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NoWillToBreak: ahtpjothn

NoWillToBreak: thanks!

NoWillToBreak: both for the compliments and the hot hentai i haven't seen before!

Attached to the last message is a few photos of herself, some focused on her blushy aroused face, another focused on her tits squished between her floofy arms, and the last taken quite close to her jelly, giving a clearer look at her aroused sex.

NoWillToBreak: Also hi Claire/CellularAnomaly, sorry I can't think of something more intelligent to say, Art's comments were a direct attack on (the horniest parts of) my brain.


BoxArt_x2: hsdfjhg

BoxArt_x2: did not expect you to actually take more pics

BoxArt_x2: do you uh

CellularAnomaly: :bonk: Yes, yes, we're all horny here. I want to lick you. Etc. I thought we were arranging date logistics?

BoxArt_x2: want something from me?

WitchOfBlue: lol lol


to Art, Alex replies

NoWillToBreak: I may want something involving pinning down and ravishing, yes!

NoWillToBreak: also arranging dates with all of you would be nice and is also something I hoped to do! 


BoxArt_x2 sends a photo of themself in a skimpy Femboy Link cosplay a bit later.

Date arrangements proceed! Claire offers a fairly fancy restaurant, taxi service and everything, her treat. She is apparently some kind of rich.

Artemis offers a visit to... Her, at the moment, it's a her day... House, to play co-op Smash Brothers on a giant TV. (Or, well, the joke was: 'Smash and chill. Or chill, then smash? :V')


BoxArt_x2 sends a photo of themself in a skimpy Femboy Link cosplay a bit later.

which gets a lot of heart reactions from NoWillToBreak.

Date arrangements proceed! Claire offers a fairly fancy restaurant, taxi service and everything, her treat.

Alex is a bit nervous about whether she'd accidentally stain the taxi and the restaurant's floor+chairs with her jelly (theoretically solvable by her detransforming for the date, but she'd really really rather not) but she'd otherwise think it'd sound quite nice as a date idea!

And then she realizes/remembers that she can't exactly go out in public at the moment until after she gets skirts or dresses as her jelly doesn't fully obscure her sex, and she can't put on any pants with the way her legs connect to her leafy base.

 Artemis offers a visit to... Her, at the moment, it's a her day... House, to play co-op Smash Brothers on a giant TV. (Or, well, the joke was: 'Smash and chill. Or chill, then smash? :V')

to Artemis, Alex flirtingly responds with 'If you look as ravishing in person as you did in your earlier photo, it may end up being smash smash smash, then chill~' followed by a disclaimer that she'd ofc be fine with leaving the smashing to later, and that'd she be happy to play Smash with her, though she hasn't played any fighting games before.


BoxArt_x2: That sounds incredibly fun and hot. I will literally put plastic sheeting down in my car and drive to your place to ferry you right now if you want.

WitchOfBlue: Just remember to use protection, sweeties~

After a brief silence:

WitchOfBlue: I happen to know, for reasons, and with Artemis's approval will share, that they were clean on an STD exam as of four days ago.


NoWillToBreak: Thanks Artemis, that'd be very helpful and nice of you!

NoWillToBreak: And thank you Salem for the reminder to use protection, which I might not have remembered to do with how distractingly ravishable Artemis is being.

NoWillToBreak: Also possibly I should get an STD exam done too before giving in to the urge to ravish her, as while I haven't had sex before, there has to be non-sex related ways of contracting STDs because otherwise where would they have come from in the first place?


WitchOfBlue: Yes. Most of them can be done in just about 20 minutes, and just the 'rapid tests' are mostly sufficient, they cover the major concerns, especially HIV.

WitchOfBlue: It's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it's something to be PROUD of, that you are being responsible about it.

WitchOfBlue: A lot of big retailers have the kits, even. See: [link]

BoxArt_x2: Clean is hot, and consent is hot. I have something to take care of real quick first anyway so it would be about half an hour before I can head towards you.

CellularAnomaly: I think I'm going to drop out of this channel. I guess I'm a tiny bit of a prude compared to the literal pornstar and Art.

CellularAnomaly: No shame though. Poly is fine, etc. I just prefer being a little classy I guess? Have fun and PM me later if you want that date!


NoWillToBreak: Thanks Salem and for linking that!

NoWillToBreak: That's fine Art, I'm fine with waiting however it takes you to handle that stuff and to drive over! Also personally neither would be hot to me, it's just that their absence would be upsetting to some of the parts of me that care about non-horny things. (Also uh when you're able to come would you mind picking one an STD kit? I can you pay back however much it costs afterwards or beforehand?)

NoWillToBreak: completely valid Claire! thanks and I'll PM you later!

And later when she thinks of it, Alex PMs Salem with.

Hey, by any chance do you know any tailors specializing in doing custom clothes for supers with weird bodies?


BoxArt_x2: I'll grab one. See you soon xoxo


WitchOfBlue: I do actually! They're based in Vermont. [Link]. More an etsy operation than a big fashionista thing, they've been good in discretion.


NoWillToBreak: Thanks! see you soon too cutie xoxo


NoWillToBreak: :thumbsup: Thanks! 

Alex then checks out the link, and starts drafting out a message to send to the place to ask to arrange for an appointment. 


The 'business' barely has a website at all, it has three pages (home, gallery, contact), the kind of thing that's obviously some sort of prebuilt template thrown up in an hour or two.


After forty minutes, BoxArt_x2 posts a picture of some sort of... panties with buttons on the left and right? Along with a belt and button style skirt.

TADA. Threw these together with spare cosplay supplies. Think it looks workable?


The 'business' barely has a website at all, it has three pages (home, gallery, contact), the kind of thing that's obviously some sort of prebuilt template thrown up in an hour or two.

Alex glances through the home and gallery pages before sending through the contact page

Hi, I was a shapeshifted super hoping to get some custom clothes made! Mainly panties and pants that have vertical zippers or buttons, as the ends of my legs are connected together in a way that means I can't put on regular pant(/ie)s. 


And later when she notices what Art sent she replies with.

!!! They look great! Thank you for throwing them together! um, it isn't presumptuous of me to think you made them for me, is it?


Obviously, yea

That's what I needed half an hour for!

I figure if you give me your address I can send them up somehow, or pass them through the door? It's something nice and synthetic that should clean well too, cuz jelly


:blush: anyway it was very thoughtful of you and the kind of thing that'll make it even harder to resist the urge to jump you right away upon meeting!

Passing them through the door works! I can just stand out of line of sight of the door when you hand them over so I don't accidentally flash anyone.

Alex follows up with a message stating where her address is.


Maps says 23 minutes

It occurs to me that people could see you leaving your place

But there's not much you can do about that in the end other than me making sure nobody's looking at that exact moment?


:thumbsup: I'm fine with waiting that long for you to get here after you start travelling!

NoWillToBreak is typing

NoWillToBreak is typing

NoWillToBreak is typing

NoWillToBreak : ...It occurs to me that if I were being responsible about infosec I could detransform before heading out and just retransform in your car... Or even wait until after we get back to your place. Doing that'd be slightly aversive if you also promised not to look at me until after I retransformed.

NoWillToBreak : "my transformed body being so much nicer then my original form that being untransformed would become incredibly aversive" did not originally occur to me as a potential risk of using a transformation superpower, even though in hindsight it makes sense.



BoxArt_x2: Oof

BoxArt_x2: I imagined you wanted your secret identity and I wasn't going to see you untransformed

BoxArt_x2: I put down plastic all over the car's back seat with little holes for a seat belt

BoxArt_x2: so 

BoxArt_x2: yeah

BoxArt_x2: glad your new body feels better to be in??


NoWillToBreak: Thanks.

NoWillToBreak: I'm not sure I'd have describe it as feeling better to be in, as like my old body didn't feel actively bad to be in (aside from like the body hair, but I got decent at ignoring the bits I wasn't able to shave away), it was just.

NoWillToBreak: When I actually thought about I how looked or saw my face in a mirror (or my silhouette but that was hideable by wearing sufficiently baggy clothes) it was ugly unaesthetic (really it was only in like the 50 percentile in terms of attractiveness, it'd could've looked much much worse, it just also still looked unpleasant, even if it wasn't anywhere near the worst it could've been).

NoWillToBreak: But now I have a body that's cute and pretty and desirable! I have cuties lusting after me now! I lust after me now! and the only hairs on it is fur that's soft and actually has a really nice look and texture.

NoWillToBreak: And the idea of going back to before, even briefly, is really aversive now, even if I coped fine when it was the only option before.

NoWillToBreak: Sorry for laying that all on you before even the first date.

NoWillToBreak: Anyway it was nice of you to set up plastic over the back seat of your car n stuff! And I would've been fine with you seeing my secret identity if I had a form to use for it I liked.


Can't talk much more cuz driving but hug?

And about 20 minutes later:



Hug! thanks and np on not talking while driving!

And when Art arrives Alex bounces over her to her house's door to let her in, and barely remembers to hide out of the way when she does so in order to avoid accidentally flashing anyone.

"Hihii Art! Feel free to come inside, or well encouraged even, I kind of want to hug you a lot before we head back to your place?"


Art is presenting female, wearing a Black Sabbath T-shirt and some sort of lacy shrug and the outline of a bra, along with a plaid skirt and a silver cross pendant.

"Hi! Excited to be here! Uh how about I uh, let you dress first? Then hug?"

She holds out a plastic bag, blushing and looking away.


Alex may have licked her lips with a hungryaroused look on her face when she see how pretty and ravishable Art looks. (Alex herself looks the same as in the pics she shared before, albeit wearing a baggy black shirt that barely covers her sex as long as she doesn't bend over.) 

"I'm excited to have you here!" And while she does accept the bag from her, before actually dressing she asks "Do you want me to be dressed first before we hug?"


"Uh, I figured you'd be more comfortable with it. I don't want to be, like, ableist, if your body has legitimate clothing issues? It just seems a little... Awkward. Not that you're ugly! The exact opposite!"


"I think I'm too horny for you right now, to be uncomfortable with doing it, but if you think it'd be awkward i can change first."

Alex says, followed by rooting through the Art gave her and grabbing the panties and skirt to put on.

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