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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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"A blowjob, handjob, or, uh, fruit? Job?" Art snorts. "Mm... It gave me the warm fuzzies, doing that, but now I'm all turned on."


"Oooh, that's what you meant! They'd all sound fun to give you, should I start stroking you off now?" Without really about it, one of Alex's hands had moved to rest on Art's pajama pants above where their dick is.


(Art is definitely hard, inside those pajama pants).

"Sure! We can always clean up later."


(Nice! Alex may have gotten distracted just feeling up Art's hardness before remembering to respond.)

"Great! I haven't done this kind of thing before so please do tell me if I should adjust or change what I'm doing at any point!"

Followed by slipping her hand inside Art's pants and beginning to gently rub against their cock directly.


"Mmh... I don't know how good I'll be at putting illegible concepts into words. Maybe... I lie down on your jelly? And get rid of these pants."


"Major mood, and sure you can do that!" Alex tentatively begins pulling down and off Art's pants (unless Art seems to want her to not do that?).


Art blushes, but just positions so it's easier to be depantsed. It becomes clear that they have recently shaved basically all body hair. 

"It's nice to be stripped. To have- That look sent at me, to be appreciated. Sex is- Uh meme, but, world hard and cold, Alex soft and warm."

Art kisses Alex again, then lies down sideways, in her 'lap' of sorts, arms hugging a big section of fluff.

"Mm, comfy!"


Alex stares very appreciatively at Art's depantsed body, and preens at being called soft and warm.

"It's very nice getting to strip and look at and appreciate your adorable body too~"

Alex happily returns kiss and make her fluff try and hug Art back.


The fluff is plenty dextrous for this!

Art relaxes into the sentient waterbed.

"I could fall asleep like this... If I didn't suspect you're about to do very non-sleepy things to my cock."


Happy sheeplant noises at fluff being hugging levels of dexterous.

"I'm glad I'm apparently as comfortable as a bed to lie on~ And you're definitely right about what I'm about to do to your cock~"

Followed by beginning to gently stroke Art's cock.


Art stiffens and lets out a happy sigh.

"Mmh... I try to - give advice - or just lie back and enjoy?"


Alex happy noises more at getting a happy sigh from Art.

"You should do whichever you'd find more appealing! I'd be fine with either of trying to listen to and apply advice or just trying to make you feel good while you relax."


"Y-you can use some nectar as lube? I have a vibrator... Somewhere, but really don't want to go find it right now. The very tip is the most sensitive. Uh... Would it be okay if I do dirty talk?"


"I'll try doing that! And sensitive in a way where I should focus on it, or in a way where i should be careful about it? And sure that's fine! I might not be able to do reciprocal dirty talk though?" 

Alex moves the hand she had been stroking Art with to pick up/make some of her nectar flow onto, and then goes back to stroking Art's cock with added lubricant.


"Ah fuck. That slickness is nice. I'm imagining it's your lips, not your hand, and that's- Unf. I think- Don't need to avoid it entirely but don't focus there? Um. You're hot and this is hot, so- I fail at dirty talk I guess, thank you, shutting up. Just gonna relax and let you try things. Maybe use both hands."


Alex giggles and continues stroking all along Art's cock, not avoiding the head but also not giving it special attention, and after Art mentions it's, uncertainly tries to use both hands to stroke them off.

"You're absolutely adorable, you know? And pretty hot too~."


Well what if Art blushes, hugs the fluff tighter, and bucks her hips slightly with a stifled moan, at that?


That'll get another giggle from Alex, and an attempted petting with fluff.

"You're even prettier when you blush and moan, it's making stroking you off even more fun~"


"I'm really not gonna last long if you keep saying things like that. E-especially if I imagine it's your delicious, cute, c-cunt coming down on me instead of hands and kissing and moaning in my ear and- Cumming!"

Art's whole body tenses up and they moan as semen spurts out.


"Should I have been trying to not make you cum right away? And gosh that sure does sound like a wonderful thing to imagine that I'd love to make happen to you sometime~."

Alex admires how even more absolutely adorable Art looks as they orgasm (especially with the knowledge that she was the one who brought them to it), and gently kisses them before bringing her hand to her mouth and begins licking the (absolutely delicious) cum off them while trying to look into Art's eyes at the same time.


"Mm? Mmmmm..."

Art is not one for words right now. There is only hug.


Valid! Alex will hug them (both with arms and fluff!) for as long as it takes them to recover words, and probably for a while afterwards.



"It's fine. That was very pleasant, and now I'm all - warm afterglowy. Starting to feel a little sticky, though. 'Nother shower for me in a bit. Thanks for spending time with me. And the sex."


"You're welcome? Though I feel like I should be the one thanking you! For spending time with me, and bringing me to orgasm, and letting me bring you to orgasm. And valid!"


"I think this qualifies as 'good sex'." Art smiles. "That's how it's supposed to be, I think. Everyone enjoying the giving and taking."

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