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If this had been proposed last week he'd have gone 'let's institute an absolute monarchy right now and revisit in forty years if Her Majesty wishes' but he no longer has any confidence in the Queen's ability to rule the country, so.


Huh, a surprising number of the people in line are holding their spot. She's not sure if this is because they're saving it for a response to any objections or just because they don't care about this debate, but either way is fine by her. She makes her way from her seat near the front of the sortition seats to the central podium, and takes a deep breath. Hopefully this doesn't burn her bridges with Archduke Xavier; after seeing the glorious reclamation in action, she's even more convinced that she ought to be on Lord Cansellarion's side of the army issue than ever, but she's still going to have to work with the man to get her program done.

"The purpose of a constitution is to build the foundation for the state and all of its laws. Not all foundations are equally sturdy, as any builder with sense can attest, but once you have built a castle upon them it is the folly to abandon it for another lot on slightly more level ground and begin anew. Worse still would be to declare your intent to do so before you lay the first brick. It will inspire careless work from those who know their creation will not last anyway, both from those here in this convention and those without tasked with building on what we do here. It will give those mistakes rightfully rejected by this body a second chance to threaten Cheliax. It will give those who seek to profit at the expense of the Cheliax the opportunity to repeal whatever laws stand in their way. And it will impose all the great costs of rewriting the nation's laws upon the country again, without the clear and pressing need of excising anarchism to justify it."

She's not explicitly bringing up the tax exemption proposals here with that second example, but she's thinking it really loudly.


Do any Good priests look like they're prepared to say 'yup, the Good churches support this because people will be less evil in forty years'?


"I support this proposal," says Andreu, who isn't a priest of a Good god but sure looks like one. "The people of Cheliax are corrupt, swollen with evil and incapable of imagining better. They envy their neighbors, despise their betters and pillage their inferiors, and few have contemplated even the slightest change to this, for few have heard the words of the gods of Good. Give us forty years to spread the word of Sarenrae, and then we will have a more just and holy convention than we have yet seen here." 


"While I do, as it happens, support Count Ardiaca's proposal, as someone who has in fact built fortresses I cannot help but object to Delegate Rado's metaphor. The first step in the construction of any fortress in ground not securely controlled is building temporary motte-and-bailey fortresses to shelter your area. Permanent fortresses are constructed on secure territory, held by your trusted lieutenants. When someone proposes that your fortress is being constructed in a swamp, you don't say 'the first stones have already been laid', you check the ground and, if it is as unstable as it looks, you build it somewhere else, somewhere that can bear its weight, and construct a quick, temporary fortification instead."


Hmm, no one seems to have much to say opposed. "I call for a vote."


Passes, 261-130, lots of abstentions. 


Well. That'll limit the damage of the incredibly stupid decision to hold this event at all, and the damage of the upcoming efforts to force the government to behave itself like a real government, and the damage of any countercoups the radicals successfully manage. What more can you ask for.


This was an easy vote against, though it was clear it would pass. More important is the knowledge that the nobles fear the convention.

...not that she can think of anything to do with that knowledge.


May they do better than us. And if the world is very kind, he may even be there to see it.


Wait what was that about forts? Does the boss want to move the convention somewhere else with sturdier ground? Or is the sturdier ground a metaphor for moving the convention to a stable city with less riots? That's a good idea.

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