Today they are going to look at Lastwall's rules about liches. But probably not vote, because there are a lot of them. Lastwall bans the pursuit of lichdom, and the dissemination of instructions about how to do it, and propaganda for it. It prohibits working for liches or knowingly advancing even their otherwise-legal plans (in the same way as it prohibits working for the Church of Asmodeus or a power with which the country is at war or a demon lord and knowingly advancing their otherwise-legal plans), and permits for the seizure of all assets that are held by liches. Lastwall tasks a government department with investigating the activities of liches and the possibility of someone pursuing lichdom, and which does have the authority (though rarely exercised) to call in wizards for pointed questions.
Sometimes you have to kill things, no matter how powerful. Séfora is on board with killing liches too.
It seems like a lot of ink to spill about Liches Specifically when they haven't even implemented civil courts or resumed collecting taxes but there's nothing obviously wrong with it. Though, what would this do to a Bank of Abadar that had a lich make an account in disguise, do they just have to write "unless you are secretly a lich" into every bank contract? He supposes they must. They should probably not put the Abadarans between a rock and a hard place about any accounts they may have opened already even if they like all these rules going forward.
(The thing is that if you wait to make lich rules until you know you have a lich situation, you'll then be too scared to make the lich rules. Carlota would not have dared propose this yesterday.)
He's obviously in favor, and is mostly curious about whether Cheliax needs it to be a separate department or can fold it into a department that handles other suppressed magical activity. After all, Lastwall has a specific lich to be worried about, whose presence might attract other liches like moths to a flame; Mendev had dedicated demon suppression for a similar reason.
What did the badger lich ever do to anybody though. Presumably Tar-Baphon did some things to some people and that's why this is Lastwall's situation but you're obviously just thinking about the badger one here and now. He's not going to make a fuss but he's going to make a bit of a face.
The badger lich did...lots of murder....but this is sufficiently obvious to Carlota that it at no point actually occurs to her to say it.
Liches are bad, rules against them are good, this should be easy. Vidal doesn’t know exactly how Chelish people will contrive to misunderstand this in the most obtuse, unhelpful, and Evil way, but he is sure that will happen.
Seems fine. Probably are more monsters they could and should make rules about, but if you dilute the bill to be about more things it seems more likely that there'll somehow be a fight about it. Maybe it's worth it to make some rules about undead in general? Though he's not sure how many of these are relevant to most kinds. Vampires, maybe?
There's one other thing she wanted to bring to the committee. They have another person interested in joining. (She has told Llei and Aniol in advance that she'd like to add an elected who isn't Sefora so that she doesn't have the ability to veto the committee's functioning, and that that's the purpose of adding this guy.) Anyone have questions for him?
Here’s the man in question. He’s obviously a noble to those who can divine status from appearance, but so is nearly half the convention; if they have a good memory they might recall him weighing in on a few proposals before but he was hardly a keynote speaker.
(Both of the conservatives and her grace are of course aware of who his liege lord is, but it was considered better not to advertise that).