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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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And after that, Art slips inside.

"Wow, it looks even fluffier in person! I will hug you now."

And hug she does, leaning forward over the jelly arms wide. "Fuwa fuwa desu, ne?"


"i know, right? It's so fluffy!"

Hug! Hug! Hug! Alex also leaned over a bit when hugging Art, being careful not to accidentally pull her into jelly Alex'll do that later.

"My weeb level must be too low, for i don't recognize that phrase, but probably yes!"


Art giggles. "Fluffy! That's all it means. Yeah, weeb levels are high around here. I'm online... A lot. It can get exhausting? But it's also fun."


Alex giggles back. "Neat! and also major mood on being online a lot."

"Unrelatedly, may I kiss you? You're very pretty, and very sweet, and very cool." And it's making very tempted to just start ravishing you.


"Hmmmm..." Art leans out of the hug and pouts, finger on chin. "Will this impede actually making it to the point of playing some video games, because I'm too irresistible?" And cue cutesy pose.


Alex gazes hungrily appreciatively at Art's adorable pose. "I really want to disagree cause it'd be a point against kissing you right now, but considering how hard it already is to resist the urge to pin you down and have my way with you, you may have a point."


"Heeee. Maybe you'd better just anticipate for now then? ...There had better not be any nonconsensual pinning, for what it's worth."


Alex pouts "I guess I can just anticipate it for nowww." before processing the rest of what Art said. "OfcourseIwon'tdoanynonconsensualpinningorwellmaybeconsensualnonconsensualpinningifyou'dlikeittoo?butI'ddefinitelygetyourconsentfirst!"


"If we did any hypothetical pinning without talking about it first and doing the whole - safeword thing - Salem would never let me hear the end of it. So- Aheh. It does sound maybe nice though?"

Blushing and looking away and playing with her hair.

"Do- Do you have pinning superpowers?"


"Not pinning specifically powers, but hypothetically, if some adorable blushing maiden were to wander into my nectar, I think I could harden it and keep them in place as I had my way with them~"

"Anyway, talking about it first and setting up a safeword beforehand would be a good idea, yes! And I'm glad you'd maybe also find the idea nice!"

Alex continues to look at Art, like she's an adorable snack that'd she love to ravish at the earliest (responsible) opportunity.


Art blushes brighter, imagining that, and covers her eyes.

"Oh my gaaaaawd... I'm a horny mess. I was considering putting on that gerudo link outfit to come pick you up too!"


Alex giggles, and feels an impulse to uncover and stare into Art's eyes (which she refrains from doing, at least until after she's had the "what can I/you do to you/me without asking in the moment?" conversation with Art.)

"You're not the only one, you're absolutely adorable and ravishable, and while I'd love to see you in that outfit in person, I'm kind of glad you didn't come in it considering how much harder it'd make being responsible and not having my way with you right away."


"Okay, now I want to show it off for you later, so. Okay!" Art claps loudly. "I want to hug your wool- I mean you- again. And after that, drive to my place for the ostensible video games which may or may not actually get played?"


"I'm looking forward to it!" Giggle. "You can hug both!" Hug! "And that sounds like a good plan to me!"



Art has carefully prepared the back seat of an otherwise unremarkable Toyota with plastic wrap. "Don't worry about getting nectar on the seatbelt though. Safety first!"


Once they're on the road, Art asks, "So, not asking about anything specific, but what would you think of ways to give more people powers? Like, by doing science on existing supers?"





Alex doesn't even really think about it before replying with. "That would be really really cool."


"Right?! But there's nothing so far. If you read the Blake Report- It basically says Everyman is a completely normal human being in every medically detectable way! So, what's going on?"


"Mhm! And I haven't read it (yet) but it's really curious that that's the result, the first thoughts that crossed my mind was that his powers come some kind of magical biology or clarktech or something connected to him in a way we wouldn't yet have the technology to directly detect or maybe there's some kind of external thing located elsewhere that's directly causing the effects of powers, and it's using some unknown critera to determine who it effectively grants powers to." 

Shrug. "But that's just wild speculation on my part."


"There's only like... A few hundred, maybe a couple thousand supers so far? More all the time but... And a lot are villains for some reason, and a lot don't want to be poked and prodded either... Which, uh, valid dot gif."


"Super valid of them indeed to not want to be poked but inconvenient for the march of science. And hypothetically if you knew anyone'd who'd be doing science experiments on supers if they had any volunteers, I'd be open to volunteering to help them?"


"I must admit I'm a little surprised! I also still don't know exactly what your powers are besides being a... Plant sheep? And controlling the jelly?"


"What can I say but mad scientists are hot? And my main power was transforming, I think it might be also be able to be used to transform into other things besides a plant sheep girl as when I first used it I had a distinct sensation from it that felt like it could've had more options, but currently only had the one? though I've got no idea what the conditions for unlocking new forms might be, or even if I'm correct in thinking new forms are obtainable.

And while like this I can manipulate my jelly a bit, and my floof is prehensile, moreso the closer it is to my body, and I haven't tested this yet but earlier I had the sensation that I could detach and throw it and cause it do something? And one of the options for it felt sleepy? and the other sticky? I didn't get much detailed info from it, and I kind of got distracted by other things before I got around to trying to test it and lacked volunteers to try it on."


"I volunteer as tribute~! Well, uh, maybe later, when it's time to actually sleep for the sleepy one?"


Giggle. "Sure, later you can be the first victim of my diabolical sleeping power~"


"Fun. Do you play video games often? I'd really like to share my favorite hobby, but if it doesn't appeal..."

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