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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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"I'll give you some business cards of people to bounce ideas off of. Do you have questions for me?"

Cassandra interrupts. "Mart, this is good fiber. Really good. Feel it!" Cassandra hands him a little patch. "And here's some raw wool from the Boston factory loading dock." Another one. "It's got great average length too. It'll be easy to work with."

"-Oh, yes, you can really tell the difference. Wow."


"None that immediately come to mind?"

When Cassandra interrupts, Alex bounces happily at hearing her wool be complimented, and says. "I'm glad it's high quality!"


"Well, let's get you the sample fee- A one-time payment for this wool for submittal to analysis and creation of test weaves that are not to be sold, with no ongoing obligations."

He hands over a small tan envelope.

"And if you'll give me a minute I can print up contacts for consulting on design. We do custom exclusives occasionally, and if it ends up making sense for your costume to be one of those I'm sure we can work something out."

"I've always been curious about super powers but I'm not sure what's intrusive to ask," Cassandra says.


Alex accepts the envelope and nods. "Thanks!"

And while waiting for Marten to print up contacts, she says to Cassandra. "You should feel free to ask whatever questions you like, and if any of them are too intrusive for me, I can just say that and decline to answer?"


"You have multiple forms? Did you design them? How long does it take to change? Can you blend them? Is your hair in this form made of wool? It doesn't look like it. Do you have different powers in different forms?"


You have multiple forms?  


Did you design them? 

Nope! (well unless something erased my memory of doing so and I was operating under weird unknown constraints when designing them, but that's probably not the case)

How long does it take to change? 

A few seconds maybe?, I haven't tried timing it yet.

Can you blend them?

I think probably not, but I haven't specifically tested that yet!

 Is your hair in this form made of wool? It doesn't look like it. 

I don't think so? It doesn't feel woolly at least, but I haven't actually thought to check that.

Do you have different powers in different forms?



Cassandra will continue peppering her with questions about how her power works and what cool things she can do with it.

Marten offers to let her pick out some of anything Redline makes from the warehouse downstairs.


And Alex will continue trying her best to answer Cassandra's questions until interrupted by Marten's offer, whereupon she accepts and goes to check out the things downstairs.


They make a lot of different stuff, all of it in a fairly distinct punky-gothy sort of style. There's hoodies and t-shirts and dresses and skirts and camis and tube tops and jeans and hats and jackets. Most of it's smooth and shiny. A lot of it has jagged punky logos on it, or occasionally a scantily-clad character committing violence (mostly women, a lot of them arachne-themed). Some of it has neon LEDs and cyberpunk theming. Some of it has leather.

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