Wen Qing knocks on the door to the nurse's office. "Excuse me, ma'am?" she says in heavily accented but understandable English.
"I wonder if we can combine the medicines and the spells without the side effects."
"Maybe! That definitely seems worth checking. Although, uh, I don't know how magic works so I can't really give you advice on how to do it safely."
"I have a pain spell but it is bad because if you can't feel pain you don't notice when you're hurt."
"Oh, yeah, that's a thing! I guess that spell could be really useful if you had to, uh, I don't know, do surgery without anesthetic? But definitely not a good long term solution for something like fibromyalgia. - Anyway, do you want me to keep going with explaining cells, or should I see if the void will give me drugs for Yanli to try?"
"I am interested in the medicines for the bad parents. Shanghai enclave has many bad parents."
"Uh, right."
Marian walks over to the creepy void wall, and hesitates for a moment before stretching out her hand. She's almost getting used to the weird semi-gelatinous way it feels to touch.
"Hey, uh, void wall? I'd be really grateful if you could give me some, uh, Prozac, or another antidepressant? And some kind of sleeping pill, like Ativan?"
After a moment, the wall of darkness spits out a pill organizer with a handwritten sticky note on it.
....Okay wow that's even more sketchy than the last time.
Marian squints at the pill organizer. There are two different coloured capsules in each little box.
"....Ummm, this is apparently - tianeptine and phenazepam? I'm pretty sure phenazepam is a sleeping pill but I've never used that one specifically. Tianeptine is - an antidepressant used in Russia? It's not legal in Canada but, uh, some people on Internet forums think it's really good. - This is just a week's supply of both, but hopefully if it works well for her then the void will give me more?"
"I'll give her six of each and take one to look at in alchemy lab. --Is there something for when the bad parents don't make you physically sick, but-- less able in other ways?"
"Uh, what sort of ways?" Marian racks her brain for the list of symptoms of childhood trauma, which she surely memorized at SOME point. "Like, uh, having trouble concentrating? Being sad a lot? Losing their temper and starting fights? Making impulsive bad decisions?"
"Wei Wuxian makes impulsive bad decisions and loses his temper and starts fights and has trouble concentrating unless he cares about it. Jiang Cheng also loses his temper and starts fights. My younger brother Wen Ning has a hard time saying when he wants things and can't kill anything. I'm not sure what is wrong with Meng Yao but I would give him the bad-parent medicine anyway. His father impregnated his mother and told her he loved her and they could be together if Meng Yao survived the Scholomance as part of a plan to create more motivated indies."
Okay wow she's in SO far over her head here.
"....Right. I, uh, think I should probably meet your friends and talk to them a bit before I figure out if there are drugs that would help? I think there probably are but it's...not my background, exactly, I worked in ICU which is mostly people who are super dying and not people who have, uh, emotional problems related to bad parents."
"In general. There are typically not many deaths until Field Day, because the mals haven't had a chance to breed yet."
"Right. Uh, when's Field Day? I should probably write out a calendar or something." Assuming she's not DEAD by then.
"....Awww, really? ...Um. What - does that mean something special here, in terms of - what I'm agreeing to? I'd love to have you around to, uh, help with treating injured people - but I know you've got classes and stuff and you're pretty busy just not dying..."
"I am from Shanghai enclave, I can get an ally to do the homework so it doesn't eat me. Learning the medicine is more useful than history or picking up my eighth language. I want to take shifts in your clinic and watch you and ask questions, and when it is slow you can teach me about the ribosomes. I can be useful, I think, with my magic. If nothing else I can kill mals."
"Having you do shifts sounds great actually– .....wait what your homework eats you if you don't do it????"
"Why else would anyone do homework instead of staying in their rooms warded and sneaking out occasionally to grab food at the cafeteria?"
“…..Uh, I mean, I - guess I didn’t do homework assignments in nursing school if they weren’t useful for learning how to not kill my patients and didn’t count for enough of our grade that it’d make me fail? …But, like, I’d think most of your homework assignments would be, uh, relevant for learning how to not die?”
"We have history classes and many people's lessons are not directly relevant to not dying. There's a freshman with an affinity for enclave magic and the designers of the Scholomance wanted people like him to learn to use their magic too."