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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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Alex smiles back. "It was very good! And I'm glad you enjoyed both too."


"I'm having a lovely time falling in lust with you, you know?"

Art yawns.

"But I think I'm sexed out for the day..."


"I'm glad you're having a lovely time of it too!"

Petpet the sleepy Art.




"Mmmm... Naptime, or shower time... Waking up like this sounds ugh, so shower time. Sadly. Lemme up?"


"Sure!" Followed by trying to help Art get up and off her jelly.


Art kisses Alex's smol little horns, then stretches, aware that this is to an extent showing off.

"Make yourself at home. Maybe practice against the bots? Or come shower too, if you need it? I'm not actually sure if you do."


Alex squeaks slightly when Art kisses her horns, partly from being reminded that she has them and partly from having them kissed. She also noticeably appreciates and stares at Art stretching and showing off.

"Will do! And a part of me is tempted to come shower too, but I think that's just because I lowkey want to see more of you naked and not because I need it, so I'll just wait and practice while you shower."


Art goes upstairs and showers.

They come back down dressed in different pajama pants and a loose tee, and flop on the couch near-bonelessly.

"Uuuuuugh I have to streaaaaaam. In like twenty minutes. I wanna snuggle you instead. But consistency is king to keeping an audience."


Alex gently pets Art.

"Rip, I'd ask why couldn't you do both and snuggle me while you stream, except I realized that'd probably be a bad idea even before saying anything considering the risk of accidentally getting nectar on your stuff, the risk of succumbing to horny, and probably some other reasons i didn't think of."


"My virtual avatar software would get hella confused. Uh... Murr. I'm not gonna tell chat 'I had sex with a super guys', but do you mind if I tell them I met you? Oh hell, you're gonna be stuck here. I can't drive you home right now, we waited too long! And my streams are like, three hours."


Ah but what if Alex would like if you mentioned (bragged?) about banging her "Sure that's fine! Telling your chat about meeting me I mean, though being stuck here for the next few hours is oki too" And you can always make it up to me by getting me stuck in a more way later "I'm sure I can find something to do to pass the time, actually hmm could I watch you while you stream?"


"I'm still sorry. Feel free to raid the fridge or whatever. Oh yeah totally! Here lemme-"

Some phone fussing ensues.

Alex gets a text with a YouTube link. It looks like Art does random game streams, with a slant towards more actiony ones. Their virtual avatar is very pretty in a not-quite-any-race way, with a toga and green colors and lots of hunting and bow symbols. Really leaning into the classical greek-goddess mythos.


"And I'll still insist it's fine! And thanks!"

After getting that text, Alex checks the link and Art's channel out.

"Your virtual avatar has a neat and pretty design! A pretty design for a pretty-" And then stops as she releases that she can't think of a non-awkward sounding way to finish her sentence that doesn't assume Art is still girl at the moment.


"I'm usually slightly femme when in streamer mode? I'm not supper fussed about it unless I'm really strongly something in particular at the moment. I don't really care about the pronouns as long as you change if I correct you on any given day."


"Got it!"


"Well, I hope you enjoy the stream! I'm gonna go make sure my rig's all set and eat a snack."


"Thanks! I'm sure I will!"

Alex goes to briefly hug Art when she gets up.





Art is recognizably Art on stream! Same sort of mannerisms and speechisms. She starts the stream off with a quick game poll, and some indie platformer wins. While the game loads, she talks about cosplay and character design- Praising all the personality that's gone into this game's apparent protag.

Past that, it's any other game stream. Art chats, laughs, sputters at Chat, and shows her personality throughout.

When she brings up Alex, she gushes about meeting a super with an unusual transformation, and maybe doing science to her. Chat immediately goes completely horny about ''science'' and Art ends up incredibly flustered in her sputtered technically-not-denying-it.

Once chat calms down, it doesn't last long when Art mentions wool and nectar. The 'eat her out' jokes continue for at least ten minutes. Art actually has to take a break, pausing the stream.


Alex may have gotten flustered as well from all the horny jokes chat made as well (And at a few points has to put in a lot of effort to resist the urge to join in making horny comments in chat).

And once Art takes a break, Alex goes to hug her again and says.

"You were incredibly cute, y'know? both when you were adorkably talking bout cosplay and character design and things, and when your were being an adorably flustered maiden~"


Blushing again!!

"Um. Uwu~? And, heh."

Art kisses Alex.

"I should take my break quickly though. Chat has a short attention span. Bathroom, wash hands, water. See you laaaaater!" 

And she's off! Her persona is more evident the longer you watch, while not exactly posh, she is still in character as a Greek goddess. Demanding offerings occasionally, and the like. Chat seems mostly as interested in this as they were in the games. For much of the rest of the stream she's consumed with speculation on the difficulties of weaving super-wool, and technical discussion about fabrics. She even takes a break from games at one point to putter around cosplay websites thinking about it.

And then... FINALLY... It's over. She calls out a bunch of prominent patrons' screennames (all the ones who had the dubious honor to become a side-character, minion, object, or town name in her gameplay), and signs off, and tromps downstairs in a good mood, humming.


Alex happily returns kiss, and resists the urge to resume it when Art ends it.

"Okay, I'll try not distract you further from being quick about your break, see you later!"


Once the stream is over and Art comes back down, Alex bounces over to and glomps her.

"You were adorkable and and your stream persona is neat! Also considering the speculation you were doing on weaving with super-wool, would you like trying to do something with mine sometime?"


"I definitely would! It'll be interesting. I've never hand-spun wool before and it's supposed to be pretty boring, but this is super wool. How can I possibly resist? I still wanna test out the sleepy wool but... I should probably be driving you home, I've left you stranded here long enough."


"You can test them both again another day then! And that would probably be a good idea, even if a part of me does want to stay here and sleep with you..."


"Mmm... Samesies, but that's a bit too fast for me. We already had sex without even a proper date, you know? And it was awesome. But... Words words feelings feelings, something."


"Valid." Alex is maybe gonna just keep hugging Art as long as possible.

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