There's a New York junior knocking on the door of the Manchester reading room.
He looks for Paige; she was involved in handling last year's fiasco. "Can you send your underclassmen out."
Paige is confused. "- what, all of them, for how long? If the Domina's son gets eaten because I sent him wandering the halls -"
"I'll stick with the others, Paige," sighs Ennis. The underclassmen file out, leaving just Paige and Leo and Louis and Eleanor.
"I'm sorry," Asher says. "Shanghai's adopted a maleficer suspected in two murders and we're considering whether to assassinate him."
"Yep. Annaka wants everybody who stands to lose in the room, you can all come or send one. She'll explain everything but I can answer enough questions for you to figure out who's going."
"We're in classroom 404." And he's gone and off to the next reading room, which Boston and Philadelphia share. Knock knock.
Unfortunately, Asher's news is very important. "Can you send your underclassmen out." Preceding this at all with 'I know it's a big request but' or something would undermine the urgency, so he's ignoring his instincts and just saying exactly what needs to happen to everyone.
"Shanghai just adopted a maleficer suspected in two murders and we're considering whether to assassinate him."
"The latter. Annaka's got nine witness interview transcripts, I'm supposed to tell you however much you need to know to decide who to send."
"Confidential, can you send your undergrads out - does New Orleans even have any seniors -"
"I guess whoever's oldest from New Orleans," says Asher, not quite nodding at Bella but not not nodding at Bella either.
She briefly weighs the potential consequences, then turns and says, "everyone from Atlanta under the age of seventeen, scoot."
"Annette, what's going on--" one of the other seniors asks before she makes a cutting motion.
The underclassmen file out with various grumbling and glances at the New York junior.
Bella tentatively gathers her belongings, waiting to see if she is interrupted at doing that.
She already knows most of it but it'll be weird if there's one freshman in the room; Asher waits for her to leave.
Then he tells them. "New York has been investigating a maleficer suspected of two murders. Then, this afternoon, Shanghai adopted him. We're deciding whether to assassinate him."