Template: Golarion
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Alecka boss-without-goons
Calculator Tillia cherished-more-wisely
Clarabella, a Badger bite-through-boots
Condesa Lucía Velacruz i Montemayor unenlightened-self-interest
Doña Catalina Montemayor i Olivares mañana
Eriape, a Lich galaxy-brain Golarion, cheliax, Pathfinder
Mercè, a Maid must-scream
Oreneta, an Urchin small-favors
Paloma, an Urchin has-a-job Golarion, cheliax, Pathfinder
Pau, a Guardsman mall-cop
Professor Coeliaris working-to-completion Pathfinder, Golarion
Séfora keep-hammering
The Badger galaxy-brain-publication Golarion, cheliax, Pathfinder

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
It never rains but it pours The Chelish Constitutional Convention Westcrown - 4-8 Sarenith Intermission 4 by girllich
From the correspondence of Barrister Oriol, 4-8 Sarenith 4714 [open, for incoming letters or reply letters] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Westcrown - 4-8 Sarenith Intermission 5 by ray
Complete Commerce is the lifeblood The Chelish Constitutional Convention Westcrown - 4-8 Sarenith Intermission 8 by girllich
Open an’ let the Third Ba’al in The Chelish Constitutional Convention From The Lamp-Posts! (Evening, 3 Sarenith) 22 by girllich
The Guilty Party, Revealed! The Chelish Constitutional Convention Pamphlet Wars - 4-8 Sarenith Interbellum 0 by girllich
[OPEN] Special Issue The Chelish Constitutional Convention Pamphlet Wars - 4-8 Sarenith Interbellum 2 by Nscruiser
A modest (marriage) proposal [1 2] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Westcrown - 2 Sarenith 41 by Nscruiser
Complete consider phlebas, who was once handsome and short as you The Chelish Constitutional Convention From The Lamp-Posts! (Evening, 3 Sarenith) 11 by girllich
Wallow hollow an’ open the door [1 2] The Chelish Constitutional Convention From The Lamp-Posts! (Evening, 3 Sarenith) 26 by girllich
Where do urchins come from? The Chelish Constitutional Convention Events Previous to the First Session of the Constitutional Convention 0 by girllich
above my paygrade [open] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Westcrown - 3 Sarenith 5 by Vaniver
Has Warnings TRUE AND COMPLETE RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE FOR EXTERMINATING DIABOLISM [Open] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Pamphlet Wars - 3 Sarenith 4 by Nscruiser
Break their bones and burn their homes The Chelish Constitutional Convention From The Lamp-Posts! (Evening, 3 Sarenith) 7 by girllich
Complete Take their wimmin, the sons of sin The Chelish Constitutional Convention From The Lamp-Posts! (Evening, 3 Sarenith) 4 by girllich
Has Warnings Slavery (Committee, Day 2) [1 2 3 4] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 85 by MaggieoftheOwls
Magic (Sarenith 3) [1 2 3] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 72 by girllich
Complete Succession and Inheritance (Committee, Day 2) [1 2] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 33 by Arete/Stars
Complete Trade and Travel (Committee, Day 2) [1 2] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 29 by Alicorn
All the money in my pockets against all the money in your pockets The Chelish Constitutional Convention Westcrown - 2 Sarenith 4 by girllich
Nonhumans, Session 2 [Committee] [1 2] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 40 by MaggieoftheOwls
Education, Session 1 [Committee] [1 2 3 4 5] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 125 by ray
Complete Trade and Travel (Committee, Day 1) [1 2 3] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 2 Sarenith 60 by Alicorn
Complete A Motion to Create a Committee on Economics [General Session] [1 2 3 ... 10 11 12] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 281 by JiSK
An open session of the Mage Caucus [OPEN] [1 2 3] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 53 by Alicorn
A Motion to Create a Committee on Magic [General Session][OPEN] The Chelish Constitutional Convention Convention - 3 Sarenith 4 by Pevensie
Total: 59