"Here," Yanli says, "let me help." She sprinkles a bit of something over Jiang Cheng's food. "There. Now it's much more edible."
"I do most of the tutoring now because my time isn't very valuable but we're worried about what's going to happen when I die."
"They should pay you for it! They shouldn't be taking advantage of you like that, having you tutor them for free."
"I had a medical exam before I was given the slot, as part of the battery of testing."
"Wen Qing has been working on it, she has a healing affinity, but we haven't found anything good. Painkilling spells are very dangerous, it turns out."
"You stop being able to feel any pain and then you don't notice if you run into a desk."
"I believe that does not happen with ordinary drugs. Can spells not be made to work in that way?"
"I suppose," she says lightly, "anyone who's disabled in here is going to be someone healing magic can't touch."