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"It will be published by the Author, my Friend, who I am doing a Favor. If the Author provides a signed statement to you from a Reputable and Powerful Priest of Abadar in this city as to the Veracity under the truthtelling of Abadar of all Paragraphs except for two specific ones (so enumerated), would that suffice to restrict that disclaimer to those specific paragraphs?"

"Likewise, if these tomb expeditions were made outside the borders of Osirion, would it be sufficient to state that they were done so lawfully?"


"If the tomb expeditions were made outside of the borders of Osirion I will have to familiarize myself with the tomb raiding laws of other countries, for which there is a further fee. The disclaimer need not attach to any section of the document whose veracity the author has attested to under truth magic."


Is showing her superiority and indulging her vanity worth this much to her? Yes, yes it is. 



Some more muttering and more money ensues. "I have written this document as if it has been approved already. I will then go (with My Friend) and have this sworn to, and will then return for a Final Stamp. Would this be acceptable?"


" - no."


"What then ails my case?"


"This is - contemptuous of the law, and amounts to a plain implication that you routinely and willfully violated it, and intend that your audience know this is so. Men are entitled to write fiction about themselves, and entitled to write fact, but men are not entitled to use the mixture of fact and fiction to attempt to imply that they broke the law repeatedly, benefitted by it, and now desire accolades for it. I can be forgiving of 'here is a fictionalized account', but not of 'here is the employment of the tools of the law to mock it'."


"You say routinely, but only in a single span of three years, in the gathering of these materials, is it so that my Friend might have disobeyed the laws? If My Friend can show that these acts have been pardoned by the Queen of Cheliax, as part of the General Pardon Issued at the end of the Infernal Regime, would that help matters?"


"I do not believe it permitted to boast of actions which were illegal and remain illegal even if the acts were pardoned, as anyone inspired to an imitation would be acting illegally. I think that if it is your desire to testify to your friend's story as true and not as a work of fiction inspired by the truth, and to by its publication lend your friend credibility, and the true story is that your friend committed a great many serious crimes in order to become a lich, then that truthful telling is not in the public interest and the state's interest is not in securing that credibility for your friend."


It is fortunate, that she has over many years cultivated patience. Patience is very important, if one considers eternity.

"I shall try one with fewer illegal actions, then!" She goes away, mutters loudly, and comes back some minutes later

"These changes eliminated my Friend's entire youth! Would this be sufficient?"


"All right. I think this is now best understood as an advertisement, not as a work of fiction or purported biography. Advertisements must be true and must be accompanied by an attestation that the described services are provided at the described prices, or at prices to be negotiated, and that the advertiser pays taxes, does not traffic in stolen goods, and is a man - a person - a being - in good standing with the law. I...suspect that an advertisement for services in Cheliax needs an additional attestation but I will have to go ask someone more senior about that, I don't do foreign attestations." 


"My friend does not presently advertise any goods for sale, and would prefer this in the biographical vein."


"But then I do not see the public benefit to its publication. It avoids making claims on those topics where I infer the truth to be that your friend did a great many lawless murders, which is better than making any. But why should a person read it? What stands society to gain by its publication?"


"My Friend rather thinks that it is in the public interest, as a general description of facts about a public figure. You would, perhaps, not object to a historical treatise about, let's say, the late Mayor of Westcrown. Same thing. It also provides valuable information for wizards about the possibilities of magic."


"We would approve a sober, considered, reasonable historical treatise on the late Mayor of Westcrown, and not approve one in this format, poorly written, dramatic, and paying no particular heed to the values it imparts."


"So the writing is to be improved, and the values it espouses clarified? My friend claims it espouses the values of hard work and intelligent investigation of the possibilities of magic"


"Yes. If it were - much longer, and written in a more sober and reasonable tone, and more specific, and more closely resembled a history book, then it would be much more likely to meet approval."


"Why longer? Aren't short pamphlets of commercial value?"


"Advertisements are often short. But if a work means to contribute value by improving our comprehension of history or society or magic, it ought to be long, as to permit nuances and clarifications and as to promote sobriety and reason. Histories generally ought to be a book, not a pamphlet."


"This would seem to obviate any historical works aimed at the less literate."



"...yes, I suppose so?"


"So, if it is to be short, it must be an advertisement? My Friend has paid taxes, and there is presently a tax holiday in Cheliax. My Friend, was, like all other residents, pardoned by the Queen (and has committed no crimes since). She is able to graft intelligence onto Badgers (Only) for a Fee of Three Thousand Pounds, which is Legal, and she does not traffic in stolen goods. If My Friend attaches a statement in that vein to the latest effort, and has it attested, it would be acceptable?"


"I will need to get legal review, as it's not just a matter of public morals, but I think ordinarily an advertisement to that effect would be permissible to publish, if your friend is correct that all of the relevant conduct is legal in Cheliax, and that the act of grafting intelligence onto badgers is found legal and not against the public interest in both Osirion and Cheliax. Legal review will typically take two weeks, to allow for extensive correspondence with Cheliax."


"If the advertisement were to be aimed and services offered in this country only, would that timeline reduce? Likewise, does my friend have the option to pay more to shorten it?"


"I think if it's an advertisement for services offered only in Osirion that changes some of the steps of legal review but we'd still need to consult Chelish lawyers if your friend resides in Cheliax and is attesting that she's subject to the laws of Cheliax. If she moves here then I suppose we don't need to interact with Cheliax at all. Legal review can be expedited for a fee."

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