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Mandarin Scholomance
Complete Induction: Marian Daly megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Swimmer963
Complete Induction: Boston megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 1 by NormalAnomaly
Hiatused Induction: Masozi megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Swimmer963
Complete Induction: Naima megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by apprenticebard
Hiatused Has Warnings Induction: Shanghai Enclave megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 5 by westwind
Complete Induction: Lily megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Evenstar
Hiatused Induction: Mei megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by nextworldover
Complete Induction: Connie megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by zamboni-whisperer
Complete Induction: Huang megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Alicorn
Complete Induction: Julian megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Calima
Complete Induction: Ayako megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by sphinx
Hiatused Induction: Tintin megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by AndaisQ
Complete Induction: Tomonori megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Jarn
Complete Induction: Octavia megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by houndsoflove
Complete Induction: Yolanda/Lanhua megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by MaggieoftheOwls
Complete Induction: Misaki megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by WarmestLight
Complete Induction: Kinsei megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by sphinx
Complete Induction: Julia megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by lintamande
Hiatused [mandarin] in which students arrive in their dorm rooms and make their way to orientation megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 18 by Aevylmar
Hiatused [mandarin] orientation conversations [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 53 by Jarn
Complete Lost in the fight to protect it megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 19 by Swimmer963
Complete Getting lost is a death sentence [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 48 by Rockeye
Complete the question of evil megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 19 by Swimmer963
Complete 你好 [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 43 by Alicorn
Complete little sparrows [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 113 by sphinx
Complete uninteresting times [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 53 by AndaisQ
Complete you can't just ask people why they're white [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 55 by AndaisQ
Complete why is this person bowing megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 14 by Alicorn
Hiatused tintin in shanghai (again) megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 12 by AndaisQ
Complete On the Mandarin-speaking side megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 21 by Alicorn
Complete Who looks like they have a story megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 18 by Jarn
Hiatused the scholomance doesn't accommodate adhd people [1 2 3 ... 8 9 10] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 243 by westwind
Hiatused a surprisingly useful affinity [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 47 by Alicorn
Complete His sword, which has been enchanted megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 19 by Jarn
Hiatused being social is nobody's first choice [1 2 3 4] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 83 by Alicorn
Day 1 Dinner
Complete mana-grinding conversation [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 53 by Calima
Complete [english] watch your step [1 2 3 4 5 6] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 137 by lantalótë
Complete [mandarin] coffee and chocolate [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 38 by westwind
Complete spooky action at a distance [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 35 by zamboni-whisperer
Complete a girl's best friend megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 14 by sphinx
Hiatused [mandarin] nie huaisang has way too much coffee [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 57 by MaggieoftheOwls
Complete introduction to nursing [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 125 by Swimmer963
Complete Looking for the Kyoto enclave [after dinner] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 20 by Jarn
Hiatused [mandarin][open] who let the americans set the menu megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 2 by nextworldover
Day 2
Hiatused [mandarin] sweet dreams [one tag per character] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 16 by Aevylmar
Hiatused [breakfast][english] why were you up so late? megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 24 by Jirachi
Complete spider food megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 15 by Swimmer963
Hiatused [homeroom] Room 76 [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 102 by Evenstar
Hiatused [homeroom] Room 18-C megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 17 by westwind
Complete Room 47.2% [homeroom] [1 2 3 4] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 82 by nextworldover
Hiatused [breakfast] [mandarin] shanghai enclave does too have unit cohesion [1 2 3 4 5 6] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 127 by Calima
Hiatused The better to manipulate objects with [breakfast] [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 28 by zamboni-whisperer
Complete [breakfast][english] it's not a popularity contest [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 47 by apprenticebard
Hiatused [mandarin][open] rise and shine megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 3 by westwind
Day 2 morning classes and lunch
Hiatused [mandarin] [open] what doesn't kill you is off-topic [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 35 by nextworldover
Complete Intro to Lab: I can make you a man [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 49 by westwind
Hiatused History of Artificing (10:45 AM) megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 17 by westwind
Hiatused Language Lab (11:45 AM) megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 7 by nextworldover
Complete Calculus for Engineers [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 54 by TransrealClouden
Complete the beauty of their weapons [1 2 3 4] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 83 by westwind
Hiatused [mandarin] holding down the fort [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 39 by Evenstar
Complete If he only knew of my plan [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 54 by westwind
Complete love in the time of monsters [1 2 3 ... 9 10 11] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 262 by Swimmer963
Hiatused [mandarin] name your price megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 22 by Alicorn
Complete math friends [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 61 by westwind
Complete ladies and gentlemen may I introduce [THIS THREAD HAPPENS ON FRIDAY AT LUNCH] [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 26 by westwind
Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner, and evening
Complete The Golden Ratio in Mathematics, Art, and Nature [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 49 by westwind
Hiatused Reading Fiction: Dysfunctional Families [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 26 by Evenstar
Hiatused Street-Fighting Mathematics [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 63 by nextworldover
Hiatused Maleficaria From 1700 To The Present [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 63 by Jarn
Complete not qualified for this [1 2 3 4 5 6] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 131 by Swimmer963
Complete 0 1 1 2 3 [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 62 by sphinx
Complete sunlight glinting on the clouds [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 122 by lintamande
Complete And I don't give a damn ('bout my reputation) [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 32 by Calima
Hiatused [mandarin] [open] shanghai has a pet maleficer now [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 62 by Swimmer963
Hiatused [mandarin] nihil supernum megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 0 by Alicorn
Hiatused don't let the bedbugs bite [open][mandarin] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 4 by westwind
Complete medical followup [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 51 by Swimmer963
Hiatused [omake] latin with xue yang gets resolved fast [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 afternoon classes, dinner and evening 54 by Swimmer963
Complete the same story tells itself again and again [1 2 3 4 5 6] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 132 by Swimmer963
Complete the art of looking for trouble [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 104 by westwind
Hiatused hey sister, go sister megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 9 by westwind
Hiatused o gather me the rose, the rose [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 118 by westwind
Complete he was in good shape (but the wrong shape) megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 22 by Jarn
Complete silence is not a request for comment [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 34 by westwind
Hiatused Suicide Club [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 43 by westwind
Hiatused [open] [mandarin] nie huaisang's vending machine adventures [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 117 by Alicorn
Hiatused medical drama [1 2 3 ... 5 6 7] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 159 by TransrealClouden
Complete like an ill-sheathéd knife megacontinuity: scholomance due process 21 by lintamande
Complete come bearing gifts [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 33 by Swimmer963
Complete confessions of problems caused [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Weekend 39 by Swimmer963
Hiatused the broadly construed anglosphere [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 38 by lintamande
Hiatused only some of you will turn out sharks, just some [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 122 by lintamande
Complete after all the thunder and scars [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 54 by sphinx
Complete bit by bit we begin to restart [1 2 3 ... 5 6 7] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 172 by westwind
Complete take a breath and take your time [1 2 3 ... 8 9 10] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 248 by Swimmer963
Complete when you didn't spit your words [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance due process 27 by Swimmer963