By dinnertime Connie's head has stopped spinning and she's built just enough mana back up to show off her grabber glove in the dinner line- which draws a little more attention than she wanted because it's got about the dexterity of an oven mitt and the kid behind her jostles her elbow as she's reaching for a roll, so she knocks two more off the pile and the girl behind him squeaks. At least rolls are about the best thing that could've gone on the floor, and it's obvious she's the one doing it and not a mal hiding in the pile when she carefully levitates them back onto her tray, but she switches to her non-gloved hand to get (literally scorched?) kebab and brussels sprouts, trying not to think about whether she's blushing.
"I may be able to trade something with someone from Shanghai enclave for wards. It'll be expensive, of course."
Ah, okay, they are in the haggling part. Connie has scripts for the haggling part. Except she hasn't practiced them in Mandarin nearly enough and also she increasingly wants to run away and hide. Which is not a strategy.
"Mm, I want to be fair, but- one glove is one glove? Fractions of a glove are not anything. Do you want- the American slang is 'first dibs'. To claim a spot. I wouldn't make anyone else one until we agreed or decided we couldn't agree."
Tiny smile. "Then if you know an upperclassman who brings freshmen- to take things- yell at me?"
Heckkk she knows the word for 'supply run' and it has fallen completely out of her head. "To take things- from the place where they- sit on shelves" thank you brain, she does not want the Modern Greek or the Amharic for 'closet'- "Things like paper and wire and erasers and mercury. Only one time, not every week."
...right. She could have swapped in the English word. "Good. It's a deal." And now she looks like an idiot in two languages don't think about that breathe. "I'll find you in a week or two when I have the things and know better how long it takes."
"Likewise a pleasure." And Connie does not shove her rolls in her pockets and flee, which by rights ought to get her a tiny smidgen of mana all on its own.