oh. That's how she's supposed to be able to talk. ...maybe if she ever wants to talk to everyone.


(Does she believe him? ...well, why would he lie? She's sure a real archmage can hunt people down even if they were supposed to be secret. She's mostly worried about everyone knowing things about her. And she doesn't think he would say that and then tell everyone about who made speeches, that seems silly.)


Joan-Pau strides towards the podium, teleporting half the distance with a dramatic flourish, but when he turns to speak to the chamber there’s no drama in his voice, which is as serious and as stern as anyone’s ever seen it.

“Lords and ladies of Cheliax, priests of the righteous gods, people of Cheliax and all the other delegates of the Convention. 

“We have liberated Cheliax from armies of Asmodeus, but not from the evils that were left in their wake. Not from cruelty or sloth or fear, not from hate and envy and pride, not even - as the events of the third Sarenrith show - of the wicked murder, spread by lies and terror, of priests and lords and commons alike.”

“We are, therefore, in a less than ideal position to write a Constitution for the nation to last a thousand years, with the needs of the day urgently to be faced and furthermore with a convention divided between those who have devoted their lives to the liberation of their homes and those who have never known a free country. I therefore propose a nonbinding resolution, that we, the Delegates of the Constitutional Convention, should support a plan for a second Constitutional Convention to assemble in forty years’ time on the model of the first, in the holy hope that our sons and grandsons will have more goodness and greater wisdom than we.”

(It wouldn't be "nonbinding resolution" but he hasn't gotten it through a committee yet.)


A bit early to announce a sequel, but sure. 


Oh thank all the righteous gods a way to check whatever madness passes once they see it's a disaster.


Hmm. This convention was already shown to be a mistake, and repeating it seems unwise. But maybe this will make it easier to argue for the restoration of traditions, as a generational stopgap?


What does he expect to be different in 40 years? Some of his noble political enemies to die off? A more cooperative set of elected representatives, all nobles instead of half?

...Or for the archmages to be gone. Well, she's against it, then. She puts her hat in the ring to speak in response, not that she's the first one to try.


"Aye aye!" crows Kicharchu from the stands. In forty years maybe Kicharchu will have had a Sewer Convention and they can dispatch delegates in more organization.


Let's see. He got so many papers with his bribe it's hard to keep track of everything. He looks through them- future conventions. Vote yes. Okay, he'll do that.


What about all the places Cheliax is going to conquer once the cyprian-style army is up and running? Will they send their own delegates next convention? What if they vote to make all the provinces independent and then they have to get conquered all over again? Actually that doesn’t sound too bad. 


We were allowed to Dimension Door to the podium? it feels a bit unfair to the uncircled, but nobody seems to have objections, so sure, let's do that from now on.


Oh, excellent, a non-radical proposing it. She'd rather thirty years but forty will do.

"I also second the motion; I think we and Cheliax will be better for making law now, but our children will be more able to work further free of Asmodeus."


She knew Joan Pau was planning this and so can arrange to be not far behind him. "One of the most important principles of Old Cheliax, which the Asmodeans needed to go to great and terrible lengths to scrub from the memory of the people, was this one: that we do not raise our children just to obey us but to surpass us. Where we are strong, we hope that they will be stronger, and where we are in error, we hope that they will correct us. It is by that wisdom that Cheliax once grew to be the greatest empire in the world, and it is by that wisdom that Cheliax will rise again.

I can see that some of you are thinking, 'this convention is a terrible mess, must we inflict it also on our children'? But precisely because this is a terrible mess, we must not inflict it on our children. We must do our duty, to the very end of our strength, and then learn from our errors, and then hand off the work of repairing this great land and these great people to a new generation. Are we to create a cage, within which to contain the future generations of our great Empire? Or a walking-stick, by which she may limp while she relearns how to walk, and walk while she relearns how to ride, and ride while she relearns how to fly? Forty years, and may we dedicate them diligently to raising a next generation that can do better."


Okay it's definitely a radical Galtan madness proposal somehow, all the radical Galtan madwomen are speaking for it, but he can't actually Maybe they just expect that sensible people will win out overwhelmingly from here and are conceding defeat in advance. But why do they imagine the sensible people won't win in forty years?


Probably by forty years from now they'll have replaced all the Evil Asmodean nobles. Sounds like a great idea to her.

...she'll be fifty-seven. Which is young enough that she might still be alive, only — only she's never thought about her future in enough detail that the idea of being fifty-seven feels real, not since she didn't get chosen to be a wizard.

She'll be fifty-seven or she'll be dead, but it genuinely could be the first one. And — it's not that she's planning to go back a second time, with any luck there'll be much less that needs to be avenged in forty years, but — she should probably, at some point, figure out what she wants to do once the convention is over.

Anyways. Her personal future aside, this is obviously a good idea. She claps enthusiastically.


Being back in the convention hall feels like being back in a temple, which he hasn't set foot in since the war. It didn't feel that way the first two days. He's not sure why it feels that way now. Just crawling terror terror terror terror, relentless and everywhere, making it impossible to hear what any of the talking is about. He has the mad thought he could commit a murder and then get the Final Blade and then never have any experiences again. 


Gods above and below, she does not want to attend a second one of these fucking things. Especially not if the lesson the archmage took from his earlier mistakes is 'pontificate expansively until all delegates fall asleep.' Probably it's some kind of civilized witchcraft, to keep people from going mad again, but Voshrelka doesn't particularly require it, or particularly care about how the non-forest bits of Cheliax governs itself. Just how the choices they make affect her, and those she cares about and is responsible for.

She'll accordingly be staying out of this... whatever it is.


His (to be proposed) constitution actually has much more frequent meetings, but he supposes meeting again in 40 years doesn’t preclude lesser meetings every year in the preceding 39.


So the nobles fear the convention and want to wait out the archmage's attention span. And if he turns out to be the sort of archmage whose attention span is measured in centuries... they plan to be dead or retired.


Speeches and votes will be anonymous? Won't that make them like the pamphlets she's been hearing about?

Feather is coming around to the point of view that making Cheliax Lawful-and-not-Evil should not have been left to a Chaotic person, even if he is an archmage.


Seems like a sensible plan? In forty years more of the lingering after-effects of Asmodeanism will be gone. Theoretically this should reduce the incidence of Terrible People among Chelish humans, although Liushna firmly reminds herself that humans were being terrible long before the terrible storms that apparently signified the death of Aroden and she should not get her hopes up too far. 

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