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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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"I'm kinda jealous, yeah... Wish I had powers."

(Something stirs faintly in Alex, at this. Intrigued, and a sense that it might not be impossible.)

"...What do you think of the mind whammy? I think going under it too often could be... Distorty."


(!!! Can she get anything more from trying to internally investigate the part of her that felt like it might not be impossible?)

Hugs even more.

"... Yeah I would not be surprised at all if it doing too often was distortiony, probably the safest way to handle would be just never going under it, and like if one wanted to go under sometimes and be responsible about it, maybe the best strategy would be something like taking detailed notes on what you're like when you're not under it while you're not under it, taking detailed notes of what you're like under it, and then figure out how much you'd be fine being distorted in that direction and how much to be worried about it and other stuff?


If we were being mad scientists about it we could do a bunch of randomized control experiments on other people to figure out what frequencies of going under has what distortionary effects, and use that to decide how often you'd personally like to go under..."


She needs... Something, to do that. More power? More time? Unclear. 

"Do you think you could end it early? We absolutely didn't check that but... And did... You enjoy it?" Bluuuuushy. "Having me so devoted and eager. Specifically. Aside from the sex at all."


She's definitely adding trying to figure out what that Something is to the list of stuff to investigate about her power then.

"Maybee? It feels to my ineffable power sense like I could've ended it early but it's effects might have lingered for a bit afterwards, possibly something to investigate later?" She giggles and snuggles the adorable blushy Art. "I enjoyed it a lot! It was so fun having such a cute and devoted girl eager to please~."

"Also uh, there was another thing I got the sense from my power might be possible to do it, but I didn't get much detail and it'd probably be really disappointing if it ended up not working, should i uh mention now what it was, or um?"


"...We should try it that way some other time. And. what? Uh... Well, you can't un-tell a secret. The way you phrased that is confusing."


Alex blushes. "Sorry for being confusing, I can be bad at words sometimes, so err trying to speak more plainly this time, so earlier when you mentioned that you wish you had powers too I got a sense from the sensory aspect of my power that it might not be impossible? And I was unsure of whether to mention it because of-" She shrugs again here, unsure of how to her reasons in a way that isn't confusing.


"...Sus. Nobody knows how to get powers on purpose. Maybe you imagined it?"


"I don't think I imagined it? It just felt like another bit of information provided by my power sense? And well..." It takes her a bit to think of what to say for this next part.

"So the night before I woke up with powers, I had a dream of someone offering to grant them to me, and I woke up with powers afterwards, and eventually being to help others get powers would feel on-theme with that?"

"If that sounds unconvincing and suspicious to you, that'd be fine and reasonable of you..." She shrugs listlessly after that.


"I think... I don't want to get my hopes up? When by all previous wisdom, contagious powers are not a thing? I mean... It's not that I disbelieve you, but..."



"That, yeah, not wanting to get your hope up makes sense, it'd really suck to have hope for that dashed, and would be a situation where even just hoping would hurt." Alex may be speaking a bit from experience there. "Sorry for mentioning it when I didn't have anything more substantial..."



"I don't think I regret trying the mind power. But I think I'm done being together for the day. I feel worn out and introverted and glad I'm not streaming today."


Continued hug.

"That is definitely a mood, should I shut up and just snuggle you, or leave for now, or something else?"


Art plants a kiss on one of her horns.

"I think you should probably go. It was fun. I just gotta space out now."


Alex smiles back at Art and 'retaliates' by kissing the top of Art's head. "Valid! I'll get dressed and leave then!"


Art just stays there. Flopped. Starts picking up clothes, eventually.

Where does she want to go or do next?


Super valid of her, Alex is gonna leave her be.

After leaving Art's place, Alex is going to go see if anyone else wants to fuck her today, ignore her background horniness and her mild social anxiety and go out and buy some new clothes.


The general public pays a lot of attention to her! She's hot even in generic stuff, and either a super or some sort of cosplayer or some sort of super.

The store clerks seem faintly nervous but trying to be helpful.


Ohno lots of people paying attention to her, Alex is going to try her best to just ignore that.


After blanking on how bra sizing works, Alex will (also nervously) approach and ask one of the least intimidating nearby clerks. "Hi uh, how do the bra sizings work here? I kind of was basically flat before I got powers and hadn't needed one before and don't really know how their sizes n stuff work...?"


"-Oh! You got powers recently? It's so rare to see a superhero, I just thought... Well, I'll be very happy to help you. It's not that complicated."

And the store clerk will happily explain and help measure, seemingly entirely unselfconscious.


"Yeah! Only yesterday actually! And thanks!" Alex will attentively listen so she can do measurements herself the next time she gains a new form and for her sheeplant form later, and tries to ignore her own self consciousness (the clerk's own apparent lack of it helps) and to not be weird when the clerk helps with measuring.


Aaaand now right into sales patter mode! What's important in a bra? Comfort? Looking amazing?


Looking sexy! No bad horny brain. (... She will maybe indulge horny brain and get 1 sexy bra later.)

The answer she actually gives is yes/both, with them both being important but that'd she mainly want to prioritize comfort for most of the bras she'd get (and maybe get 1 that'd prioritize looking ~~sexy~~ amazing.) and insomuch as possible she'd also want ones that'd still be mostly comfortable if they were the wrong size for if (when) her sizes change again.


Bra shopping continues with a clerk who is definitely knowledgeable and helpful. Getting all those desiderata in a single garment might be impossible, though.

"-Oh, are you going to transform more? Is thar your power?"


Alex is appreciative of them being so knowledgeable and helpful! And yeah she expected getting them all in one wouldn't be possible, she'd be fine with just getting a few that individually satisfy the desiderata.

"Yeah! Though I'd rather not go into the specific details on it though aside from where it'd be relevant with regards to bra shopping."


"If you get measurements we can fit for those. If you have a rough guess for sizes we can send you home with something and maybe exchange it too!"

At this point someone else budges in. Tall, dark hair. Kind of a Cool Mom look, name tag says Manager.

"Yo! 25 percent off if we can take a couple photos of you and post them on social. Fully clothed, naturally."

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