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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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NoWillToBreak: Maybe!

NoWillToBreak: Hey Salem, did you unlock a new aspect of your power recently?


WitchOfBlue: I forgot to mention but I can turn people into frogs now


NoWillToBreak: Incredible! How much testing have you done with it yet? Is there a range limit?


WitchOfBlue: It has a lot of restrictions. The problem is, they have to already be frogs.


NoWillToBreak: snrk, that's great, thank you for in indulging in this bit of sillyness.

NoWillToBreak: Anyway I meant to mention earlier, but I've got access to a new form now! a succubusy one in addition to plantsheepgirl.


WitchOfBlue: I was honestly 50/50 on whether you would be discovering new aspects of plantsheep, or discovering entire new forms. Powers are weird as heck

BoxArt_x2: Pics or it didn't happen :3


NoWillToBreak: They are! weird and cool as heck

Alex follows up with a @ reply to Art that just has the pics of her new form she took earlier.


BoxArt_x2: Nice. Last form had wool-related powers (that you never actually tested on me). What does this one have? You could sort of guess even without trying, right?

(This form's powers seem pretty simple! She can pick a person and make them like her.)


(Fun~ Well that's a deeply concerning power!!!)

NoWillToBreak: I can fix that the next we hang out?

NoWillToBreak is typing.

NoWillToBreak is typing.

NoWillToBreak: And the new form's power is erm uh something mindcontrolly, specifically the impression I'm getting from it is that I could pick someone and make them like me...


BoxArt_x2 is typing...

WitchOfBlue: Mind-affecting powers can be a difficult topic. I don't think they're inherently less ethical than the ability to shoot fire at someone if you use them with a similar level of caution and justification. Or consent.

BoxArt_x2: I consent


NoWillToBreak: Thanks, Salem! Though uh I'd be kind of concerned on like a personal level about having a mind control power because... a part of me would want to throw caution and justification and consent to the wind and abuse it, whereas like if I had just gained the power to shoot fireballs instead, I'd be negatively tempted to use it in evil ways.

NoWillToBreak: @BoxArt_x2 if you keep saying things like that, you'll make it even more tempting to do ill-advised things to you


BoxArt_x2: :3 :3 *bounces jiggles*

WitchOfBlue: It's cute seeing you two flirt.

WitchOfBlue: That's valid. It's a lot easier to lie to yourself that maybe it would actually be okay. You might not WANT that temptation. Hmm...


NoWillToBreak: :3 *bounce glomps Art*

NoWillToBreak: *blush* Thanks Salem!

NoWillToBreak: And yeah that's basically it. (or well in an ideal universe I'd still be tempted by it but would be geased-or-in-some-other-metaphysical way blocked from indulging it, because like temptation is hot and i like the way my kinks are, but I'd just also not want to be in situations where I'd be tempted to and capable of hurting others, if that makes sense?)


WitchOfBlue: Is 'I arrange to have someone occasionally surreptitiously check if you are up to mindfuckery, through undisclosed means' the right kind of shape? Or is that too ominous?


NoWillToBreak: Maybe? It'd pressure me against like endorsedly deciding to engage in mindfuckery (and I generally endorse stuff that'd pressure against becoming a worse person) but might not effect the odds of an akrasiac moment of not thinking of the reasons I shouldn't do something.

NoWillToBreak: Wait I'm an idiot

NoWillToBreak: Obvious-in-hindsight thought, whenever I'm using mindcontrol on someone, i should just have a third person there who's in their right state of mind and can point out if I was about to or just did something ill-advised/had a risk of wronging the person I was mindcontrolling.


BoxArt_x2: So you can come over right Alex

BoxArt_x2: And then video call Salem so she knows you're doing it with my permission


NoWillToBreak: I could! If Salem was fine with doing that?

NoWillToBreak: And uh if you'd want to try it after thinking about it? In case you wouldn't actually want to jump into being mindcontrolled on the second date.


BoxArt_x2: You don't understand

BoxArt_x2: Mindfuckery per se, like erasing memories or w/e is sketchy but 'makes them like you' charm magic is EXTREMELY hot

BoxArt_x2: Now that I know this is an option I am absolutely going to stomp both feet on it at least once

BoxArt_x2: I want to be carried away by aphrodisiac mist or a succubus's aura. Besides I trust Salem to check up on me.

WitchOfBlue: I also feel like it's a bit fast... But you do need to know what exactly this power does to people. You two should make arrangements for a variety of ways the power could affect Art. I mean set up for sleep or aftercare or food or whatever else.


BoxArt_x2 PM's Alex.

I'm already hard thinking about it. Fuck.


NoWillToBreak: That's a very good idea, that I'd also have barely any idea how to do.


Alex, trying to ignore how wet she's gotten again from having made Art hard, PMs back.

Pics or it didn't happen

I mean cute?

Uh I mean, sorry for getting you hard when I can't immediately follow up by riding your cock like a bicycle?



Art sends a dick pic, one hand wrapped around it. Wearing a blue pleated skirt and black tights, which are pulled down. It looks like it's part of some sort of cosplay.



WitchOfBlue: In this case, Art should be relaxed on a couch, hydrated, well-fed, not needing the restroom, and wearing comfortable clothing. And you should probably have condoms ready if it goes how I expect. If/when the power wears off, note that and make sure to have a conversation about how it felt and whether either of you have any regrets about the experience. After that, refrain from using it again for a day or two and try to see if there are lingering effects.


Trying really hard to ignore the urge to start masturbating again, Alex replies to Art with.

Oh gosh Oh fuck that's hot and i really need it inside me now

Thanks you for sharing that, I would ask for more, but I'd in fact like to be able to not immediately jump upon seeing you again and instead wait for you to finish everything you should take care before i violate you.



NoWillToBreak: Thanks for listing that all out I'll make sure to do them.


Need me to fetch you again or can you drive over in that form?


I think I should be able to drive over, yeah! 


I'll do personal care and be tied up and ready!


Good girl! I'll be looking forward to it~

Alex gets herself ready (and off, so she won't be distractingly horny while driving), changing into some slightly more presentable clothes then what she was wearing when taking pics of her new form, and then heads off to Art's place.

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