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The only thing he likes more than keeping secrets is revealing true information that no one will believe.


from the Moſt Holie


as they were Recorded

by the


having been lately


by Her


concerning particularly

the Famed Commitment of the Goddeſs


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"I swear before the Goddess that I had nothing to do this and do not know who did," he tells de Luna at the earliest opportunity. "—I assume that you did ask her whether the publicly available copies of the Acts ought to be corrected, and that she said no?"

"... the selections are genuine, though, as far as I can tell."


They should put this back in the Acts, it's cute! Iomedae comes off a bit more joyful!



...Two women can be each other's lover?? How???


Claiming that the pamphlet contents were “REDACTED AND CENSORED” at least explains why it contains content not in the Acts of Iomedae.  So it raises the odds the pamphlet is true.  But Thea doesn’t have the math to articulate ‘absurdly minuscule probability’ vs. ‘moderately minuscule probability’ so she ignores the pamphlet and doesn’t finish reading it (as is her default policy towards pamphlets).

Neither Iomedae’s church nor the Crown seem to have made any decrees making heresy against Iomedae illegal.  But perhaps they’ve avoided that out of a sense of mercy towards the innocent masses, so Thea will treat this pamphlet like it is questionably legal out of respect for Iomedae’s church.  That seems like the Lawful thing to do.


'It'll be fine,' Naima said, 'we need an archduke for the heartlands anyway,' she said, 'what's the worst that could happen,' she said.



...It is in fact fine. Nobody's going to believe it except the people who already know, and even if they did what would it matter?


She'll send Archduke Blanxart an invitation to join her for tea at his earliest convenience today at the third bell, though, and plan to spend the entire time talking about unimportant and completely unrelated matters.


Why these lies? Some scribe wants Westcrown to believe that Iomedae had an intimate relationship with a wizard that doesn't appear anywhere in the published Acts, even as an archmage, but wants them to also believe that Her Church removed it from the Acts. What's the goal? To slander Iomedae? It's not very effective, except possibly among particularly old-fashioned men who have extremely strong notions of chastity, and most of those are recently raised and strongly Iomedan already.

Is it meant to create a split between the priests of Shelyn and Iomedae, for denigrating love as a mistake? The opposite, because it shows Iomedae was capable of love as a mortal? Abadar, for lying by significant deliberate omission? Erastil, for diverting herself from being married?

Is it just meant to make the kind of people who analyze this confused?


The Church of Iomedae continues to recommend people not seek theological instruction via pamphlets distributed in the streets of Westcrown though it will no longer say that all such reviewed have contained serious material inaccuracies.


Look, what do people think "chaste" is euphemizing?


Surely it's illegal to publish this sort of erotic libel against a goddess.

...It is apparently not illegal to publish erotic libel against a goddess. That really seems like an oversight that's worth correcting, but fortunately they're already working on that.


It’s a bit tropey, even for an Iomedae/Archmage!Self-Insert fic. The explanation of how it’s a secret chapter of the original acts, and having her renounce love in favor of chastity after the breakup, that’s just too self indulgent. Whoever wrote this is really good at matching the style of the Acts, though, have to give credit for that. 


Blai's just not even going to read that until and unless... let's call it four... separate people with uncorrelated Will saves all tell him it's legit.


Really, the forger could have at least bothered to include some explicit descriptions of Iomedae and this "Alfirin's" bedroom activities. This is circumspect enough you really could believe Iomedae wrote it.


Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà
Barrister of the Courts
Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

To Select of Iomedae Blai Artigas,

These Purported Excerpts of the Acts of Iomedae appear as far as I can Ascertain to be True Passages from the Original Acts at some point Excised.

I am Most Likely a Wizard 6 though I have no Character Sheet, and have the Will Save corresponding to it; it is Doubtful that my Hat, stolenborrowed from Wealthier Parties though it may be, provides any Bonus to said Save.

Yours in Iomedae,

Delegate Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà


Wait, she thinks she has it. This is meant to be a sensational way to give people the idea that anything has been redacted from the Acts by Iomedae's church. Which wouldn't work if they could just deny it, which means it's true, and someone with an inside source for the redactions wants them to be embarrassed to have to admit it.

Now, the question is: does she ask? On the pro side, she does actually want to know. On the con side, it will antagonize them for no strategic benefit. On the second pro side, it would probably be entertaining to watch their faces as they try to respond.


He takes tea with the Queen, after having Jean cast every known buff against mind control on him first.

"Look, I didn't do it," he says plainly, when Alfirin doesn't bring the subject up. He's telling the truth. "I don't know who did, but there are a lot of people in Golarion who are as old as I am, and I imagine you've made enemies of a few of them over the years." He'd contemplated, actually, that it might be a plot against him, aimed at getting her to remove him, but between the two of them he's much less likely to have pissed off any ancient archmages. Well, except possibly the one he's having tea with.


"Didn't do what?" She really doesn't care that much, she's just fucking with him because she's bored and has an hour free.


Her Bluff is very good but not actually good enough to convince him that multiple paladins lied to him about the Queen actually being an evil archmage and ex-lover of Iomedae. But, fine, if she wants to play games.

"I didn't publish the pamphlets alleging to be a redacted chapter of the Acts of Iomedae, Your Majesty, though I can testify that they are in fact what they claim to be, having been familiar with the Acts before the redactions were made. At any rate their revelation is far more embarrassing to the Church of Iomedae, who were apparently so unable to countenance their perfect Goddess having had personal relationships" a personal relationship, singular "that they compromised the integrity of their own holy book to hide it, than it would be to Iomedae's former lover, if hypothetically she were still around."

"... in other words, you should have seen the look on Cansellarion's face when I told him." If she's reading his mind she can see his recollection of it now.


"Fascinating. So if that pamphlet is true, and you didn't write it... do you have any speculation about who did?" Geryon, obviously, He did it before.


No, his affair with Carlota of Chelam is keeping him entirely too busy.


"I wouldn't normally expect Geryon to take it upon himself to correct a flawed holy book, but this does seem like a—unique—situation. Other than him—Arazni has apparently been freed from Geb, I assume that isn't secret from you, and she would know. Though frankly if she wanted to embarrass the Church of Iomedae she has much better material to draw from. I don't know. Perhaps it was Alfirin herself; I always suspected that she'd found a way to stick around."


"One would imagine. Archmages seem to find a way, more often than not. But if it was Alfirin herself, why in the world would she wait until now and not any point in the last few centuries? Surely she wasn't just spending the years waiting for someone to institute Freedom of the Pen."


"Far be it from me to guess the whims of an ancient archmage. What do you think she's up to, if she is still on Golarion?"


"Who can say? Perhaps, like Nex and Geb, she has retired from the world to a private demiplane to make weapons for a war that will never come, or perhaps she runs an academy for wizards in far-off Vudra, or maybe she's on Sarusan and that's why she's lost to history. Or maybe she's in America."

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