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monstergirls are fun and profitable
Monstergirl Powers Gacha
Permalink Mark Unread

In a world not too unlike our own, where the phenomenon of superheroes is still new and the greatest among their number do not yet threaten the world order... A society that has not truly had to adapt, quite yet, but seems to be holding its breath as more and more 'supers' turn up seemingly out of nowhere, and for unclear reasons often decide to commit or fight crimes...

Another spark is offered.

It's a strange dream. One of floating in a vast airy sea, weightless and warm. An impossibly beautiful woman vaguely defined, nothing clear except her voice, rich and warm and promising.

"This is an interesting little situation, dearie. I can't explain much. Best to think of this as a dream. But this world has opened to my influence, just a tiny bit. I normally couldn't do this at all, but here and now, tonight, I can make you a little offer. If you could have powers, but with an eensy little cost... Would you want them? Oh, the trick is nothing huge. You have to be a girl to use them, that's all."

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Even before the mysterious woman elaborated on the cost, Alex was feeling very tempted to just say yes right away to getting POWERS!! and in such an aesthetically ominous way, even though it would be an objectively terrible idea to agree before even knowing what the price was. So as soon as the cost which was practically a benefit in some ways was revealed, he immediately said.

"Yes! I'd love to get powers if the only cost of them was being a girl!" 

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"Oh, I picked a cute one, didn't I? C'mere, then."

The figure wraps Alex up in a warm, soft hug, and plants a kiss on his forehead, and the dream dissolves into formless impressions of comfort and rest...



...When Alex actually wakes up, there's a very distinct sense of something he could reach out and do. Like grabbing something off a mental shelf. There could clearly be more options, plenty of room on the shelf- But for now, there's only one. It feels slow, indulgent, content, relaxed.

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"Cute?!" Alex squeaks out as the figure hugs him and just before the dream dissolves.

When he wakes up and there's *something* there, proof that it wasn't just a dream and that he has access to powers now, even if it's just one, he happily reaches out for it and tries to activate it.

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A spark descends into him.

His blanket is violently pushed away as something soft and orange comes into being, surrounding his legs as his lower pajamas disappear to some unknown place, with leaves blooming out of the very bottom. The uppers stay on, perhaps because they still fit. He feels himself shrinking, but also expanding, since the new substance feels like a part of him-

Or her. The small but very definitely present bare breasts that he can feel, gently brushed by the - hair? - going all along his back and head and arms - along with a certain new feature near his legs, make the female nature of this new form very clear. Two small horns form on top of his head, perhaps missed among all the other changes.

The end result of this change is that Alex wobbles to a sort of standing position on top of the bed, which is smeared with the fruity-smelling orange substance surrounding his legs, a substance which is under his control (somewhat). Also distracting is the definite sense that his ridiculously soft and fluffy white 'hair' is prehensile- And can be detached and tossed.

This form comes with feelings too. A sense of pride in her ??fruit?? and fur feed even more into the excitement of having powers.

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Alex can't but moan as he feels his body changing, the pleasure from and formation of breasts and a distinctively feminine feature between her legs she expected, but the additional changes from becoming some kind of plantimal monstergirl, and how good it feels were a surprise too.

A rather pleasant one at that considering how soft and wonderfully fluffy her amazing new fur feels.

Which she seems to have started nuzzling her face against without thinking about it? She's going to stop that now and try and get a look at the rest of the changes now...



After what was definitely just a few seconds Alex pulls away from her fluffy fluffy fur and looks over the rest of her body, and notices that her fruit(??) is smeared all over her bed, whoops.

How successful is she at using her limited control over to pull as much of her fruit out of her bed as possible at the same time as she moves out of it? (do the changes to her body result in getting out of bed being trickier then she'd expect?)

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She can mostly reabsorb the nectar, but some is still left soaked into the fabric. The scent is strong and pleasantly fruity. As for moving around, well, it's more of a wobble or hop than a walk, but she's not completely stuck to one spot.

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At least she got most of her nectar back, and she can just wash or replace the fabric later. (though a part of her is oddly disappointed at the idea of not keeping her bed pleasantly scented with her nectar).

Only being able to wobble hop around is kind of embarrassing but only in a horny way and not in wishing-she-could-turn-off-her-emotions way, so at least she won't be any more inconvenienced in going out and doing stuff while transformed then being a hot girl and having being stuck with a slower method of movement would naturally result in. 

The thought crosses her mind to wonder if she can fall over in a way that leaves her unable to get back up and with her pussy exposed for anyone passing by to play with. She should really leave the incredibly horny thoughts for after she's finished figuring out her new powers.

What's the prehensileness of her fluff like? is it an amorphous blob that can be moved in any way as long as each part is connected to a part connected to a part ... connected to her main body? or are there specific movements that can be made with it?
She's also tempted to try disconnecting and throwing some of it, but refrains in case it's some kind of explosive power or something else she'd regret activating in her house. Can she any more feelings of mysterious knowledge on how it works?

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The prehensileness is... Moderate. The closer it is to her central body, the easier it is to shape. She's not going to be doing arts and crafts by the tips of her fur, but she can probably flick light switches and open doorknobs with it. The vague feeling-knowledge of throwing her fur has a hint of... Sleepy? A choice between sleepy and sticky.

(An idle thought comes forward from the feeling-knowledge: She could make her fruit soft, wait for someone to walk into it, and then make it firm again and use it to press them right up against her. In a perfect position for all sorts of things.)

(You know. Just an idea.)

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The prehensileness is... Moderate. The closer it is to her central body, the easier it is to shape. She's not going to be doing arts and crafts by the tips of her fur, but she can probably flick light switches and open doorknobs with it. 

Convenient, even if not maximally so. What's the max distance she can have her fluff at from her body while still being able to flick switches.

The vague feeling-knowledge of throwing her fur has a hint of... Sleepy? A choice between sleepy and sticky.

She can't think of any uses for making it's sticky (aside from using it as makeshift restraints during sex...) but sleepy seems like it'd have a lot of uses. Does she have a sense of how long her fur would continue being Sleepy after removing it? could she sell it as a sleeping aid? And now she's wondering if her fur can be turned into fabric, could she be used as a source for the softest and fluffiest fabric possible?

(An idle thought comes forward from the feeling-knowledge: She could make her fruit soft, wait for someone to walk into it, and then make it firm again and use it to press them right up against her. In a perfect position for all sorts of things.)

(You know. Just an idea.)

Ooh wow that sure is an idea to add to the rapidly growing list of things to do if she ever reaches the negotiating-kink-scenes stage of obtaining. (Alex is vaguely aware that theoretically she could go out and do that to a random stranger, but even aside from the potential legal issues it might cause, in real life doing that kind of thing >99% of the time results in the stranger having a terrible time of it, and that just wouldn't be fun)

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Looks like about six or seven feet? It seems to be the kind of thing that is amenable to practice. She does not really have a sense of how long the sleepiness would last. Definitely temporary and not a Snow White situation, though. She seems to have reached the end of the helpful vague feelings, with no comment on the idea of fabric.

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Useful! She should try practicing it more later. Super valid of the vague feelings to be out of comments, they've been very helpful so far.

Now to attempt to search online for advice or resources for new supers, looking particularly for any advice on attempting to sell or profit from the results of one's powers.

Then afterwards as a treat to herself, she's going to try and look up if there's any kink places or groups interested in supers or people with transformation powers.

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One advice thread has the following to say about making money from powers in America: Get a lawyer. No major lawsuits against heroes have gone anywhere yet, and ones against villains tend to have a hard time collecting, but still. Take speech and PR lessons, if you really need money a lot of it will come from appearance fees. Get insurance. Most insurance companies are very very specific about what they ensure as far as supers go. Don't take any big risks to get money, if you really need help most state governments are being sensible about it, they prefer to pay for hotel rooms rather than desperate supers robbing 7-11s. If you're selling a product or commodity produced with your power, it's by far easier to find a company to handle things than try and market, package, ship, process payments, etc, yourself.

There are TOTALLY horny fangroups of supers! Especially ones who transform! Everyman, the shapeshifting hero, can be a small secret agent one moment and a roided out bodybuilder the next and a swimmer the third. There's lively discussion of his best forms and how revealing his costume has to be for combat morphing to work. Elementa has different forms and costumes for each one of her three different powersets. People swoon over being tied up in the heroine Vega's golden ropes. All supers seem to be built like supermodels to an extent, it's weird but hot. Etc etc. Something by-supers-for-supers is harder to find, but she does find a super-pornstar: Salem, whose skin is a deep blue and whose power is selective intangibility and some sort of super-sight.

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One advice thread has the following to say about making money from powers in America: Get a lawyer. No major lawsuits against supers have gone anywhere yet, and ones against villains tend to have a hard time collecting, but still. Take speech and PR lessons, if you really need money a lot of it will come from appearance fees. Get insurance. Most insurance companies are very very specific about what they ensure as far as supers go. Don't take any big risks to get money, if you really need help most state governments are being sensible about it, they prefer to pay for hotel rooms rather than desperate supers robbing 7-11s. If you're selling a product or commodity produced with your power, it's by far easier to find a company to handle things than try and market, package, ship, process payments, etc, yourself.

Alex is taking down these details in a notes app as she go through them, and when she gets to the parts recommending speech and PR lessons, she notes down whichever jobs or ways of profiting from powers it'd be recommended for, so she knows to avoid them, having to deal with anything that'd require PR lessons would not be worth the money.

On a different note, what can she find if she goes looking online for lawyers for supers? particularly searching for one's who'd have cheap or free first consultation, and/or who'd specialize in helping new supers make money and/or avoid getting in legal trouble for trying to do that? She also tries searching for any companies who business involves helping new supers use their powers for mutual profit, or just have something fabrics derived from super(s).

Everyman, the shapeshifting hero, can be a small secret agent one moment and a roided out bodybuilder the next and a swimmer the third. There's lively discussion of his best forms and how revealing his costume has to be for combat morphing to work. 

Alex briefly wonders if Everyman's powers might extend to turning into a femboy or even fully transforming into a girl, but probably not, after all if it did they'd obviously be Everywoman (Everygirl?) instead.

Elementa has different forms and costumes for each one of her three different powersets.

Another super with different powersets per form, neat! What are her different forms and powers like?

People swoon over being tied up in the heroine Vega's golden ropes. All supers seem to be built like supermodels to an extent, it's weird but hot. Etc etc. 

 Who does Vega usually tie up? Lovers? Supervillains? Becoming a supervillain may have suddenly become a lot more tempting.

Something by-supers-for-supers is harder to find, but she does find a super-pornstar: Salem, whose skin is a deep blue and whose power is selective intangibility and some sort of super-sight.

Pretty and neat! What else can Alex find out about Salem if she goes searching? Particularly any opinions on other (horny) supers trying to contact her?

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There are a couple of law firms that advertise for supers, or advertise their existing relationship with some super. Big conglomerates, it looks like. Corporations don't seem to have fully adapted to the presence of supers yet, but a small company called Redline Clothes claims to sell clothes with spider silk, produced by the villain Arachne, who controls insects. They get a lot of flack for cooperating with a 'villain' but they're still around.

Elementa has an 'earth' form (brown and green, super strength, regeneration, and growing plants), 'sea' (purple and deep blue, conjuring sprays of water and ice, super speed), and 'sky' (high speed flight, control of wind, preternatural dodging).

Vega can conjure and manipulate ropes in quite some distance around herself, and has used it in the past to rescue people from vehicle wrecks and natural disasters, bind robbers and other criminals, and even creatively assist construction teams by being a makeshift crane.

Salem has been active for years and is not as prolific as other pornstars; She says she does it as a hobby. Her videos are also not nearly as professional or slick as 'normal' porn. She has a blog, and says one of her favorite scenes was 'chasing' someone through a maze and becoming tangible just long enough to grope or tease them before laughing and darting away, and eventually pinning them for sex. She has blog posts saying that 'mutant' supers didn't choose their bodies any more than anyone else did, inviting any supers with unusual bodies or concerns about their looks to talk to her.

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a small company called Redline Clothes claims to sell clothes with spider silk, produced by the villain Arachne, who controls insects. They get a lot of flack for cooperating with a 'villain' but they're still around.

Redlines Clothes sound based, do they have any contact details?

Elementa has an 'earth' form (brown and green, super strength, regeneration, and growing plants), 'sea' (purple and deep blue, conjuring sprays of water and ice, super speed), and 'sky' (high speed flight, control of wind, preternatural dodging).

Elementa's powers are neat, and her various forms pretty.

She has a blog, and says one of her favorite scenes was 'chasing' someone through a maze and becoming tangible just long enough to grope or tease them before laughing and darting away, and eventually pinning them for sex. 

Gosh that's a hot scenario, if she goes looking for it, can she find the video featuring that scene? For research purposes of course.[1]

She has blog posts saying that 'mutant' supers didn't choose their bodies any more than anyone else did, inviting any supers with unusual bodies or concerns about their looks to talk to her.

After some indecisiveness over whether to contact considering Salem considering how she kinda did choose her new body, and her body isn't that unusual, and she's concerned a negative amount her looks but she does want to talk to Salem, Alex tentatively decides to try sending her the message.

Hi, I'm a new super with an altered form! (albeit from a sorta shapeshifting power so I could turn it off)

along with an attached photo she took of her herself[2] holding a note she wrote with the date and her email on it, to provide some evidence she's got powers in case Salem gets alot of people messaging her who claim to but don't have powers.



[1] The research being what it's like to get off as a monstergirl.

[2] She may have forgotten to crop out her lower naked body from the photo.

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Redline has a 'contact us' form on their website, and an address, but no email or phone number listed.

It's linked! She has enough time to watch it before Salem (or more likely, someone screening her mail) responds.




Wow, that's a pretty bonkers alt form! This one managed to get through my robo-sorter and I'm glad it did! How do you feel about that body? The big ball of jelly is a bit of a head-scratcher for me, I have to admit. What kind of things did you want to talk about? Just advice from a veteran or...?


Permalink Mark Unread

Redline has a 'contact us' form on their website, and an address, but no email or phone number listed.

What's the 'contact form' look like? can she straightforwardly put something to the effect of "I'm a super who can produce fur and is looking for a company that might be interested in buying it, your company seems cool and already sources silk from a super, can I interest you in fur too? also here's an image of me with my fur and holding some a note with the date+my email on it as some evidence that I'm actually a super" in it?

It's linked! She has enough time to watch it before Salem (or more likely, someone screening her mail) responds.

... So if Alex gives in to temptation (which she does) and watches the vid, what's it like in detail?



After she finishes watching it and notices the reply to her message, she responds with.

I'm glad it glad it got through your robo-sorter too!

And I feel pretty good about this body! it's very pretty (especially in comparison to my original form) and it's fur is ridiculously soft (and prehensile too, which is pretty neat), and the only downside of it is that i can't exactly walk in it and have to hop around slowly, which is pretty minor compared to rest, and well it's also kind of embarrassing in a erotic way.

It might also be hornier, but that could just be from me kind of having a transformation kink and not the body itself being hornier in some way.

And yeah, I was hoping for advice from a veteran and also if it wouldn't be a bother, advice on acquiring sex as a super?


Permalink Mark Unread

Oh wow, I've got a live one! I guess you contacted me for my hobby then~? It's great that you love your body so much. That fur looks really cuddly, and if the fruit is like a waterbed... Anyway, a lot of people really struggle with it! Your kinks are valid, and I've found some people are just hornier when they're happy and excited, too- And powers are definitely exciting. Too soon to say, probably!

As far as sex goes, I don't really know what I'm working with. Did you have any before your powers? What age are you, what's your level of sex education? Would you want to try a phone or video call for that part of this chat, or keep it to text?

(I advise putting SOMETHING on even if it gets smeared in that jelly, by the way - you look lovely down there but it does not QUITE fully obscure.)

As far as super-advice from a veteran goes: The number one big one is KNOW YOUR POWERS. Before you do anything dramatic with them - especially before you try to fight crime, if you want to do that (which some don't!) - Find a good place to practice them and get used to them. You don't have to tell me your powers. Some people keep things back as trump cards. Using myself as an example: My witch sight, what kind of materials can it see through? What can't it see through? Concrete? Lead? Dirt? Pipes? Plastic, drywall, plants? Does it have peripheral vision? And so on. My intangibility: I thought it was all or nothing at first, it took practice and experimentation to make it nicely selective, so I can still have a physical hand that carries things while the rest of me is safe from danger or obstacles. I can also use it to manipulate my weight a bit, and do big leaps. So do that kind of thing for YOUR powers, whatever they are. Learn what they can and can't do. How fast they move. How well you can control them. Get used to it, get familiar with them, until you start to develop an instinctual sense for it.

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Thanks! and yeah your hobby is part of why I contacted you, it made seem likely you'd be fine with being asked stuff by a terminally horny super and

"would you like try cuddling my fur?" Alex does not include despite the temptation to, and instead follows up with.

to try and answer your other questions, I haven't had any sex before I had powers (or any after gaining them yet), I'm twenty[1] and uh my level of sex ed might be nil? beyond what stuff I've absorbed through cultural osmosis and porny fanfic and manga, which wouldn't even claim to be trustworthy sources on the topic (technically I would've had sex ed classes in school but literally the only things I remember from school are those I use regularly and I haven't had sex.)

Sure I'd like to try video calling for it! And thanks for pointing out that the jelly doesn't fully obscure my lower parts (though I can't fix that yet as my legs are directly connected to my leafy base, so pants won't fit, and I don't own any skirts, but i'll make sure to fix that before i go out anywhere transformed.) And for the advice to make sure to know my powers before trying to use them for anything dramatic!]


[1] random alex fact : If this conversation had been happening live, she would've gone on a rambly and philosophical digression about identity, and how she's skeptical of the idea that she's the same person as she was more then a few years ago, but as it's happening online she notices and edits out the digression before she sends the reply.

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Salem sends her phone number and a link to a Discord server with a long alphanumeric name.

I'm glad to help out when I can! I just can't help EVERYONE. And that's super advice number 2: You're going to get at least moderately famous. It's kind of a problem if you don't manage to keep your mundane identity private? There's kind of an unwritten rule against poking into it, but since it's unwritten... Sometimes it gets broken anyway.

Anyway, Discord or direct phone, either works for me. Please don't share the phone number around though.

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That's very nice of you! and what would level of paranoia about trying to keep one's mundane identity private would usually make sense? On scale from say just using an alias and avoiding leaving my house already transformed and transforming where someone else see it to only ever being transformed in private?
Let's do discord then! and of course I won't share it!

Alex joins in to the Discord after sending her reply.

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Alex is promptly @'d by WitchOfBlue in a channel called #justpeachy 

Hi! Join #voice1 or just DM me!

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Alex responds at the same as she joins #voice1 and goes "Hihii hi!" vocally.

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"Hiya! Alex, yeah? Salem here, nice to meetcha. I've got a lot to say, but feel free to interrupt with questions, yeah? Um, I think it was how secret to be, and then general sex talk. Right?"

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"Yeah, I'm Alex and it's nice to meet you too! and that those were the conversations, yep!"

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"It's really up to you. I think it's not worth worrying about being totally secret- If you have a few close friends or helpers who know, especially, that might be fine... Unless they're gossipy sorts. I'm a pretty private person by inclination when I'm not heroing, but my advice is to take basic precautions and stay vigilant, but accept that your secret identity will probably be compromised in some way or another eventually. You might have to end up dealing with fans or reporters... But that's all in the future! And there's enough supers around now that the less flashy ones often don't merit more than one or two stories, let alone some PI with a corkboard trying to figure out who you are. You can't predict everything in life, I guess is what I'm saying."

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"That makes sense and I'll try to do that and not worry too much about if my secret gets compromised eventually then!"

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"Great! On to a much more fun topic. Sex! Being a super means you can be pretty popular! However, the rules for safe and sane sex are still the same, and I'll go over those in a sec since you mentioned maybe having bad sex ed. Are you into guys, girls, both, some other combo? It's 'all of the above and also some weird stuff' for me."

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"technically both in that femboys are a type of guy and also cute, but I'm mostly into girls and weird kink stuff in practice!"

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"Cute small boys are fun! You can loom right over them... Hehe. Anyway."

Salem proceeds to give a fairly thorough sex-ed talk in casual tone. Condoms, signs of abuse and gaslighting, consent, safewords, negotiating scenes ahead of time, STD tests, birth control methods ("best to use them anyway despite weird super biology, you never know"), and finishes with- "But I guess a lot of that won't really sink in until you go out and have some fun with someone. Or it didn't for me, anyway."

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"Usually I have subby fantasies but looming sounds quite appealing right now~"

Alex mostly just listens to and occasionally asks Salem to pause while she writes down notes on what was just said, but does ask a few questions at a few points and.

birth control methods ("best to use them anyway despite weird super biology, you never know")

(but what if I want to get pregnant No bad horny thoughts, all things considered she definitely doesn't want that, and so doesn't say it)

Replies to Salem's ending comment with "That make sense and probably will apply to me considering how I usually have trouble remembering stuff that I haven't used yet, and thanks again for being so helpful and informative!"

The call they're in is just voice, so Salem can't see Alex's beaming smile as she says that last bit, but she can probably hear it.

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"Mmhm! And now that we have the basics covered... We can talk about what kind of first time you want, and maybe I can help you get it, mmm~?"

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"That'd be nice, yesplease!" Alex squeaks out before beginning to ramble again.

"So the main thing I would've wanted is for it to be with someone who didn't have the misfortune of having body hair or had it shaved or maybe had fur instead, at least for the parts we'd be touching against each other, as like I'd find human body hair very unpleasant aesthetically and in terms of texture.

And stretch goals that'd be nice if some of them were met as well would be if they were fine with starting off slower and maybe speeding up later with someone new to sex. Or/and were fine with and maybe into sex where they mostly did stuff to their partner in case I have trouble doing stuff to them during sex? And I kind of also want to be bent over and railed but i'm also kind of nervous about doing that before I've even gotten used to having stuff done to my p-pussy.

I also kind of want to have someone "trapped" in my jelly as I grind against them or being knocked over so I can't move away or do anything as my sex is teased and violated, but possibly i should leave trying to do kink scenes until after i've sex a non-zero amount of times?"

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"Those last two ideas do sound like lovely scenes. As a fellow fan of bondage, I approve." She claps her hands. "But if you don't feel kink is right for your first time, then it is not right for your first time. And I'm glad you're setting clear boundaries- No hair. That's a skill some people never seem to learn... What about any further emotional components of sex? Do you want to go out on a date with someone gentle and sweet? Do you want to party at a club and luxuriate in the atmosphere? Do you want to be a prize on one of those dating shows, may the best win? Do you want to hire a prostitute who definitely knows what she- Or he- is doing?"

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"Thanks? And I hadn't really thought about the emotional components of it but on thinking about it going on a date with someone sweet beforehand would be nice but a part of me would be worried about a possibility of like what if I hit it off great with them and go on quite a few dates with them and then end up hurting after reaching the point where I wouldn't be willing to become more emotionally committed. And now that I've said that out loud, it seems probably fixable by before going on a date with someone, talking with them beforehand about how as general thing I wouldn't be willing to have a relationship become something more then just friends-with-benefits?"

"And partying at club or being a prize on a dating show would be a nah for reasons that aren't explicitly legibly right away."

"Hiring a prostitute who'd already know they'd be doing would sound nice to me, but I think it might have an almost inverted version of the problem I might've had with going on dates where if I had sex with someone I'd probably get non-zero amount attached to them and want to be friends with them when if I did it with a prostitute to them I'd just be another customer."

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"It's sounding like the ideal solution is maybe I introduce you to someone I know is cool, is in your area, and would love to date a shapeshifted super. How close we can get to that solution, might depend."

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"That sounds like it'd be a good solution to me too! What were you thinking were the things that'd influence how close it we could get were? The only ones that immediately jump to my mind was like the matter of how many people you'd even know that would also happen to be nearby to me?"

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"Yep! And also intangible personality judgements. I don't actually know you hardly at all! So it might be guesswork."

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"That makes sense! I could try rambling about myself or stuff I'm interested in to try and increase how much you know me? Or uh maybe i could type up a bunch of ramblings which you could forward to anyone nearby who'd be open to reading the mad ramblings of a shapeshifted super, and then if any of them think i sound potentially neat you could introduce us and see if we'd hit it off in person?"

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"That can work! I do also need to know your general area. And if I don't know anyone who might be a good match, oh well. You can always go out in public and see if anyone who says hi catches your eye."

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"I'll do it then! And I was in Massachusets. And yeah if you end up not know anyone who'd make a good match that'd be fine, you've already been great help! A-and yeah I could try that too."

And then Alex proceeds to ramble about herself, part of it during the voice call with Salem, and part of it she writes up afterwards to DM her with :

About some of the various manga and anime she likes (>90% of which involves yuri, genderbending, crossdressing, or all of the above) , some hentai she likes (and the things she likes about them), which is similar to her manga tastes but also quite often features futanari, mindbreak (particularly of girls who used to be boys via futanari cock) , lactation, dubcon where the victim enjoys it quite a bit, and quite a few other kinks this margin is too small to contain.

About various games she's played, primarily yuri visual novels, 2D platformers (Celeste included), rpgs and the occasional puzzle game.

She, after a disclaimer that most of the methods used she absorbed from others and that Salem should feel free to ignore this part, rambles on some of the various pieces of math she occasionally re-derives on her own for fun (formulas for the area of an arbitrary hyper sphere, the completely useless and jank formula for the zeros of an arbitrary 4th degree polynominal, a method for finding positive even values of the riemann zeta function, etc).

Other stuff she likes such as time-loop stories, glowfic, quite a few fics where the protagonist can via devouring others steal their powers, stuff where the good guys do horrible stuff because the alternative is worse, various works where the protagonist works to make everyone immortal, and fiction that poses/is about neat philosophical problems.

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"Wow, you're actually kind of close to my neck of the woods! And thanks for al the juicy details. I actually have someone in mind now- Well, myself, actually, it's occurred to me that I wouldn't mind snuggling up to you! But also two others spring to mind. A genderfluid game streamer named Artemis, and a lesbian programmer and biology nerd named Claire."

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"Neat! And now I'm faced with choice paralysis as they'd both sound nice to meet, and also I'd enjoy snuggling with you too..."

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"How about... All three?"

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"All is very good too!"

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"Mm! I might even be able to come snuggle with you today. It seems a bit fast though, doesn't it? I'll bop you into a channel with Art and Claire for now. Just a sec."

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"That'd be nice, b-but if you think it'd be a bit fast we could wait for however long would seem like a reasonable pace?"

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"Ah, but on the other hand, what's life without a bit of spontaneity? And your fur still looks soft enough to sleep on! Oh, I'm convincing myself. I want to come over and kiss you now. If I knew exactly where in Minnesota you are, I mean..."

A keyboard clacks away in the background.

Alex is added to another new channel, #meetcute.

"And there's the channel for our nerd friends. I @'d them but it might be a bit."

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"It's incredibly soft! you should feel free to sleep on it sometime~" Alex says, followed by mentioning exactly where in Minnesota she was.

Once added to #meetcute , Alex posts

Hihii, I'm Alex, a new shapeshifted super!

with an attached image of her current appearance (spoilered because her lower body is nude) and then afterwards follows up with a bunch of rambling similar in character to last time.

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BoxArt_x2: Hot

WitchOfBlue: Really, just one word? Are you streaming rn?

BoxArt_x2: Nah

BoxArt_x2: Hi! You have good taste, have you seen this one? [Link to a futanari succubus hentai]

BoxArt_x2: Also fucking WOW that body looks like it's straight out of one of my favorite pieces of degeneracy

BoxArt_x2: So... You are fucking hot. And I would love to see some more pics.

CellularAnomaly: ???

CellularAnomaly: Hi. Wow I'm not sure what to say here compared to Art's shamlessness lol.

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NoWillToBreak: ahtpjothn

NoWillToBreak: thanks!

NoWillToBreak: both for the compliments and the hot hentai i haven't seen before!

Attached to the last message is a few photos of herself, some focused on her blushy aroused face, another focused on her tits squished between her floofy arms, and the last taken quite close to her jelly, giving a clearer look at her aroused sex.

NoWillToBreak: Also hi Claire/CellularAnomaly, sorry I can't think of something more intelligent to say, Art's comments were a direct attack on (the horniest parts of) my brain.

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BoxArt_x2: hsdfjhg

BoxArt_x2: did not expect you to actually take more pics

BoxArt_x2: do you uh

CellularAnomaly: :bonk: Yes, yes, we're all horny here. I want to lick you. Etc. I thought we were arranging date logistics?

BoxArt_x2: want something from me?

WitchOfBlue: lol lol

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to Art, Alex replies

NoWillToBreak: I may want something involving pinning down and ravishing, yes!

NoWillToBreak: also arranging dates with all of you would be nice and is also something I hoped to do! 

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BoxArt_x2 sends a photo of themself in a skimpy Femboy Link cosplay a bit later.

Date arrangements proceed! Claire offers a fairly fancy restaurant, taxi service and everything, her treat. She is apparently some kind of rich.

Artemis offers a visit to... Her, at the moment, it's a her day... House, to play co-op Smash Brothers on a giant TV. (Or, well, the joke was: 'Smash and chill. Or chill, then smash? :V')

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BoxArt_x2 sends a photo of themself in a skimpy Femboy Link cosplay a bit later.

which gets a lot of heart reactions from NoWillToBreak.

Date arrangements proceed! Claire offers a fairly fancy restaurant, taxi service and everything, her treat.

Alex is a bit nervous about whether she'd accidentally stain the taxi and the restaurant's floor+chairs with her jelly (theoretically solvable by her detransforming for the date, but she'd really really rather not) but she'd otherwise think it'd sound quite nice as a date idea!

And then she realizes/remembers that she can't exactly go out in public at the moment until after she gets skirts or dresses as her jelly doesn't fully obscure her sex, and she can't put on any pants with the way her legs connect to her leafy base.

 Artemis offers a visit to... Her, at the moment, it's a her day... House, to play co-op Smash Brothers on a giant TV. (Or, well, the joke was: 'Smash and chill. Or chill, then smash? :V')

to Artemis, Alex flirtingly responds with 'If you look as ravishing in person as you did in your earlier photo, it may end up being smash smash smash, then chill~' followed by a disclaimer that she'd ofc be fine with leaving the smashing to later, and that'd she be happy to play Smash with her, though she hasn't played any fighting games before.

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BoxArt_x2: That sounds incredibly fun and hot. I will literally put plastic sheeting down in my car and drive to your place to ferry you right now if you want.

WitchOfBlue: Just remember to use protection, sweeties~

After a brief silence:

WitchOfBlue: I happen to know, for reasons, and with Artemis's approval will share, that they were clean on an STD exam as of four days ago.

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NoWillToBreak: Thanks Artemis, that'd be very helpful and nice of you!

NoWillToBreak: And thank you Salem for the reminder to use protection, which I might not have remembered to do with how distractingly ravishable Artemis is being.

NoWillToBreak: Also possibly I should get an STD exam done too before giving in to the urge to ravish her, as while I haven't had sex before, there has to be non-sex related ways of contracting STDs because otherwise where would they have come from in the first place?

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WitchOfBlue: Yes. Most of them can be done in just about 20 minutes, and just the 'rapid tests' are mostly sufficient, they cover the major concerns, especially HIV.

WitchOfBlue: It's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it's something to be PROUD of, that you are being responsible about it.

WitchOfBlue: A lot of big retailers have the kits, even. See: [link]

BoxArt_x2: Clean is hot, and consent is hot. I have something to take care of real quick first anyway so it would be about half an hour before I can head towards you.

CellularAnomaly: I think I'm going to drop out of this channel. I guess I'm a tiny bit of a prude compared to the literal pornstar and Art.

CellularAnomaly: No shame though. Poly is fine, etc. I just prefer being a little classy I guess? Have fun and PM me later if you want that date!

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NoWillToBreak: Thanks Salem and for linking that!

NoWillToBreak: That's fine Art, I'm fine with waiting however it takes you to handle that stuff and to drive over! Also personally neither would be hot to me, it's just that their absence would be upsetting to some of the parts of me that care about non-horny things. (Also uh when you're able to come would you mind picking one an STD kit? I can you pay back however much it costs afterwards or beforehand?)

NoWillToBreak: completely valid Claire! thanks and I'll PM you later!

And later when she thinks of it, Alex PMs Salem with.

Hey, by any chance do you know any tailors specializing in doing custom clothes for supers with weird bodies?

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BoxArt_x2: I'll grab one. See you soon xoxo


WitchOfBlue: I do actually! They're based in Vermont. [Link]. More an etsy operation than a big fashionista thing, they've been good in discretion.

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NoWillToBreak: Thanks! see you soon too cutie xoxo


NoWillToBreak: :thumbsup: Thanks! 

Alex then checks out the link, and starts drafting out a message to send to the place to ask to arrange for an appointment. 

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The 'business' barely has a website at all, it has three pages (home, gallery, contact), the kind of thing that's obviously some sort of prebuilt template thrown up in an hour or two.


After forty minutes, BoxArt_x2 posts a picture of some sort of... panties with buttons on the left and right? Along with a belt and button style skirt.

TADA. Threw these together with spare cosplay supplies. Think it looks workable?

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The 'business' barely has a website at all, it has three pages (home, gallery, contact), the kind of thing that's obviously some sort of prebuilt template thrown up in an hour or two.

Alex glances through the home and gallery pages before sending through the contact page

Hi, I was a shapeshifted super hoping to get some custom clothes made! Mainly panties and pants that have vertical zippers or buttons, as the ends of my legs are connected together in a way that means I can't put on regular pant(/ie)s. 


And later when she notices what Art sent she replies with.

!!! They look great! Thank you for throwing them together! um, it isn't presumptuous of me to think you made them for me, is it?

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Obviously, yea

That's what I needed half an hour for!

I figure if you give me your address I can send them up somehow, or pass them through the door? It's something nice and synthetic that should clean well too, cuz jelly

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:blush: anyway it was very thoughtful of you and the kind of thing that'll make it even harder to resist the urge to jump you right away upon meeting!

Passing them through the door works! I can just stand out of line of sight of the door when you hand them over so I don't accidentally flash anyone.

Alex follows up with a message stating where her address is.

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Maps says 23 minutes

It occurs to me that people could see you leaving your place

But there's not much you can do about that in the end other than me making sure nobody's looking at that exact moment?

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:thumbsup: I'm fine with waiting that long for you to get here after you start travelling!

NoWillToBreak is typing

NoWillToBreak is typing

NoWillToBreak is typing

NoWillToBreak : ...It occurs to me that if I were being responsible about infosec I could detransform before heading out and just retransform in your car... Or even wait until after we get back to your place. Doing that'd be slightly aversive if you also promised not to look at me until after I retransformed.

NoWillToBreak : "my transformed body being so much nicer then my original form that being untransformed would become incredibly aversive" did not originally occur to me as a potential risk of using a transformation superpower, even though in hindsight it makes sense.

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BoxArt_x2: Oof

BoxArt_x2: I imagined you wanted your secret identity and I wasn't going to see you untransformed

BoxArt_x2: I put down plastic all over the car's back seat with little holes for a seat belt

BoxArt_x2: so 

BoxArt_x2: yeah

BoxArt_x2: glad your new body feels better to be in??

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NoWillToBreak: Thanks.

NoWillToBreak: I'm not sure I'd have describe it as feeling better to be in, as like my old body didn't feel actively bad to be in (aside from like the body hair, but I got decent at ignoring the bits I wasn't able to shave away), it was just.

NoWillToBreak: When I actually thought about I how looked or saw my face in a mirror (or my silhouette but that was hideable by wearing sufficiently baggy clothes) it was ugly unaesthetic (really it was only in like the 50 percentile in terms of attractiveness, it'd could've looked much much worse, it just also still looked unpleasant, even if it wasn't anywhere near the worst it could've been).

NoWillToBreak: But now I have a body that's cute and pretty and desirable! I have cuties lusting after me now! I lust after me now! and the only hairs on it is fur that's soft and actually has a really nice look and texture.

NoWillToBreak: And the idea of going back to before, even briefly, is really aversive now, even if I coped fine when it was the only option before.

NoWillToBreak: Sorry for laying that all on you before even the first date.

NoWillToBreak: Anyway it was nice of you to set up plastic over the back seat of your car n stuff! And I would've been fine with you seeing my secret identity if I had a form to use for it I liked.

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Can't talk much more cuz driving but hug?

And about 20 minutes later:


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Hug! thanks and np on not talking while driving!

And when Art arrives Alex bounces over her to her house's door to let her in, and barely remembers to hide out of the way when she does so in order to avoid accidentally flashing anyone.

"Hihii Art! Feel free to come inside, or well encouraged even, I kind of want to hug you a lot before we head back to your place?"

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Art is presenting female, wearing a Black Sabbath T-shirt and some sort of lacy shrug and the outline of a bra, along with a plaid skirt and a silver cross pendant.

"Hi! Excited to be here! Uh how about I uh, let you dress first? Then hug?"

She holds out a plastic bag, blushing and looking away.

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Alex may have licked her lips with a hungryaroused look on her face when she see how pretty and ravishable Art looks. (Alex herself looks the same as in the pics she shared before, albeit wearing a baggy black shirt that barely covers her sex as long as she doesn't bend over.) 

"I'm excited to have you here!" And while she does accept the bag from her, before actually dressing she asks "Do you want me to be dressed first before we hug?"

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"Uh, I figured you'd be more comfortable with it. I don't want to be, like, ableist, if your body has legitimate clothing issues? It just seems a little... Awkward. Not that you're ugly! The exact opposite!"

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"I think I'm too horny for you right now, to be uncomfortable with doing it, but if you think it'd be awkward i can change first."

Alex says, followed by rooting through the Art gave her and grabbing the panties and skirt to put on.

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And after that, Art slips inside.

"Wow, it looks even fluffier in person! I will hug you now."

And hug she does, leaning forward over the jelly arms wide. "Fuwa fuwa desu, ne?"

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"i know, right? It's so fluffy!"

Hug! Hug! Hug! Alex also leaned over a bit when hugging Art, being careful not to accidentally pull her into jelly Alex'll do that later.

"My weeb level must be too low, for i don't recognize that phrase, but probably yes!"

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Art giggles. "Fluffy! That's all it means. Yeah, weeb levels are high around here. I'm online... A lot. It can get exhausting? But it's also fun."

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Alex giggles back. "Neat! and also major mood on being online a lot."

"Unrelatedly, may I kiss you? You're very pretty, and very sweet, and very cool." And it's making very tempted to just start ravishing you.

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"Hmmmm..." Art leans out of the hug and pouts, finger on chin. "Will this impede actually making it to the point of playing some video games, because I'm too irresistible?" And cue cutesy pose.

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Alex gazes hungrily appreciatively at Art's adorable pose. "I really want to disagree cause it'd be a point against kissing you right now, but considering how hard it already is to resist the urge to pin you down and have my way with you, you may have a point."

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"Heeee. Maybe you'd better just anticipate for now then? ...There had better not be any nonconsensual pinning, for what it's worth."

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Alex pouts "I guess I can just anticipate it for nowww." before processing the rest of what Art said. "OfcourseIwon'tdoanynonconsensualpinningorwellmaybeconsensualnonconsensualpinningifyou'dlikeittoo?butI'ddefinitelygetyourconsentfirst!"

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"If we did any hypothetical pinning without talking about it first and doing the whole - safeword thing - Salem would never let me hear the end of it. So- Aheh. It does sound maybe nice though?"

Blushing and looking away and playing with her hair.

"Do- Do you have pinning superpowers?"

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"Not pinning specifically powers, but hypothetically, if some adorable blushing maiden were to wander into my nectar, I think I could harden it and keep them in place as I had my way with them~"

"Anyway, talking about it first and setting up a safeword beforehand would be a good idea, yes! And I'm glad you'd maybe also find the idea nice!"

Alex continues to look at Art, like she's an adorable snack that'd she love to ravish at the earliest (responsible) opportunity.

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Art blushes brighter, imagining that, and covers her eyes.

"Oh my gaaaaawd... I'm a horny mess. I was considering putting on that gerudo link outfit to come pick you up too!"

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Alex giggles, and feels an impulse to uncover and stare into Art's eyes (which she refrains from doing, at least until after she's had the "what can I/you do to you/me without asking in the moment?" conversation with Art.)

"You're not the only one, you're absolutely adorable and ravishable, and while I'd love to see you in that outfit in person, I'm kind of glad you didn't come in it considering how much harder it'd make being responsible and not having my way with you right away."

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"Okay, now I want to show it off for you later, so. Okay!" Art claps loudly. "I want to hug your wool- I mean you- again. And after that, drive to my place for the ostensible video games which may or may not actually get played?"

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"I'm looking forward to it!" Giggle. "You can hug both!" Hug! "And that sounds like a good plan to me!"

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Art has carefully prepared the back seat of an otherwise unremarkable Toyota with plastic wrap. "Don't worry about getting nectar on the seatbelt though. Safety first!"


Once they're on the road, Art asks, "So, not asking about anything specific, but what would you think of ways to give more people powers? Like, by doing science on existing supers?"

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Alex doesn't even really think about it before replying with. "That would be really really cool."

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"Right?! But there's nothing so far. If you read the Blake Report- It basically says Everyman is a completely normal human being in every medically detectable way! So, what's going on?"

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"Mhm! And I haven't read it (yet) but it's really curious that that's the result, the first thoughts that crossed my mind was that his powers come some kind of magical biology or clarktech or something connected to him in a way we wouldn't yet have the technology to directly detect or maybe there's some kind of external thing located elsewhere that's directly causing the effects of powers, and it's using some unknown critera to determine who it effectively grants powers to." 

Shrug. "But that's just wild speculation on my part."

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"There's only like... A few hundred, maybe a couple thousand supers so far? More all the time but... And a lot are villains for some reason, and a lot don't want to be poked and prodded either... Which, uh, valid dot gif."

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"Super valid of them indeed to not want to be poked but inconvenient for the march of science. And hypothetically if you knew anyone'd who'd be doing science experiments on supers if they had any volunteers, I'd be open to volunteering to help them?"

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"I must admit I'm a little surprised! I also still don't know exactly what your powers are besides being a... Plant sheep? And controlling the jelly?"

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"What can I say but mad scientists are hot? And my main power was transforming, I think it might be also be able to be used to transform into other things besides a plant sheep girl as when I first used it I had a distinct sensation from it that felt like it could've had more options, but currently only had the one? though I've got no idea what the conditions for unlocking new forms might be, or even if I'm correct in thinking new forms are obtainable.

And while like this I can manipulate my jelly a bit, and my floof is prehensile, moreso the closer it is to my body, and I haven't tested this yet but earlier I had the sensation that I could detach and throw it and cause it do something? And one of the options for it felt sleepy? and the other sticky? I didn't get much detailed info from it, and I kind of got distracted by other things before I got around to trying to test it and lacked volunteers to try it on."

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"I volunteer as tribute~! Well, uh, maybe later, when it's time to actually sleep for the sleepy one?"

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Giggle. "Sure, later you can be the first victim of my diabolical sleeping power~"

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"Fun. Do you play video games often? I'd really like to share my favorite hobby, but if it doesn't appeal..."

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"Mhm! And I do yeah! I haven't played many multiplayer ones before, usually I do play yuri visual novels or platformers, or rpgs or the occasional puzzle game!"

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"Like Celeste, you mentioned. That's one of the best recent ones! And now I have nostalgia for a little Flash gem called 'N'..."

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And so Alex and Art spent the rest of the car ride talking about and listening to the other about various cool games they enjoyed before arriving at Art's place.

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They can take care of the rapid test kit on the way, too. Alex is clean.

Art's place is a fairly ordinary-looking small home in a nice area! They pull in and shut the garage behind them, so Alex can maneuver into the house in peace. Hardwood floors, spacious, bright colors, metal and glass furniture for the most part in vaguely-art-deco fashion.

Inside, things are pretty neat and tidy. "I enforce a strict room-for-purpose thing in my space. There's a work room for cosplay that used to be a guest bedroom, a streaming room, a gaming basement- The first for my shows and the second for relaxing- And all the, you know, normal boring rooms too."

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"Cuteneat! You're way tidier that I've ever been, I kind of just keep stuff in a disorganized mess that makes sense to the part of my brain that remembers where I kept stuff but not in any other way."

"Anyway would you wanna show me the gaming-with-friends room or the sex dungeon first? or maybe whichever room you use for showing off your adorable cosplays?"

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"My- What I don't have a sex dungeon, what do you take me for? It's a hell of a lot easier to be bold and horny on the internet! Especially when my character kind of is!"

Art is blushing furiously.

"Cosplay room. Would be the closest thing to a sex dungeon. Because I can guess what changing will do."

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Alex giggles quite loudly at Art's adorable reaction. "Well you did say you have a strict room for purpose policy, so I would've thought that'd naturally extend to having a room dedicated for sex~"

"Your guess would almost certainly be correct! If I saw you naked and getting changed into an outfit even as tenth as cute as the one you showed before, well I'd suspect the only thing that'd stop you from being ravished would be whether you gave me permission to~"

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Art leans against a wall and takes a deep breath. Her eyes roam over Alex.

"...As a wise, if crude, commenter once said before being banned by automod: If you want to fuck, then fuck. Right?"

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Alex may have posed cutely without thinking about as Art's eyes roamed over her.

"Mostly right! If you'd want to take things slower, or a part of you wouldn't want it or would be nervous about it, it'd be fine to not fuck! While I am incredibly horny for you, I wouldn't want to pressure you into sex?"

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"The horny brain in me is... Incredibly erratic, I have to be honest?" Art frowns. "I dunno. I definitely want to hug you more? And maybe see if that jelly is like, more bean bag chair-like than not?"

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"That's fine! We can definitely hug more and you can check my jelly for that?" Alex smiles at and hugs? Art.

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...Takes off a pair of running shoes, first, actually, and then grabs Alex's shoulders while hopping up, landing in a sort of half-laying position curled around Alex and hugging her wool.


"Yay! The jelly is bouncy and comfy! It smells really nice too, did I mention that?"

(Alex is reminded viscerally that they can control their jelly. It wants to let Art sink in, almost the same way you want to relax into a hug.)

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Alex lets a surprised eep at Art hopping up on her, then return hugs (and maybe starts gently using her wool's prehensile nature to rub against Art).

Followed by beaming with pride at Art complimenting her jelly. "It does!!! And I don't think you did yet. And speaking of things I don't think were mentioned yet, while transformed this body comes with some minor urges, which I mention because it wants me to relax my jelly and let you sink into it. May I?"

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"Um. Yes, but-" Art squirms a bit. "Before we slide any more down the slippery horny slope... I am nowhere near as pretty as you, and I do still uh. Have a penis, not a vagina."

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"Would it be insensitive of me to feel that makes you even cuter? And you were already plenty cute! Also uh while we're mentioning things before sledding farther down the slippery slope of horny, possibly I should mention that I uh, used to have one too before I used my powers?" 

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"Mmh... I kind of figured that when you mentioned you like your transformed body better? And it is a very cute and pretty transformed body, by the way."

Art applies a kiss. From this angle, it lands on the side of Alex's belly.

"I dunno if there's any love mixed in with the lust but like... Everything on that front is a sliding scale, you know? It's all just people being people in the end... I hate both extremes, kind of, but in more of a societal way than a visceral one. Toxic masculinity, and misogyny. Both suck ass in a bad way. I'm not making much sense."

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"I guess I was being pretty obvious about it before, and Thanks! It's very nice hearing a cutie mention how cute and pretty my new body is~!"

Alex shrugs at the rest of what Art said and applies pets to her.

"Valid! Sometimes you just gotta say stuff, even if it doesn't make sense."


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"...Anyway yeah you can sink me into the jelly. It's kind of awesome that you have jelly-related powers, gotta be honest. Just try not to get my head? I like breathing."

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Smug plantsheepgirl noises at having her jelly praised. "It is! And of course, I wouldn't want to risk asphyxiating you!" Followed by slowly relaxing her jelly and letting Art sink into it (while paying attention to make sure her head doesn't go under).

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"This is surprisingly comfortable!" Art reports, giggling.

(It feels kind of like giving a very thorough hug, to Alex.)

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"I'm glad you're enjoying it too! It's quite nice on my end too, it feels like I'm giving your adorable body an even more through hug!"

What happens if she tries to do the jelly hug equivalent of gently squeezing Art while hugging her?

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A full-body squeeze happens! Also an 'eep'.

Alex can feel the shape of Art's body in greater clarity for a moment; They are developing nonzero amounts of curves and softness, though a certain bulge remains salient.


"...This stuff smells really good and I almost want to try... Tasting some of it? But, uh. That'd be weird. Right?"

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Can she gently increase the pressure against just Art's curves, and maybe rub her jelly against them as well? ~~and a few teasing rubs against Art's bulge?.


And when Art mentions wanting to taste her jelly, Alex before she said Art could, feels a weird flash of ??No it's only for ??? from what she's coming to recognize as her plantsheepgirl instincts, which for some reason turns to a bunch of extra ??lust?? for Art when she tentatively decided to ignore their initial reaction on this. 

"It wouldn't be weird! ...You should feel free to taste it~"

Can she move and wiggle some of her jelly towards Art's mouth?

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The jelly is not very easy to - extend or retract like that? It's a bit like trying to move only the last knuckle of your little finger. Pressure and rubbing in specific areas works a little better.

Art solves this, though, by (with a grunt of surprised effort to pull away from the firm jelly) raising one hand, which is now coated in what might be called 'nectar', to her mouth.

"...Mango-pear but way sweeter but somehow not overpowering?" Is the diagnosis. "And, uh, delicious? Oh my god."

...And continuing to lick the sticky, ambery gel off her own fingers, moaning at the taste.

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Rip, but she'll rub and apply pressure to all of Art's curves.

And when Art starts licking her nectar, she shudders from arousal from how incredibly hot she/her instincts find it.

"Oh fuck, that's incredibly hot, you look so beautiful and erotic licking my nectar~"

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"Uh- I'm glad. Powers are freaking weird, you know? I really should have taken my clothes off before I got them all sticky... Wait, where did that come from- But it's true. I feel like I'm falling. This is insane. God, this scenario is hot. We should- Safeword, and then, uh... I can show you how amazing you are. Or you could k-keep me trapped and rub and tease me until I can't help it..."

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"I'm glad you're finding it hot too~. Would 'Safeword' seem fine to use as a safeword? And keeping you trapped as I tease and rub your body sounds quite nice~."

"Hmm, idea! would it sound fun if I take your clothes off while still keeping you mostly stuck and trapped in my nectar?"

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"Safeword it is. Plus, 'red', or 'yellow' for slow but don't stop? That sounds hot, yeah! Like something out of an H-manga, honestly!" Art giggles. "Maybe I should be recording this! We definitely shouldn't do the 'accidentally started streaming' gag though!"

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Alex nods.

"Those work! And recording this sounds fun~accidently streaming it too. "Should I let you out so you can go set up something for recording? or should I keep you trapped and you tell me where you keep your cameras?"

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"-I am actually very particular about my cameras! Please don't touch them, sorry. Um... You're plenty comfy that we don't actually need a bed, unless you want one, so I think we might want to go to the place that's easiest to clean? And maybe we can do a - little bit of simple roleplay. I'm an adventurer tempted by your scent or something."

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"I won't! and don't be sorry bout that, it makes sense and I probably would've thought of that before speaking if halve my brain wasn't focused on how great and hot and erotic you are. and that sounds fun~, which way should I head to find the easiest to clean room?"

And after waiting for Art to give directions, she bounces along towards her destination (while still holding Art inside her nectar).

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Easiest to clean room is probably the master bathroom. It's spacious and tiled.

"This feels very silly..." Art says, lounging and being carried along. But she's grinning.

(She hugs Art around the waist again, for reasons. At least one, for sure.)

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"The fun kind of silly?"

(Alex semi-awkwardly with their current positions returns hugs, and gently rubs her floof against Art.)

And once they arrive in the master bathroom, she asks.

"So how would the adorable adventurer I've lured in with my scent like this scene to go?"

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"I think... It would be great if we had the greenscreen set up but that's a bit much... Ah... After I set up the camera, I could come in holding a foam sword and you're all 'welcome to my baths, please enjoy'. Then I make a show of being suspicious but enraptured. You invite me to taste your nectar. I do, and moan, and you say I have to let you take off my clothes to get more. First my shirt, then pants, then bra, then underwear... And then we have sex. I have condoms... Over in that drawer, I'll grab them when I get the camera? Probably a good idea to use them even if we don't, uh, that. ...Gosh, it's weird to have horny brain and streamer brain fighting each other. My greeeen screeeen..."

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Alex giggles.

"You're adorkable. Doing that sounds fun, and I can let you out from my nectar while you set that stuff up."

Alex lightly pouts.

"And it would be a good idea to use condoms even though a part of me really wants to take your uncovered cock inside me."

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Art pats Alex on the back. "They are the smart and sane decision. Who knows how transforming biology works, yeah? I mean, we don't need them for everything, maybe... I mean, hands, mouth, or jelly..." Art squirms at that thought. "...Actually, I wanna shower first, too. Sorry sorry sorry. Lemme out now?"

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"I knoww, it's just a bit sexually frustrating, but I can cope fine with using them where it's a good idea, and those suggestions for where you can put your cock without needing to use condoms all sound quite fun~"

"And sure, it's no problem for you to shower first!" After saying that Alex releases her nectar's hold on Art, trying to be careful to do so in a way that doesn't result in Art falling to the ground.

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Takes a shower. Tries to ignore the churning disquiet.

Then emerges from it wearing nothing but a towel, smiling weakly at Alex's obvious appreciation.

But... Ah, screw it.

"...Hey, I think- I'm actually really nervous here, and I might have fucked up. Getting your hopes up and planning - some elaborate thing. I, uh. I don't wanna do this scene. Or. At least not right now."

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Alex smiles gently at Art.

"That's fine! If you don't wanna do it, we won't. And if you end up wanting to do it later we can, and if you don't, that'd still be fine. Is there anything you would like to do together? We could play Smash like had been the original plan earlier? And uh, may I still hug you?"

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"We can still hug. And like, snuggle. I just... It really is a lot easier to say irredeemable lewd stuff when it's mostly a joke."

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"Valid! And I'm glad I can still hug you."

Tentative hug?

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Hug! (Half-naked hug, in fact)

"I'm... Gonna go put a comfy shirt on, and then then I kinda do want to play Super Smash with you."

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Continued Hug! (Alex is trying to ignore that aspect, and one of the nice things about no longer having a dick is that it's not obvious how much she's failing at not getting turned)

"I'll wait for you to do that then and then we can smash! uh the game that is, not literally..."

After saying that, Alex semi-reluctantly releases Art from hug.

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Art comes back in pajama pants and a comically large sports jersey. "C'mon, this way to the gaming basement!"

It seems like Art has a truly massive TV, and a fully kitted out basement. The Smash Ultimate theme is already playing on it. Plush carpet, a mini-kitchen, shelves with lots of gaming knickknacks, metal posters on the walls.

Art gently tosses a controller underhand. "Co-op or versus? You'd get a handicap."

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Alex bounces after Art.

"You've got a really cool setup here! and maybe co-op to start off with, and if I get decent enough at it, switch to versus?"

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"You betcha!"

Art is pretty good at video games!

They seem to relax over time too, a certain tense air slowly turning to quietness.



After a while, Art speaks up...

"You know... I feel like a bit of a jerk here. Was mostly interested in you because you have powers. I have to ignore people who get really into my stream persona, and like... It's kind of the same thing, a little bit maybe, if you squint. So, uh, sorry."

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Alex is impressed! She's merely decent at them.


"You shouldn't feel like a jerk! Or well I was mostly interested in you initially because you were cute and potentially seducable with my powers, so should-feel-like-jerk would be symmetric and I'd much rather the universe where neither of us should feel like a jerk?"

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"Sure. It definitely works like that. I joke that some people really deserve each other. In the best and worst ways... But yeah, that's. Huh. First impressions, I guess. As long as we're aware of it, it's probably fine?"

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Alex beams at making Art splorfle.

"I'm glad you recognize the definite correctness of my view on how it works~, and yeah."

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"And, like, there's a point when you're just aimlessly dithering. Maybe because you're hypothetically scared of shitty relationship dynamics for some other reason."

It doesn't sound hypothetical.

"But if you want to be my 'it's complicated'... I think I'm probably game. As long as we talk things out and take it slow. 'Cause powers are awesome and you're being very chill about me bein' a mess."

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Alex sneak hugs Art.

"I'd like that too, even if a less reasonable part of me does want to accelerate into the most intense stuff first."

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In response, Art half-stands and cups Alex's cheek, then plants a gentle kiss on the lips.

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Alex lets out a surprised squeak, before happily leaning into the kiss, and cupping one Art's cheeks in return too.

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It's... Not a great kiss. But Art smiles.

"My knowledge of kissing is mostly theoretical... Lips are very sensitive. I've played with my fingers around my lips before, wondering what it's like. So I can see it! And seeing your eyes up close is nice."

Another light peck. Art tries to brush softly sideways over Alex's lips.

"How was that, compared to the first one?"

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Alex giggles at what a cute dork Art is being.

"A bit weird, but nice! And you should feel to experiment as much as you like on me to get more practical knowledge of kissing~"

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Well, that sounds fun. Art will snuggle up a bit and proceed to keep kissing Alex. Also hugs. No hurry.

Does calling Alex cute improve results~?

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It's just as fun as it sounds! Alex will return snuggle/hug and lean into the kisses when it doesn't seem to interfere with the techniques Art is practicing.

Depends on how you measure! She certainly flusters and squirms more when called cute.

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"Heeee. The flustered squirming only makes you more cute. A vicious cycle! May I take your shirt off and kiss your breasts?"

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Even more flustered squirming!

"Oh noes, what a horribly vicious cycle I'll be trapped in, being called cute, which will make me squirm, which result in being called more cute, which will result in even more squirming, and then so on into infinity! truly a terrible fate I'll suffer."

And after breaking down into giggles.

"Of course you may!"

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Yay! New places to kiss and fondle and call cute!

"I think taking it slower was a good idea. I'm having a lot of fun playing with you right now!"

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Alex squeaks quite a bit the first time her breasts are fondled, followed by various happy noises as it continues.

"I think you may be right! I'm certainly having a lot of fun being played with too."

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After some few minutes of this, Art whispers in her ear: "May I... Touch your pussy? I want to see how cute you are when you... You know..."

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Here's some intensely flustered plantsheepgirl noises when Art does that, followed by.

"Yes? Yes! I think I'd like it if you did, it's just I've only had it for less than a day, so um, please be gentle?"

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"Good girl. I'll take it slow, and try my best. And I've read about this, at least a bit..."


Art will proceed to use her fingers, while still kissing Alex and giving words of praise. The slick nectar only adds to the smooth feeling. Long, teasing strokes at first, experimenting with placement and speed and pressure until she finds a combo Alex seems to really like.

"How are you feeling? Is this much okay?"

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Preening sheepplant noises at being called a good girl.


Alex shudders initially at how much more intense and wonderful it feels to be touched there both as a girl and by another girl, followed by lightly moaning as Art varies her technique and adjusts it to something even nicer.

"It feels.. Intense? But definitely in a good way.. I'd like it if you kept it up at this level?"

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"As you wish~ Are you sure you don't want to go a little faster, a little stronger? It feels really good, right~? And we do have safewords."

Art's fingers are starting to get a little tired already. It's not the best position. She pauses for a moment to shift to a better angle, which happens to bring her slightly more on top of the jelly. And closer to being able to smugly smirk and appreciate the looks on Alex's face.

"I wouldn't dare do more if you didn't ask, though."

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Alex pouts at Art's smirk.

"Uwah, how mean, making me have to use my words and ask with my mouth noises for you to do that."

Making a pleading look in Art's direction.

"Would you go even faster and stronger? It feels so good..." Her needy whine as she finishes asking is only half an act.

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"Of course! Uh, let me know if something's wrong, if it hurts."

Art speeds up, and tries to perform two patterns of stimulation at once. Thumb circles around Alex's clit, and rubbing that steadily transitions to penetration with a finger on the other hand. This takes a good bit of concentration, enough that he forgets to keep kissing.

(You can do this, Art. You want to curl the finger up and apply a sort of pulling to hit the G-spot. Gently. But not too gently. Just pay attention to how Alex is feeling...)

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"I will!"

Alex lets out more happy moans as Art speeds up the stimulation, followed by mewling with need as she's penetrated at how much more intense and wonderful and right it feel to have something inside her, and thoughts flash across her mind of what if it was something bigger inside her? What if it was a cock pushing inside her formerly virgin pussy? What if it was Art's cock going deep inside and claiming her? Thoughts which push her over the edge Art's touch had brought her to, and into orgasming for the first time as girl.

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Art lets himself slowly stop as Alex comes down, then transitions to a tight hug.

"That looked really fun. It's making me tempted to bend you over and try for another."

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Alex snuggles and weakly hugs back, and nuzzles her head against Art's neck.

"It was really fun for me too... And I'd really really like it if you did that but..." It takes Alex a bit in her current state to find the words for what to say next. 

"I kind of want the first time I'm railed to have more of a contrast between the start and end states? Right now I'm feeling very subbyweak and i'll be just be even more subbyweak if you rail me?"


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Indeed, snugs. Snugs and slow patting and rubbing.

"...I don't think that quite makes sense to me? No means no of course, and I was uh, kinda sorta joking anyway, but. I don't get it, I guess."

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Snuggles and happy nuzzles.

"Valid! I didn't really give a good explanation there, I'm kind of feeling a bit too blissed out to come up with a proper explanation right now, it was a really intense and nice orgasm."

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"Glad to be of service. That's a real confidence booster. And that's fine. I'll just hug you for now. I wouldn't mind if, ah, you wanted to try on me, but I also don't mind not that... Anyway."

Sigh, shift the hug slightly.

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"Glad to boost your confidence, you deserve it! And hmm? Which thing would you maybe like or was it just not mind me doing to you?"

Continued happy hug.

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"A blowjob, handjob, or, uh, fruit? Job?" Art snorts. "Mm... It gave me the warm fuzzies, doing that, but now I'm all turned on."

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"Oooh, that's what you meant! They'd all sound fun to give you, should I start stroking you off now?" Without really about it, one of Alex's hands had moved to rest on Art's pajama pants above where their dick is.

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(Art is definitely hard, inside those pajama pants).

"Sure! We can always clean up later."

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(Nice! Alex may have gotten distracted just feeling up Art's hardness before remembering to respond.)

"Great! I haven't done this kind of thing before so please do tell me if I should adjust or change what I'm doing at any point!"

Followed by slipping her hand inside Art's pants and beginning to gently rub against their cock directly.

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"Mmh... I don't know how good I'll be at putting illegible concepts into words. Maybe... I lie down on your jelly? And get rid of these pants."

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"Major mood, and sure you can do that!" Alex tentatively begins pulling down and off Art's pants (unless Art seems to want her to not do that?).

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Art blushes, but just positions so it's easier to be depantsed. It becomes clear that they have recently shaved basically all body hair. 

"It's nice to be stripped. To have- That look sent at me, to be appreciated. Sex is- Uh meme, but, world hard and cold, Alex soft and warm."

Art kisses Alex again, then lies down sideways, in her 'lap' of sorts, arms hugging a big section of fluff.

"Mm, comfy!"

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Alex stares very appreciatively at Art's depantsed body, and preens at being called soft and warm.

"It's very nice getting to strip and look at and appreciate your adorable body too~"

Alex happily returns kiss and make her fluff try and hug Art back.

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The fluff is plenty dextrous for this!

Art relaxes into the sentient waterbed.

"I could fall asleep like this... If I didn't suspect you're about to do very non-sleepy things to my cock."

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Happy sheeplant noises at fluff being hugging levels of dexterous.

"I'm glad I'm apparently as comfortable as a bed to lie on~ And you're definitely right about what I'm about to do to your cock~"

Followed by beginning to gently stroke Art's cock.

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Art stiffens and lets out a happy sigh.

"Mmh... I try to - give advice - or just lie back and enjoy?"

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Alex happy noises more at getting a happy sigh from Art.

"You should do whichever you'd find more appealing! I'd be fine with either of trying to listen to and apply advice or just trying to make you feel good while you relax."

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"Y-you can use some nectar as lube? I have a vibrator... Somewhere, but really don't want to go find it right now. The very tip is the most sensitive. Uh... Would it be okay if I do dirty talk?"

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"I'll try doing that! And sensitive in a way where I should focus on it, or in a way where i should be careful about it? And sure that's fine! I might not be able to do reciprocal dirty talk though?" 

Alex moves the hand she had been stroking Art with to pick up/make some of her nectar flow onto, and then goes back to stroking Art's cock with added lubricant.

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"Ah fuck. That slickness is nice. I'm imagining it's your lips, not your hand, and that's- Unf. I think- Don't need to avoid it entirely but don't focus there? Um. You're hot and this is hot, so- I fail at dirty talk I guess, thank you, shutting up. Just gonna relax and let you try things. Maybe use both hands."

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Alex giggles and continues stroking all along Art's cock, not avoiding the head but also not giving it special attention, and after Art mentions it's, uncertainly tries to use both hands to stroke them off.

"You're absolutely adorable, you know? And pretty hot too~."

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Well what if Art blushes, hugs the fluff tighter, and bucks her hips slightly with a stifled moan, at that?

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That'll get another giggle from Alex, and an attempted petting with fluff.

"You're even prettier when you blush and moan, it's making stroking you off even more fun~"

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"I'm really not gonna last long if you keep saying things like that. E-especially if I imagine it's your delicious, cute, c-cunt coming down on me instead of hands and kissing and moaning in my ear and- Cumming!"

Art's whole body tenses up and they moan as semen spurts out.

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"Should I have been trying to not make you cum right away? And gosh that sure does sound like a wonderful thing to imagine that I'd love to make happen to you sometime~."

Alex admires how even more absolutely adorable Art looks as they orgasm (especially with the knowledge that she was the one who brought them to it), and gently kisses them before bringing her hand to her mouth and begins licking the (absolutely delicious) cum off them while trying to look into Art's eyes at the same time.

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"Mm? Mmmmm..."

Art is not one for words right now. There is only hug.

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Valid! Alex will hug them (both with arms and fluff!) for as long as it takes them to recover words, and probably for a while afterwards.

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"It's fine. That was very pleasant, and now I'm all - warm afterglowy. Starting to feel a little sticky, though. 'Nother shower for me in a bit. Thanks for spending time with me. And the sex."

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"You're welcome? Though I feel like I should be the one thanking you! For spending time with me, and bringing me to orgasm, and letting me bring you to orgasm. And valid!"

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"I think this qualifies as 'good sex'." Art smiles. "That's how it's supposed to be, I think. Everyone enjoying the giving and taking."

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Alex smiles back. "It was very good! And I'm glad you enjoyed both too."

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"I'm having a lovely time falling in lust with you, you know?"

Art yawns.

"But I think I'm sexed out for the day..."

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"I'm glad you're having a lovely time of it too!"

Petpet the sleepy Art.


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"Mmmm... Naptime, or shower time... Waking up like this sounds ugh, so shower time. Sadly. Lemme up?"

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"Sure!" Followed by trying to help Art get up and off her jelly.

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Art kisses Alex's smol little horns, then stretches, aware that this is to an extent showing off.

"Make yourself at home. Maybe practice against the bots? Or come shower too, if you need it? I'm not actually sure if you do."

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Alex squeaks slightly when Art kisses her horns, partly from being reminded that she has them and partly from having them kissed. She also noticeably appreciates and stares at Art stretching and showing off.

"Will do! And a part of me is tempted to come shower too, but I think that's just because I lowkey want to see more of you naked and not because I need it, so I'll just wait and practice while you shower."

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Art goes upstairs and showers.

They come back down dressed in different pajama pants and a loose tee, and flop on the couch near-bonelessly.

"Uuuuuugh I have to streaaaaaam. In like twenty minutes. I wanna snuggle you instead. But consistency is king to keeping an audience."

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Alex gently pets Art.

"Rip, I'd ask why couldn't you do both and snuggle me while you stream, except I realized that'd probably be a bad idea even before saying anything considering the risk of accidentally getting nectar on your stuff, the risk of succumbing to horny, and probably some other reasons i didn't think of."

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"My virtual avatar software would get hella confused. Uh... Murr. I'm not gonna tell chat 'I had sex with a super guys', but do you mind if I tell them I met you? Oh hell, you're gonna be stuck here. I can't drive you home right now, we waited too long! And my streams are like, three hours."

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Ah but what if Alex would like if you mentioned (bragged?) about banging her "Sure that's fine! Telling your chat about meeting me I mean, though being stuck here for the next few hours is oki too" And you can always make it up to me by getting me stuck in a more way later "I'm sure I can find something to do to pass the time, actually hmm could I watch you while you stream?"

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"I'm still sorry. Feel free to raid the fridge or whatever. Oh yeah totally! Here lemme-"

Some phone fussing ensues.

Alex gets a text with a YouTube link. It looks like Art does random game streams, with a slant towards more actiony ones. Their virtual avatar is very pretty in a not-quite-any-race way, with a toga and green colors and lots of hunting and bow symbols. Really leaning into the classical greek-goddess mythos.

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"And I'll still insist it's fine! And thanks!"

After getting that text, Alex checks the link and Art's channel out.

"Your virtual avatar has a neat and pretty design! A pretty design for a pretty-" And then stops as she releases that she can't think of a non-awkward sounding way to finish her sentence that doesn't assume Art is still girl at the moment.

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"I'm usually slightly femme when in streamer mode? I'm not supper fussed about it unless I'm really strongly something in particular at the moment. I don't really care about the pronouns as long as you change if I correct you on any given day."

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"Got it!"

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"Well, I hope you enjoy the stream! I'm gonna go make sure my rig's all set and eat a snack."

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"Thanks! I'm sure I will!"

Alex goes to briefly hug Art when she gets up.

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Art is recognizably Art on stream! Same sort of mannerisms and speechisms. She starts the stream off with a quick game poll, and some indie platformer wins. While the game loads, she talks about cosplay and character design- Praising all the personality that's gone into this game's apparent protag.

Past that, it's any other game stream. Art chats, laughs, sputters at Chat, and shows her personality throughout.

When she brings up Alex, she gushes about meeting a super with an unusual transformation, and maybe doing science to her. Chat immediately goes completely horny about ''science'' and Art ends up incredibly flustered in her sputtered technically-not-denying-it.

Once chat calms down, it doesn't last long when Art mentions wool and nectar. The 'eat her out' jokes continue for at least ten minutes. Art actually has to take a break, pausing the stream.

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Alex may have gotten flustered as well from all the horny jokes chat made as well (And at a few points has to put in a lot of effort to resist the urge to join in making horny comments in chat).

And once Art takes a break, Alex goes to hug her again and says.

"You were incredibly cute, y'know? both when you were adorkably talking bout cosplay and character design and things, and when your were being an adorably flustered maiden~"

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Blushing again!!

"Um. Uwu~? And, heh."

Art kisses Alex.

"I should take my break quickly though. Chat has a short attention span. Bathroom, wash hands, water. See you laaaaater!" 

And she's off! Her persona is more evident the longer you watch, while not exactly posh, she is still in character as a Greek goddess. Demanding offerings occasionally, and the like. Chat seems mostly as interested in this as they were in the games. For much of the rest of the stream she's consumed with speculation on the difficulties of weaving super-wool, and technical discussion about fabrics. She even takes a break from games at one point to putter around cosplay websites thinking about it.

And then... FINALLY... It's over. She calls out a bunch of prominent patrons' screennames (all the ones who had the dubious honor to become a side-character, minion, object, or town name in her gameplay), and signs off, and tromps downstairs in a good mood, humming.

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Alex happily returns kiss, and resists the urge to resume it when Art ends it.

"Okay, I'll try not distract you further from being quick about your break, see you later!"


Once the stream is over and Art comes back down, Alex bounces over to and glomps her.

"You were adorkable and and your stream persona is neat! Also considering the speculation you were doing on weaving with super-wool, would you like trying to do something with mine sometime?"

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"I definitely would! It'll be interesting. I've never hand-spun wool before and it's supposed to be pretty boring, but this is super wool. How can I possibly resist? I still wanna test out the sleepy wool but... I should probably be driving you home, I've left you stranded here long enough."

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"You can test them both again another day then! And that would probably be a good idea, even if a part of me does want to stay here and sleep with you..."

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"Mmm... Samesies, but that's a bit too fast for me. We already had sex without even a proper date, you know? And it was awesome. But... Words words feelings feelings, something."

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"Valid." Alex is maybe gonna just keep hugging Art as long as possible.

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Hug can continue for a whole minute!

But eventually, car logistics should probably happen.

"I had fun today. Today was a good day." Is what Art says once they're on the road.

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Alex will reluctantly release Art once the hug ends.


"I'm glad you had fun too! It was a very good day, one of many to follow I'm sure!"

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"That's the spirit! Do you truly not mind giving up a little bit of wool? I'm thinking, like, a handkerchief as a first project. I can embroider it with gold thread in a sheep silhouette. I've never actually spun raw thread into yarn before though, I've always bought the yarn... Maybe I'll ask at the hobby shop if they have a spinning machine. I don't know if there are any between doing it by hand and 'industrial cotton mill'... Probably, right?"

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"Probably yeah, and that sounds like an adorable thing to do for the first project! And yep I'm definitely with giving you some wool, though now that I think about there is one I'd like you to fulfill if I give you my wool."

"Specifically making something with it for me too?"

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"The handkerchief was gonna be for you!"

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Happy blushy plantgirl noises. "It was? You should make yourself one too then!"

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"Sure. I'll figure out how to spin it tomorrow, I don't stream on Mondays. I'm not sure how much wool I should actually take... Or how fast it'll grow back..."

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"Good girl! And hmm, I'm an impression from the sensoryish aspects of my power that the wool would definitely back fast, but not anything more specific then that, maybe we could experiment on that tomorrow?"

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"For sure! Maybe we can also test it for super-properties. Get all scientific. Compare it to normal wool. I bet you can buy raw wool somewhere."

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"Good idea! I could look up where it might be bought and see if there'd be any places selling it near the route between our places?"

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"I'd appreciate it. I'm a bit worn out for today, gonna just veg out when I get home."

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"Super valid! Should I ramble about anything I find out during the ride, or sent you a message going over it later, or maybe both?" Alex takes out her phone and starts doing research on acquiring raw wool.

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"Can we just put on some music and vibe?"

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"Of course, that sounds good too!"

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Art puts on some Chillstep.

"Not that you have to be totally quiet either. Just... Brain tired."


Art will give another long lingering hug, and a kiss, when Alex is safely back at her house. And then rummage around in the trunk for a pair of scissors and a plastic bag.

"Do you think you could... Detach some? Or am I going to have to get cutty, which is a little sketchy honestly?"

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"Valid!" Alex will quietly listen to the music for the remainder of the ride.

And once she's back at her house, she'll happily hug and return kiss Art, followed by willing a small clump of her fur to detach after Art asks that.

"I can! How much more should I give you?"

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She fluffs out the plastic shopping bag and waves it slightly.

"I'm not sure how much yarn it'll turn into. There's a lot of air in there."

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"Fair enough!" Alex try detaching her wool and putting it into the bag until any/the first of (the bag becomes full , it starts uncomfortable , any of the places she taking wool from start looking off) happens.

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Her cloak/coat of fur is voluminous and huggable enough that the bag fills up before she notices any discomfort or a clear shortage.

Art leans forward for one final kiss on the cheek. "I'll text you tomorrow. Sleep well!"

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Alex will steal a kiss on Art cheek's before she leaves. "Thanks, you too! and drive safely!"

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The next morning, Alex has a new slot open instead of just the plantsheepgirl.

Rather than floaty and calm, the new option feels... Horny. That's the only clearly identifiable impression. Just horny.

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!!! Alex does some excited bouncing at having a new form, and then picks it!

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Alex's body doesn't change as drastically this time.

She transforms to a very feminine form like before. She still has horns, if larger ones this time. But no fruit, and no wool. Instead, she has a long, thin prehensile spade tail and a small pair of wings growing from the small of her back.

The instincts of this new form are all very HORNY, and a fair bit more insistent about it. It's not overwhelming, but it's definitely not ignorable either.

Wasn't that sex yesterday so amazing? She should go have more of it. Or touch herself right now, maybe.

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Oh wow that's a lot hornier then she was expecting, even after taking into account the fact that she's an incredibly hot monstergirl and that the only defining feature of the form before turning it was "horny".

Wasn't that sex yesterday so amazing? She should go have more of it. Or touch herself right now, maybe.

As soon as that thought crossed her mind, her hands without her even considering it begin rubbing against her already wet pussy as she remembers what she did with Art yesterday. Kissing each other. Being groped. Art's hand rubbing against her pussy (she imagines it's Art's and not her own hands touching her pussy), Art's other hand joining in and teasing her clit, while the other goes inside her, thrusting and rubbing and thrusting, bringing her closer and closer to the brink of orgasm, and when she finally achieves it, all other thought flee her mind beyond how nice and good it feels.

As she recovers from orgasming she notices that she's still pretty horny despite having just cum, luckily she's at least less so horny, she can with a force of will resist the urge to start masturbating again (cause she had stuff other then masturbation she'd like to do today like bragging in DMs about her new form.) and goes to clean herself off.

Once that's done she replaces her shirt with one of her rare few ones with buttons put on backwards so she can over wings exposed without leaving her tits exposed even though that'd be hotter, puts her tail out from her pants, and then takes some pics of her new form to share in the group chat with Art and Salem. (And considers whether to DM/share it with Claire too, but decides to refrain until she's less horny, considering that Claire left the group chat because of too much horny.)

NoWillToBreak: Guess who just unlocked a new part of their power! 

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BoxArt_x2: Was it Salem?

WitchOfBlue: *swats Art*

BoxArt_x2: Lol

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NoWillToBreak: Maybe!

NoWillToBreak: Hey Salem, did you unlock a new aspect of your power recently?

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WitchOfBlue: I forgot to mention but I can turn people into frogs now

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NoWillToBreak: Incredible! How much testing have you done with it yet? Is there a range limit?

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WitchOfBlue: It has a lot of restrictions. The problem is, they have to already be frogs.

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NoWillToBreak: snrk, that's great, thank you for in indulging in this bit of sillyness.

NoWillToBreak: Anyway I meant to mention earlier, but I've got access to a new form now! a succubusy one in addition to plantsheepgirl.

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WitchOfBlue: I was honestly 50/50 on whether you would be discovering new aspects of plantsheep, or discovering entire new forms. Powers are weird as heck

BoxArt_x2: Pics or it didn't happen :3

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NoWillToBreak: They are! weird and cool as heck

Alex follows up with a @ reply to Art that just has the pics of her new form she took earlier.

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BoxArt_x2: Nice. Last form had wool-related powers (that you never actually tested on me). What does this one have? You could sort of guess even without trying, right?

(This form's powers seem pretty simple! She can pick a person and make them like her.)

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(Fun~ Well that's a deeply concerning power!!!)

NoWillToBreak: I can fix that the next we hang out?

NoWillToBreak is typing.

NoWillToBreak is typing.

NoWillToBreak: And the new form's power is erm uh something mindcontrolly, specifically the impression I'm getting from it is that I could pick someone and make them like me...

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BoxArt_x2 is typing...

WitchOfBlue: Mind-affecting powers can be a difficult topic. I don't think they're inherently less ethical than the ability to shoot fire at someone if you use them with a similar level of caution and justification. Or consent.

BoxArt_x2: I consent

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NoWillToBreak: Thanks, Salem! Though uh I'd be kind of concerned on like a personal level about having a mind control power because... a part of me would want to throw caution and justification and consent to the wind and abuse it, whereas like if I had just gained the power to shoot fireballs instead, I'd be negatively tempted to use it in evil ways.

NoWillToBreak: @BoxArt_x2 if you keep saying things like that, you'll make it even more tempting to do ill-advised things to you

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BoxArt_x2: :3 :3 *bounces jiggles*

WitchOfBlue: It's cute seeing you two flirt.

WitchOfBlue: That's valid. It's a lot easier to lie to yourself that maybe it would actually be okay. You might not WANT that temptation. Hmm...

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NoWillToBreak: :3 *bounce glomps Art*

NoWillToBreak: *blush* Thanks Salem!

NoWillToBreak: And yeah that's basically it. (or well in an ideal universe I'd still be tempted by it but would be geased-or-in-some-other-metaphysical way blocked from indulging it, because like temptation is hot and i like the way my kinks are, but I'd just also not want to be in situations where I'd be tempted to and capable of hurting others, if that makes sense?)

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WitchOfBlue: Is 'I arrange to have someone occasionally surreptitiously check if you are up to mindfuckery, through undisclosed means' the right kind of shape? Or is that too ominous?

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NoWillToBreak: Maybe? It'd pressure me against like endorsedly deciding to engage in mindfuckery (and I generally endorse stuff that'd pressure against becoming a worse person) but might not effect the odds of an akrasiac moment of not thinking of the reasons I shouldn't do something.

NoWillToBreak: Wait I'm an idiot

NoWillToBreak: Obvious-in-hindsight thought, whenever I'm using mindcontrol on someone, i should just have a third person there who's in their right state of mind and can point out if I was about to or just did something ill-advised/had a risk of wronging the person I was mindcontrolling.

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BoxArt_x2: So you can come over right Alex

BoxArt_x2: And then video call Salem so she knows you're doing it with my permission

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NoWillToBreak: I could! If Salem was fine with doing that?

NoWillToBreak: And uh if you'd want to try it after thinking about it? In case you wouldn't actually want to jump into being mindcontrolled on the second date.

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BoxArt_x2: You don't understand

BoxArt_x2: Mindfuckery per se, like erasing memories or w/e is sketchy but 'makes them like you' charm magic is EXTREMELY hot

BoxArt_x2: Now that I know this is an option I am absolutely going to stomp both feet on it at least once

BoxArt_x2: I want to be carried away by aphrodisiac mist or a succubus's aura. Besides I trust Salem to check up on me.

WitchOfBlue: I also feel like it's a bit fast... But you do need to know what exactly this power does to people. You two should make arrangements for a variety of ways the power could affect Art. I mean set up for sleep or aftercare or food or whatever else.


BoxArt_x2 PM's Alex.

I'm already hard thinking about it. Fuck.

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NoWillToBreak: That's a very good idea, that I'd also have barely any idea how to do.


Alex, trying to ignore how wet she's gotten again from having made Art hard, PMs back.

Pics or it didn't happen

I mean cute?

Uh I mean, sorry for getting you hard when I can't immediately follow up by riding your cock like a bicycle?


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Art sends a dick pic, one hand wrapped around it. Wearing a blue pleated skirt and black tights, which are pulled down. It looks like it's part of some sort of cosplay.



WitchOfBlue: In this case, Art should be relaxed on a couch, hydrated, well-fed, not needing the restroom, and wearing comfortable clothing. And you should probably have condoms ready if it goes how I expect. If/when the power wears off, note that and make sure to have a conversation about how it felt and whether either of you have any regrets about the experience. After that, refrain from using it again for a day or two and try to see if there are lingering effects.

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Trying really hard to ignore the urge to start masturbating again, Alex replies to Art with.

Oh gosh Oh fuck that's hot and i really need it inside me now

Thanks you for sharing that, I would ask for more, but I'd in fact like to be able to not immediately jump upon seeing you again and instead wait for you to finish everything you should take care before i violate you.



NoWillToBreak: Thanks for listing that all out I'll make sure to do them.

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Need me to fetch you again or can you drive over in that form?

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I think I should be able to drive over, yeah! 

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I'll do personal care and be tied up and ready!

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Good girl! I'll be looking forward to it~

Alex gets herself ready (and off, so she won't be distractingly horny while driving), changing into some slightly more presentable clothes then what she was wearing when taking pics of her new form, and then heads off to Art's place.

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Art opens the door in a Japanese Schoolgirl Uniform of some variety (the specific thing it might be mimicking, Alex doesn't recognize).

She beams and hugs Alex. "Ohmygod you really do look like a succubus. The wings... The tail... The boobs... I'm feeling femme right now by the way."

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Alex beams and hugs Art back.

"I do! and you look like a really ravishable schoolgirl! and got it!"

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"Kyaaa! Senpai shouldn't joke around about lewd things~!"

(Still grinning.)

"I'm freshly fed, watered, showered, and as ready as I'll be per the mistress's warnings. And I have fond memories of the gaming couch downstairs. So..."

Art starts tugging on Alex's arm.

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"Aww, but my adorable kouhai flusters so cutely when I do~"

Alex grins back.

"Good girl! Lets head there then."

Alex gently intertwines one of her hands with Art's and heads in the direction she remembered the gaming couch/downstairs being.

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"Aheh. I don't really get a direct kick out of being called 'good girl'. I guess a lot of trans people do? But it's not bad either, so feel free to keep doing it."

The game room is still here and hasn't vanished overnight or anything.

Art flops on the couch, then says, "Calling Salem now!" And does so.

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"Valid! And I will then if you're fine with it!"

Alex flops on the couch against Art and snuggles her, and waves at Salem when the call starts.


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Sable is wearing a plain t-shirt today.

"Hey there, lovebirds. Now... I know there's no use arguing Art out of this, but I just want to register with y'all that this is serious business. You're totally going to fuck under the influence of this power, right? So it's serious kink play too. Please acknowledge that."

"I know," Art nods. "I... I was really nervous when I met Alex yesterday, but I'm a lot less nervous now. Nothing bad happened then. And, uh, mind affecting powers is one giant escalation. It's kind of scary. But the good kind of scary? And we definitely want some safewords and safe signals."

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Alex nods as well. "Yeah it is" And unsure of how to continue that, responds to the last bit of Art said instead. "And what Art said about using safe words is definitely a good idea, and uh maybe we should discuss ahead of time what stuff she's fine with doing/happening while she's the under of the power?"

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"Good point," Art says. "I'm... Not sure if Sable needs to be here for all that? I'm a little bit embarrassed suddenly..."

"I know I'm being intrusive here, but powers are involved and I'd appreciate it a lot if you two confirm that you're all good to me once your negotiations are complete, that you're happy with them. Mute your mike but let me keep watching, maybe? Or call me back."

"...Mute you."

Art fumbles with the tablet for a second before accomplishing this. Then covers her mouth with a hand and tells Alex:

"My absolute no, is no semen goes in your vagina. No matter how good an idea it feels like at the time. We can do it with condoms, but not without, and don't... Put it there or anything. And nothing... Extreme. No other kinks than mind control play until I consider them while, I guess, sober. Safeword is, uh, 'Calamari'?"

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Ignoring the part of her that's disappointed she definitely won't be getting the inside of her pussy coated in Art's cum, just like she's ignoring the part that wants to jump Art immediately, Alex responds.

"Yeah that works for the safeword, and I'll remember not to do any of that other stuff."

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"...Anything else to add? It feels a bit... I dunno, incomplete. I absolutely do want to fuck you, you're sitting there looking so sexy, but- Scared of doing it wrong and bad. Which talking about it is s'posed to fix."

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You should fuck me right now then "I don't think so? I'm mainly worried about doing anything badwrong to you, as you're the one who's gonna be in an impaired state of mind, and like if we're not doing anything extreme kink stuff i don't think there's anything you could do that'd be bad? Maybe if you touch my wings or tail be careful with them as I'm not sure how delicate they are? And no butt stuff?"

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Artemis relaxes at that. "I'm oddly relieved. Okay, careful with the wings and tail. And no butt stuff. Let's unmute Salem?"

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"Better relieved then worried! And sure!"

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"Hey Salem. We made some agreements and did a safeword. Oh and also- Don't keep hitting me with the power for more than a few minutes? It just occurred to me that it might make me want to ask you to keep doing it."

"Well, that's good to hear, dears. I'll check in with you later, Art. Do enjoy yourselves~."

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"That's a really good idea, I'll make not to hit you repeatedly with it!"

"Thanks Salem!" 

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"Well, I'm ready. Salem you can watch this bit but hang up if one of us takes our clothes off."

Salem splorfles.

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Alex giggles and activates the power.

"It should be active now, how do you feel?"

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It hits Art like a wave.

Everything about Alex is shiny and good. A 10/10 babe is sitting on this couch with Art for some reason. She's pretty, she's cool, she's sensible and reasonable, she's an honest-to-god Super and somehow it hits more viscerally than Salem does because Salem is like a friend known since forever but Alex is Super, she's a comforting presence and everything feels better because she's in the room, she wants to grab those horns and kiss her and pull her head down and order that pretty face to suck-

She blushes. "......Like you're amazing. And kissable. And- Trustworthy?"

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Alex giggles again at Art's adorable blush and squirms a bit at being called amazing even if it's only because of the power she just used on Art. "Neat! Would you like to induge in how kissable I am?"

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"I'm... Leaning into it... Focusing on it..."

Her voice humming in my ear. Her warm presence oh so close and tempting. Her plump lips...

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"Good girl, I'mma kiss you now~"

And slowly leans in and gently kisses Art's lips.

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Being called good girl-!

"Ah-!" She lets out a breathy happy sigh, and presses into the kiss needily. She pushes herself closer, pressing their bodies together.

"Your eyes are amazing. I know it's a power, and that makes it amazing. I'm just - basking in this feeling. It has me really subby... You could probably tell me to do lots of things..."

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Alex kisses her deeply, and presses her body close to Art's. (And may have without really thinking about it, begun grinding her pussy against one of Art's thighs.

"Oh? Would the adorable subby good girl like to be told to do things?"

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"Good girl, you should-" stick your dick in my pussy "Go get a condom on before I give in to the temptation to order you to stick your dick in me."

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"Y-yes ma'am!"

Art shivers, and shifts her hips for reasons, and reaches for the pack of condoms that has been laying on the side table menacingly.



Much later, some of the warm fuzzy glow of being held close and sexed up suddenly fades. Art blinks and goes still.

Art pulls his head back from kissing Alex's nipple. "Ah- Stop for a moment? I think your power finally wore off. And wow, am I suddenly tired. That whole experience was lovely, though..."

Art yawns widely.

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"Good girl~"

Alex grins when Art obeys, this was going to be fun.


Alex may have pouted slightly Art pulls back, and resisting the urge to push her mouth back against her tit where it belongs, Alex instead replies with. "Sure that's fine and I'm glad you had fun too, it was quite lovely on my end as well~"

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"Can we snuggle for a while? And nothing more. It's just... Hours and hours..."

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"Of course!" Alex will happily snuggle Art for as long as she's feeling up to it.

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Yay. Snugs.

"So, um, about your power... I noticed that it probably would have been easy to miss if I wasn't specifically looking out for it. It made seeing you feel good, and it made you seem trustworthy and cool and worth doing things for. That's pretty strong, and a little scary."

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Very yay snugs!

"Oh, that's, yeah that would be a bit scary." hopefully it didn't scare you off of doing anything with me anymore No bad brain, obviously that didn't happen considering Art still happily snuggling.

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"Mental powers are scarier than some guy who shoots fire because of the doubt I think. But I'm okay. Salem knows what's going on and is gonna check up on. She'll definitely catch it if something's wrong. It's just, you should be careful with it, I guess."

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Snuggles tighter. "Yeah, and I'll try to be.."

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"But I bet you'll keep getting new shapes, and new powers. You got two in two days! I'm going to want to have sex with every new shape you know."

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Giggles. "Same! Here's hoping I can keep up the pace of new form powers, and i'd be happy to do as much stuff as you want with any and all new forms I get~"

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"You're gonna end up one of the most terrifying supers around just because of versatility. Not every power, but any power."

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“I promise to only use my terrifying and vast powers for horny, I mean good once I’ve got them.”

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"Horny is good. In moderation. So I shouldn't ask you to mind whammy me again. Even though it was so floaty and nice..."

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"It is! ... Yeah you shouldn't, and I shouldn't mind whammy you even though it was fun and hot having you like that..." 

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"...One a day at most. Like booze or something. I really enjoyed it though. I love that stuff, the idea of charm magic. Of a succubus who just fills tour head with floaty lust. And that impossible fantasy is a reality."

Art sighs happily.

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"I'm glad you really enjoyed it too, and yeah it's really nice n hot."

Alex snuggles her happily.

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They can lose another while to snuggling then.

Art takes a moment to text Salem that it wore off.

"S said we should talk about it after. But first... I kind of have to use the bathroom."

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Alex (with only some reluctance) lets go of Art so she can go do that.

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Art comes back wearing a towel instead of nothing.

"So. I feel a little bit worried, I think, under the happy? Like, scared. I think it's the same flavor as the first day when I chickened out on that recording scene and we ended up, uh, doing it layer. Just... I dunno."

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Alex ignores the part of her that's disappointed by Art no longer being naked.

"O-oh, is there anything I could do to make you less worried? Should I like try to do less kink and sex stuff with you even if it's seems like you want in the moment or something else?" 

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"I think maybe I have absorbed a lot of neuroses about sex stuff from society, yeah... I don't know. There's gender stuff in there too. You want sex, right? I'm not being... Creepy."

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"??? Of course I want it! I'm literal succubus right and even before that I was really horny, and you're very very cute and friend! You're not being creepy at all, If anything I should be the one being worried about being creepy!"

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"But- You're a super. Amazingly hot. Like, damn. And I'm ordinary. I know I'm kind of pudgy. And probably stubble-y. I got waxed for you the other day. That..."

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"The being super hot is completely cheating on my end and all from literal superpowers! I never had enough skill at looking after my body to look like anything other then" digusting ugly gross "bleh, and like even if you can't maintain your current level of prettiness all the time, it's still impressive that you can be that pretty sometimes without even having any super powers to help you cheat at it!"

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"I'm kinda jealous, yeah... Wish I had powers."

(Something stirs faintly in Alex, at this. Intrigued, and a sense that it might not be impossible.)

"...What do you think of the mind whammy? I think going under it too often could be... Distorty."

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(!!! Can she get anything more from trying to internally investigate the part of her that felt like it might not be impossible?)

Hugs even more.

"... Yeah I would not be surprised at all if it doing too often was distortiony, probably the safest way to handle would be just never going under it, and like if one wanted to go under sometimes and be responsible about it, maybe the best strategy would be something like taking detailed notes on what you're like when you're not under it while you're not under it, taking detailed notes of what you're like under it, and then figure out how much you'd be fine being distorted in that direction and how much to be worried about it and other stuff?


If we were being mad scientists about it we could do a bunch of randomized control experiments on other people to figure out what frequencies of going under has what distortionary effects, and use that to decide how often you'd personally like to go under..."

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She needs... Something, to do that. More power? More time? Unclear. 

"Do you think you could end it early? We absolutely didn't check that but... And did... You enjoy it?" Bluuuuushy. "Having me so devoted and eager. Specifically. Aside from the sex at all."

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She's definitely adding trying to figure out what that Something is to the list of stuff to investigate about her power then.

"Maybee? It feels to my ineffable power sense like I could've ended it early but it's effects might have lingered for a bit afterwards, possibly something to investigate later?" She giggles and snuggles the adorable blushy Art. "I enjoyed it a lot! It was so fun having such a cute and devoted girl eager to please~."

"Also uh, there was another thing I got the sense from my power might be possible to do it, but I didn't get much detail and it'd probably be really disappointing if it ended up not working, should i uh mention now what it was, or um?"

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"...We should try it that way some other time. And. what? Uh... Well, you can't un-tell a secret. The way you phrased that is confusing."

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Alex blushes. "Sorry for being confusing, I can be bad at words sometimes, so err trying to speak more plainly this time, so earlier when you mentioned that you wish you had powers too I got a sense from the sensory aspect of my power that it might not be impossible? And I was unsure of whether to mention it because of-" She shrugs again here, unsure of how to her reasons in a way that isn't confusing.

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"...Sus. Nobody knows how to get powers on purpose. Maybe you imagined it?"

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"I don't think I imagined it? It just felt like another bit of information provided by my power sense? And well..." It takes her a bit to think of what to say for this next part.

"So the night before I woke up with powers, I had a dream of someone offering to grant them to me, and I woke up with powers afterwards, and eventually being to help others get powers would feel on-theme with that?"

"If that sounds unconvincing and suspicious to you, that'd be fine and reasonable of you..." She shrugs listlessly after that.

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"I think... I don't want to get my hopes up? When by all previous wisdom, contagious powers are not a thing? I mean... It's not that I disbelieve you, but..."

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"That, yeah, not wanting to get your hope up makes sense, it'd really suck to have hope for that dashed, and would be a situation where even just hoping would hurt." Alex may be speaking a bit from experience there. "Sorry for mentioning it when I didn't have anything more substantial..."

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"I don't think I regret trying the mind power. But I think I'm done being together for the day. I feel worn out and introverted and glad I'm not streaming today."

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Continued hug.

"That is definitely a mood, should I shut up and just snuggle you, or leave for now, or something else?"

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Art plants a kiss on one of her horns.

"I think you should probably go. It was fun. I just gotta space out now."

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Alex smiles back at Art and 'retaliates' by kissing the top of Art's head. "Valid! I'll get dressed and leave then!"

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Art just stays there. Flopped. Starts picking up clothes, eventually.

Where does she want to go or do next?

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Super valid of her, Alex is gonna leave her be.

After leaving Art's place, Alex is going to go see if anyone else wants to fuck her today, ignore her background horniness and her mild social anxiety and go out and buy some new clothes.

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The general public pays a lot of attention to her! She's hot even in generic stuff, and either a super or some sort of cosplayer or some sort of super.

The store clerks seem faintly nervous but trying to be helpful.

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Ohno lots of people paying attention to her, Alex is going to try her best to just ignore that.


After blanking on how bra sizing works, Alex will (also nervously) approach and ask one of the least intimidating nearby clerks. "Hi uh, how do the bra sizings work here? I kind of was basically flat before I got powers and hadn't needed one before and don't really know how their sizes n stuff work...?"

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"-Oh! You got powers recently? It's so rare to see a superhero, I just thought... Well, I'll be very happy to help you. It's not that complicated."

And the store clerk will happily explain and help measure, seemingly entirely unselfconscious.

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"Yeah! Only yesterday actually! And thanks!" Alex will attentively listen so she can do measurements herself the next time she gains a new form and for her sheeplant form later, and tries to ignore her own self consciousness (the clerk's own apparent lack of it helps) and to not be weird when the clerk helps with measuring.

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Aaaand now right into sales patter mode! What's important in a bra? Comfort? Looking amazing?

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Looking sexy! No bad horny brain. (... She will maybe indulge horny brain and get 1 sexy bra later.)

The answer she actually gives is yes/both, with them both being important but that'd she mainly want to prioritize comfort for most of the bras she'd get (and maybe get 1 that'd prioritize looking ~~sexy~~ amazing.) and insomuch as possible she'd also want ones that'd still be mostly comfortable if they were the wrong size for if (when) her sizes change again.

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Bra shopping continues with a clerk who is definitely knowledgeable and helpful. Getting all those desiderata in a single garment might be impossible, though.

"-Oh, are you going to transform more? Is thar your power?"

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Alex is appreciative of them being so knowledgeable and helpful! And yeah she expected getting them all in one wouldn't be possible, she'd be fine with just getting a few that individually satisfy the desiderata.

"Yeah! Though I'd rather not go into the specific details on it though aside from where it'd be relevant with regards to bra shopping."

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"If you get measurements we can fit for those. If you have a rough guess for sizes we can send you home with something and maybe exchange it too!"

At this point someone else budges in. Tall, dark hair. Kind of a Cool Mom look, name tag says Manager.

"Yo! 25 percent off if we can take a couple photos of you and post them on social. Fully clothed, naturally."

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"I don't have measurements for them but a rough guess of their size would've been." She makes a gesture to try and indicate the size of her sheeplant's tits.

And when the manager show's up and mentions that, she replies.

Would doing partially clothed instead naturally result in 69 percent off then? "Sure! That sounds like a good offer!"

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They do a little mini photoshoot, quickly guiding her into a couple of different poses, showing off the store's branded bag and a grin.

And then they'll ring her up. Buying several new bras at once is a bit less pricey after the discount is applied!

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Alex will happily do a bunch of different poses for them! (And mostly succeeds at resisting the urge to turn the poses horny.)

Yay for discounts! But also on noticing how it's still kind of pricey getting them all, she decides to restrain her desire to get more cute and horny clothes (at least until she's got more random-indulgences funds saved up.) And will head home after thanking the clerk for the help and the manager for discount.

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A bit later, she gets a DM from Salem.

WitchOfBlue: Hey Alex uh

WitchOfBlue: I hate to be pushy or anything but I am still kind of the mom friend as far as Art goes

WitchOfBlue: So I want to talk to you a little bit about your mind-affecting power if that's okay?

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Oh no, what did she do wrong Alex tries to reassure herself that Salem didn’t explicitly say she did something wrong, even if a part of her brain is now worried about that, and DMs back.

NoWillToBreak: Hi Salem, of course that’s okay, so what specifically about it did you wanna talk about?

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WitchOfBlue: I want to see if you can have more control over it. Art told me it seemed to last a long time and then cut out suddenly. (And not much else, so not invading y'all's privacy if I can help it). But... Art also seemed pretty drained, so I'm guessing it was intense. Ending the effect early, or doing it at a weaker level, would give you more options.

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NoWillToBreak: Um would you have wanted to volunteer for testing if i could vary the power's effects like that? Sorry if I'm misinterpreting things and you were just suggesting i try experimenting it with it like that or something. 

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WitchOfBlue: Maybe. I don't know. I'm mostly having an attack of guilt and acute sense-of-responsibility syndrome and think I should have suggested you test it with someone you weren't close to, to watch for weird effects. Too late now and I'll I'm doing is making you feel bad... I want to suggest careful planning and powers testing for you, but if you keep getting more it's not like you can take a week to plan it out every time...? Sorry about my vague worrying.

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NoWillToBreak: You shouldn't apologize for that! And taking a week to do careful planning every time i get a new power before using it might be inconvenient thing to, but that wouldn't like mean it's not a good idea or that I couldn't do it?

also um I want to offer you hugs iff you want some? both virtual and literal, I'd be willing to drive up and visit you just to deliver psychical hugs if you wanted them?

Alex adds and removes a few times a line to the effect of "and you're not making me feel bad" except it's not exactly true and so she leaves it out because she can't think of a way to admit that, that's reassuring. 

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WitchOfBlue: I'm making a mess of this. I'd actually appreciate a hug if you don't mind. I just kind of

WitchOfBlue: Suck at being the responsible person in the room

WitchOfBlue: I feel like I'm probably being an asshole whenever I do it and the topic isn't safe kink

WitchOfBlue: You haven't done anything wrong

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NoWillToBreak: gives virtual hugs and uh if you give me your address I can come down and give you some physical ones? though it would take me a bit to arrive as I can't teleport yet.

NoWillToBreak: Would it help if I told you you're not being an asshole by trying to be responsible? really you're being the opposite of one for trying despite feeling like an asshole when you do so.

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WitchOfBlue: [Google Maps link]

WitchOfBlue: You don't have to visit me in person though, if it's inconvenient.

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NoWillToBreak: I don't have to, but I want to!

NoWillToBreak: Google thinks it'll take bout 15 minutes for me to drive to visit, i was gonna vanish to go do that now unless you wanna discuss anything before i come down and visit you?

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WitchOfBlue: Nothing else. I'm making Stress Cookies so expect some soon after you get here!

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NoWillToBreak: :thumbsup:


And after 17 minutes, a baggily dressed succubus will be at Salem's door.

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Salem's blue skin is visible through a window, and then the door is opened and a warm chocolate chip cookie is thrust upon her.

"Those horns are nice. Very regal."

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Alex preens at having her horns complimented, and 'regally' accepts the cookie.

"Thanks! You're nice too, very pretty!" And after nomming the cookie. 

"And you make delicious cookies!"

After saying which, she slowly goes to glomp/hug Salem, trying to clearly telegraph what she's going to do in case Salem ended up not wanting to be hugged right now.

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Salem hugs back, and tugs Alex inside so she can shut the door.

"Hell of a thing you've got going for yourself, you know, miss shapeshifter? I almost feel like I'm talking to the next Stella Sky. Tinkers have lots of powers, you have lots of powers..."

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Alex follows her in and shrugs bashfully at Salem's words.

"I guess so? I may not have really thought about it like that..."

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"Power gives you... Weight. Makes you have consequences. It's hard. Do you not want to fuss with that kind of thing? At least not yet, I imagine."

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Alex nods. "Y-yeah, I'd rather not worry the weighty consequences of my powers when i haven't even had them for a week, though i might feel differently in a year or few from now."
And when a silly thought crosses her mind afterwards she smiles nervously and continues "though i'd be fine with worrying about weighty things when it's just stuff like having these now" squishing her breasts together to indicate what 'these' she's referring.

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Salem giggles, looking startled. 

"Oh, they're quite lovely. Getting much use, are they?"

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Alex bounces. "They are! In both senses!"

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"I can worry about them for you, if you like. Always up for a good roll in the sheets. I like my mind the way it is, though."

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"How very nice of you to offer! It'd be quite nice if you handled 'worrying' about them for me~" and trying to be less sillyhorny for what she next says. "And it's of course fine if you don't want to have your mind messed with!"

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"Clear boundaries are magic! If we can be nice and cuddly too, I'm kind of in the mood for that. Want any more snacks first?"

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"They are! and sure to both, cuddles and snacks are both nice!"

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Salem grabs a bag of popcorn and sticks it in the microwave. There are more cookies in the kitchen, and she also gets out a bowl of grapes and a bag of tortilla chips.

"Hummus? Cheese dip? I do think everything'll be alright. The real wackos and shitheads, villains, are really few and far between. I don't even consider myself a proper hero- I'd go out if Stella Sky herself asked me, but that whole lifestyle is far too rich for my blood."

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Alex accepts some of the popcorn when it's done and some of the cookies.

"Nah but thanks for offering! and y-yeah."

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"Let's go sit on the couch, then. Just some nice relaxation and gentle softcore cuddling- Though you could maybe tempt me into more. You grab the popcorn, for snacking on?"

Salem floats upward, insubstantially, leaving all her clothes behind. She plants a half-tangible kiss on Alex's forehead, then passes straight through her with a slight chill feeling, and floats over towards her living room with a smirk.

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"If you say it like that, I might take it as a challenge to tempt you into doing more~. And sure I'll grab the popcorn."

Alex peeks lustfully admiring at Salem's body when she leaves her clothes behind. Shivers when she passes through her, and not just from the chill, before grabbing the popcorn and following into the living room.

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Salem is using a remote control to noodle around on a DVR* system, and selects a recording from a music channel after a bit of searching. Slow, soft jazz. The curtains are closed.

"Come! Snuggle me, and I'll give you a nice massage. It does a body good to relax, you know?"


*The year is around 2011 in universe; Digital Video Recorders were the ancestors of modern SmartTVs, but basically ONLY had a 'record' function for broadcasts and little else.

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Alex pounces on Salem lays the popcorn down nearby, and then gently pounces on and snuggle Salem.

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Hugs. Hugs and snuggles and firm squeezing rubbing that does not bother to avoid erogenous zones.

Salem's in no hurry, though. Up and down Alex's arms. Up and down her chest. Up and down her thighs, shifting their snuggle occasionally to get a good angle. She nabs bits of popcorn, occasionally.

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So much Hug! Alex snuggles close to Salem, making happy noises as her body is massaged, turning into light moans whenever her erogenous zones are rubbed. And when Salem's hands start massaging her thighs, she gives in to the urge to (lightly) clamp her legs together around them, trying to keep Salem's hands "trapped" between her thighs.

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"Oh no. Whatever shall I do." She deadpan.

Then just phases her hand out, and kisses Alex's cheek. 

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“Curses, how could you have possibly escaped my dastardly trap! it was supposed to be foolproof!” Alex ‘retaliates’ by kissing Salem’s cheek in response.

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"Ah, but I am overpowered when it comes to this sort of thing. No bondage can hold me... Do I have to distract you so you don't get up to mischief?"

Salem's hand brushes gently over Alex's labia as she says this.

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Alex lets out a light moan when Salem touchs there, but tries ro ignore it (and any further moans Salem could easily elicit while she talks) and monologues. “Foolish heroine, while your power is immense, I am even more overpowered, for among my many talents is complete and utter immunity to all distractions!”

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"I'm going to have to put that claim to the test."

Salem clearly has practice at this.

She doesn't just tease the obvious spots. And she doesn't just go for intense stimulation. Some of it is light and teasing caresses, and some of it is a firm, assertive grope. Not a moment goes by where Alex is not being touched somewhere, light or deep. Often it's her pussy, her clit being lightly brushed over or her labia being firmly rubbed or two fingers steadily pumping inside her, just tangible enough to hit the right spot. Sometimes it's her breasts, the cool touch of Salem's intangibility running through and over them. And sometimes it's the rest of her body- a distracting tickle down her sides or feet or forearms, a slap against her rear, a sudden kiss on her neck accompanied with whispers in the back of her ear about just how horny she is and how she should just relax and cum.

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"Regardless of" moan "what tests you" moan "perform the result shall be" moan "the same. my victory!"

 Alex, despite all her posturing, is extremely vulnerable to Salem's teasing, squirming at even the lightest caresses. Moaning loudly whenever she feels Salem entering her, the sensation of fingers entering her pussy only somewhat exotic but still just as pleasurable as the first time, and while the chill touch of Salem phasing through her breasts is not directly pleasurable, it's far stranger and makes her moan even more. Letting out a weak indecipherable moan of "more" when her butt is slapped.

While she's able to last surprisingly long despite her new(ish)ness to sex, having a girl's body, and having her pleasure, she eventually succumbs. Upon hearing Salem whisper into her ear, telling to relax and cum, all her remaining resistance crumbles. Leaving her a mewling orgasmic subby mess. All according to plan??? 

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Salem chuckles quietly at her victory and caresses her through the orgasm.

Then she tugs Alex into a slightly different couch position and becomes solid, sitting on her chest.

She smirks. "Tsk. The new generation of heroes is so vulnerable to distractions, these days."

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Alex weakly leans into the caresses, and squeaks when sits on her chest.

"Who ever said I was a hero? I'm actually a supervillain, and you've unwittingly fulfilled my master plan, leaving you right where i want you!" Alex then proceeds to giggle cutely laugh manically. 

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"Hmm~? Yes, do go ahead. Oral performances by villains are a classic."

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"Of course! For you see my master plan all along was to be repeatedly pleasured and brought to orgasm by a beautiful maiden, and as I am of course an honorable villain, I'll reward you for you unwitting assistance!" While she speaks, Alex has been slightly wiggling beneath Salem, moving to position her head right below Salem's pussy, after which she begins the prelude to her next performance of the oral arts.

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It's Salem's turn to relax and enjoy. She gives instructions on what's good and what's not and scratches her hand in Alex's hair. 

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Alex while amateurish, is very eager to learn and listens to Salem on what to do/avoid to make her feel good. (She also purrs at and nuzzles into the hair scratches whenever doing so wouldn't interfere with obeying Salem's instructions.)

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The eagerness is cute enough. And this seems to be very easy to learn, to her current form. 

Salem clamps her legs around Alex's head, hand clenching in her hair, when she orgasms.

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Alex is too distracted pleasuring hot girl to explicitly notice easily she's learning it, but she certainly appreciates it.

The sensation of Salem's thighs squeezing around her head and the knowledge that she just made her cum (and the fact that her hands had started touching herself without her realizing it) is enough to make Alex cum again, but she focuses through her orgasm and tries her best to continue pleasuring Salem, doing her best to balance not overstimulating Salem and making her orgasm last longer.

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Salem stops pressing so hard as it goes on, other than pressing her count hard into Alex's mouth of course, and gives off a throaty growl eventually, deeply scratching Alex's hair with both hands.

"Damn, girl. I admit my expectations were low but you blew way past them. Good girl."

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Subby mewling noises! Especially at the praise and being called a good girl.

"T-thank you! I'm glad to have blown you! I mean past your expectations!"

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The most convenient way to let out the hug impulse is to squeeze with her thighs again, so she does.

"That was fun and relaxing. We kind of broke some of my usual rules, but i know you and Art are clean, and I know I'm clean, and 'no' is a perfectly fine safeword, so... It's probably fine. And I usually only have one orgasm in me, so I hereby declare it snuggle time."

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Continued subby happy noises at being squeezed.

"I'm glad you had fun with it too! And erm, sorry bout tempting you breaking your usual rules?" She'd be looking bashful if her head wasn't trapped between Salem's thighs.

"And snuggle time is good!"

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"Oh, it's my fault if it's anyone's. Just don't want bad habits. Unless you think being that irresistible is hot?"

She starts moving towards a snuggle.

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Alex resists to keep her head buried between Salem's thighs, and moves into a better snuggling position too.


"It's very hot! But if i listen to my one non-horny braincell it's probably ill-advised to be so irresistible others can't help but ravish me." Which makes it even hotter to horny brain.

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"Hmmm..." Salem wonders if that's a side-effect of the mental charm power. But it'd kind of ruin the mood to bring it up now.

(In the back of her head, she runs over what she thinks she knows about Alex, and how Artemis described her before and after... It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you, no? But things seem fine on the mental integrity front, so far as Salem's analytical side can tell. The afterglow is afterglow and perhaps the beginning of a crush, nothing sinister.)

She snuggles. "I'm glad I could take out my worries like this. All shall be well, and all that."

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Alex is completely oblivious to Salem's musings, and continues happily snuggling her.

"I'm glad to have helped!"

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Sleepy snuggles with quiet soft jazz in the background continue for some time, then.

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Alex happily spends the next while cuddling and hanging out with Salem, but does eventually need to head home and says goodbye to Salem.
Afterwards eventually checking her DMs and emails.
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marten.konig@redlineclothes.com has emailed her!


We're very excited to hear from supers who would like to work with us! I'm Marten Konig, product development lead at Redline Clothes. I have quite a few questions and the answers change the direction we'd want to take with any potential partnership, but I'm sure we can work something out to everyone's benefit! Would you like to set up a meeting some time- Virtual or in person- To discuss this?

P.S. We have scrubbed the image you originally attached from our systems, since it seemed overly revealing. If there is some sort of accommodation for your body that we can assist with, please let us know.

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Alex replies with something to the effect of "Hi, I'm excited to try working with yous too! If you have any questions you could send through email I can try answering them! And sure to setting up a meeting! I'm fine with doing/setting up either or both virtual and physical meetings! Virtual ones would have the benefit that i could do one right away, and physical that i could bring over fur samples and the possible disadvantage that I don't exactly have a decent / not-revealing at all outfit for my plantsheep form yet, but I can go in a different one that's not as inconvenient to dress, so I don't specifically need body accommodations (Though getting some more custom made clothes for would be convenient in a nice but not necessary way, if that's the kind of thing yous could easily help with, but I was already looking into other ways of getting that handled, so it's not inconvenient if yous don't.). Also sorry bout not thinking to make the image less revealing." the exact text of which is not reproduced here because in character, she would've spent an unreasonable amount of time rewriting over it until her social anxiety stops yelling at the idea of sending it, and her author does not in fact want to try replicating that.

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Hello Alex,

Thanks for getting back to me.

If you're comfortable with a physical meeting, we're happy to have you visit any of our physical locations, or we can have someone fly out to meet you. Whatever you want to do, really. We want to be as easy and smooth as possible to work with, and we value a good reputation with our suppliers. We can comp you airfare, hotels, and a limousine too. I'm very excited about this and want to move on it as fast as possible, so just let me know!

Some quick questions (we can cover these in a meeting instead if you like):

How much wool do you think you can produce? I don't want to push you into something that's not sustainable for you, but our existing superhuman partner has ways to generate hundreds of yards of cloth a day, so our strategy with you might have to be different.

What special properties, if any, does it have? This could be either a 'superhuman' effect it has, or something as simple as coming in different colors/being unusually strong.

We would want to use your image in marketing materials, if possible. We can discuss the exact terms, naturally. How do you feel about that?

Are there any concerns you have about partnering with us that I can help address?

Marten Konig
Product Development
Redline Clothes

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After reading through the email and the power questions Alex decides to switch to sheeplant form and try doing some experiments : 

Checking if the area she disconnected fur from to give to Art yesterday has regrown yet (yes).

Starting a timer and disconnecting another patch of fur at the time and seeing how long it takes to fully regrow (roughly an hour).

Repeating the previous and seeing if she can will it to regrow faster (way faster, taking just a few moments this time).

Disconnecting and timing it for bigger and smaller pieces to see if the regrowing scales with the amount of disconnected mass (yes).

Checking if she can manually will her fur to change (she checks if she can adjust it while it's disconnected from her as well but it seems not.), and after playing around with it for a bit, determines that she can make it's texture fluffier and softer or slicker and denser, that changing the texture changes the weight and size as well, and she can't alter it's color at all.

Checking how difficult some disconnected fur feels to tear (pretty difficult, especially the denser stuff, but she's never intentionally tried tearing wool before so she's not actually sure that's a power thing.).

And in between and after the experiments she works on and sends a reply email to the effect of:

Hi Marten, you're welcome!

I could do a physical meeting as early as tomorrow morning [1] if you've got any physical locations within an hour's drive of [insert Alex's approximate address here][2], or if you could have anyone flown in or driven nearby there, or if it'd be more convenient on your end I can do the meeting in the evening or on another day, I was just listing the earliest time I could do it. 

Regarding how much wool I can produce, I was able to produce roughly 10 kilos of wool over 3 minutes[3], but I wouldn't know how long I could keep up that pace for and I think the best way to check might just be bringing me to a warehouse or someplace with a lot of space you own, and seeing how long I can produce wool for before getting uncomfortable or tired?

And regarding it's properties it feels pretty soft by default, and i can make it softer and fluffier, or slicker and denser and it only comes in white, it also felt tough when i tried to tear some of it, but I'm not an expert on wool or anything like that so i wouldn't know whether it's just above average strong, supernaturally strong, or if i just don't know how to test wool strength.  

My power also has two other things it feels like it can do to my wool that I haven't actually tested yet, one feels like it'd make do something involving sleep (which i haven't tested yet due to lack of volunteers) , and the other feels like it'd do something involving stickiness (which I haven't tested due to lack of things I'd be fine with risking having wool be permanently stuck to). 

And something I just realized that potentially relevant for how fast to approach things, is that I don't necessarily know that the fur my power creates isn't the kind of power generated matter that spontaneously ceases to exist after a certain amount of time passes, or after a certain amount is created (I don't think my power works like that, but I'm not sure I'd necessarily know before some of it disintegrated if it did work like that and I've only had powers for a couple days). 

I'm tentatively open to having my image used in marketing materials! Though thinking on it further I would probably want to have mask/costume/disguise of some kind for any photos that'd be used in marketing to make it not trivially easy in the future for strangers to connect my sheeplant identity with my non-super identity via stuff like facial recognition and the like. Relatedly at some point before my image is used I'd want to check whether there'd be anything I might end up doing later that would if you knew about it ahead of time result in you not wanting to use my image because there being an obvious connection between me and your company would or might result in bad publicity for your company, and whether after it's used there'd be anything you want me to avoid doing because it'd risk bad publicity.

[1] Alex included her timezone and what she'd consider morning in the email, but her author was too lazy to figure out what those should be before posting this tag.

[2] She included something that was approximately her address instead of "[insert Alex's approximate address here]", but again her author is too lazy to figure out what that should be.

[3] Approximation of the value given by my coauthor for Alex's wool/temporal unit which was "I figure a person-sized bundle of thick wool in a few minutes if she's actively producing it".

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I can meet you at our office here: [Address]. I'd like to discuss what a partnership would look like and collect whatever wool samples you can give me. We'll pay you a consultation rate for coming in. Does 2 PM tomorrow work for you?

Marten Konig
Product Development
Redline Clothes

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After checking that the address wouldn't be somewhere she'd have much trouble getting to, Alex responds.


That time works fine for me, and that agenda for the meeting seems good to me!


Then fills a few more bags full of wool, labels them and the previous bags she filled based on what's in them (default, fluffiest, densest, unsorted experimental), switches back to succubus form as it's more convent for moving around in, and passes the rest of her day basically normally.

In the morning she moves the various bags into her car, and drives off to the appointed meeting place.

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Art sends her some photos of cloth-weaving in progress, captioned 'another new hobby to find surprising depths in!'.



It's a generic looking office park. Marten meets her out front wearing business casual. He looks like a Generic Businessdude in his 30s who's trying not to stare too much.

"Alex? It's really nice to meet you! I have someone from the manufacturing division upstairs as well, so please come right on up. And I see we have samples. Exciting! I can help you carry those?"

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When Art starts sending her photos of her cloth weaving, Alex thanks her for sharing them and happily asks questions about what's going on in them. And valiantly resists the urge to make horny puns about the depths she's exploring.



When she arrives in the parking she starts taking out bags and responds to Marten with "That's me, yes! And it's nice to meet you too in person! And sure if you're offering, it'd be convenient to have help carrying them up!"

Alex will then pass him however many bags he's willing/able to carry up, before grabbing some more to carry herself and then follows him into the office. (And when she notices him having trouble not staring, she doesn't comment on it and just briefly thinks that it's super valid of him to be having difficulty with, she'd also have difficulty trying not to stare if she encountered a real life succubus.)

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The place looks like a generic warehouse with a few offices attached and elevated over the floor at the far end. It's not super busy, and all the boxes and pallets have Redline Clothes labels on them.

The manufacturing person is a woman with a long skirt and a graphic tee with an elaborate Arachne graphic on it. She grins and waves.

"Hi, Marten. You! I want to see what your wool is like!"

"Ahem. Uh, Alex, this is Cassandra, Cassandra this is Alex. She's an engineer on our silk mixing line."

"We take spider silk thread and integrate it into other fabrics at relatively low ratios, to get the benefits while stretching out the supply!"

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Alex smiles back at the grinning woman, and goes to wave back before remembering that her hands are currently occupied carrying bags, and after Marten introduces her responds with.

"Hi Cassandra! A lot of my wool would be in these bags if you wanted to look at it!" Followed by offering one of them to her and also commenting that it's neat that they do that to stretch the supply.

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The engineer fetches the bags.

"So Alex, thanks for coming out today. We have physical samples, so we'll run tests on all these. I know you had image concerns from our emails, is that something you want to talk about, or not? We can, if we work out a deal, just leave you as an unnamed contractor. I just think it might not be the best course."

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Alex nods in understanding at them saying they'll run tests on the samples and then starts rambling in reply to the rest. "I can kinda talk about it! Though I would've maybe describe them more as reverse image concerns? In that like if I did the marketing stuff, presumably to help generate publicity and interest in stuff made from my wool? And like if I then later and unrelatedly did something that'd generate a bunch of negative publicity for myself, I could maybe see that then resulting in less interest for stuff made from my wool and possibly less interest on net then if I had just been an unnamed contractor? and also like even if it didn't result in less sales, if i did something with bad optics while being like a named contractor and that then incidentally resulted in bad publicity for your company by association, it would be reasonable for you to be annoyed at me in that scenario? but if i was just an anonymous provider I could just do as much stuff trashing my own reputation as i like, because I'd be the only one it'd affect?
And uh there was a specific example of something on my mind that i might end up doing later that might have problematic optics but my brain is kind of too mortified by the prospect of saying it out loud for me to explicitly say it yet sorry...?"

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Marten nods along as Cassandra labels each bag, then takes small samples of each and runs them through a comb-looking thing taken out of a small case.

"I think that's a risk we're taking whenever we deal with independent contractors. A lot of the value in power-produced fabric is the narrative and meaning behind it. The reputation. If we just say, we have an anonymous superhuman who makes special wool for us, that's one thing, but if we can drop a name that's a lot more reliable to a lot of people's perspective? As for your reflection on us, there's obviously a spectrum between 'no restrictions whatsoever' and 'you only ever do things we approve'. Our work with miss Arachne is more towards the former. To an extent any publicity is good publicity- And her, ah, exploits are what I'd call 'soft villainous' rather than truly evil. Like the Mall Spiders incident- She webbed people up and stole things, but there were no deaths or even serious injuries. Our lawyers will have ulcers but that level- Would probably be something we can tolerate some risk of."

The mall turned it into a tourist attraction, for chrissake. They still have a section of wall with webs on it that you can take pictures in front of.

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"That make sense and is basically reassuring on the front I was worried about!"

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"I think we know a thing or two about image, too- If you look us up, you'll see our graphic tees and various daring designs first off. So maybe we could help bounce around some ideas for a name and image. I think you probably want to avoid the perception of being totally sponsored by us, though. As a perk for meeting us, in addition to the fee for the wool samples, we can walk around downstairs and pick a few things you like. This is a stock warehouse so we'll have some of everything."

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"Having people who know things about image to bounce ideas off would be pretty helpful, thanks! And you'd be right that I'd like to a perception like that, yeah."

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"I'll give you some business cards of people to bounce ideas off of. Do you have questions for me?"

Cassandra interrupts. "Mart, this is good fiber. Really good. Feel it!" Cassandra hands him a little patch. "And here's some raw wool from the Boston factory loading dock." Another one. "It's got great average length too. It'll be easy to work with."

"-Oh, yes, you can really tell the difference. Wow."

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"None that immediately come to mind?"

When Cassandra interrupts, Alex bounces happily at hearing her wool be complimented, and says. "I'm glad it's high quality!"

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"Well, let's get you the sample fee- A one-time payment for this wool for submittal to analysis and creation of test weaves that are not to be sold, with no ongoing obligations."

He hands over a small tan envelope.

"And if you'll give me a minute I can print up contacts for consulting on design. We do custom exclusives occasionally, and if it ends up making sense for your costume to be one of those I'm sure we can work something out."

"I've always been curious about super powers but I'm not sure what's intrusive to ask," Cassandra says.

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Alex accepts the envelope and nods. "Thanks!"

And while waiting for Marten to print up contacts, she says to Cassandra. "You should feel free to ask whatever questions you like, and if any of them are too intrusive for me, I can just say that and decline to answer?"

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"You have multiple forms? Did you design them? How long does it take to change? Can you blend them? Is your hair in this form made of wool? It doesn't look like it. Do you have different powers in different forms?"

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You have multiple forms?  


Did you design them? 

Nope! (well unless something erased my memory of doing so and I was operating under weird unknown constraints when designing them, but that's probably not the case)

How long does it take to change? 

A few seconds maybe?, I haven't tried timing it yet.

Can you blend them?

I think probably not, but I haven't specifically tested that yet!

 Is your hair in this form made of wool? It doesn't look like it. 

I don't think so? It doesn't feel woolly at least, but I haven't actually thought to check that.

Do you have different powers in different forms?


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Cassandra will continue peppering her with questions about how her power works and what cool things she can do with it.

Marten offers to let her pick out some of anything Redline makes from the warehouse downstairs.

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And Alex will continue trying her best to answer Cassandra's questions until interrupted by Marten's offer, whereupon she accepts and goes to check out the things downstairs.

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They make a lot of different stuff, all of it in a fairly distinct punky-gothy sort of style. There's hoodies and t-shirts and dresses and skirts and camis and tube tops and jeans and hats and jackets. Most of it's smooth and shiny. A lot of it has jagged punky logos on it, or occasionally a scantily-clad character committing violence (mostly women, a lot of them arachne-themed). Some of it has neon LEDs and cyberpunk theming. Some of it has leather.

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Alex hums as she looks through the various pieces and

or occasionally a scantily-clad character committing violence (mostly women, a lot of them arachne-themed)

and tries to not blatantly act like she's a horny lesbian succubus that stumbled upon surprise clothes that feature scantily clad women, and looks through them in a totally normal way.

She eventually settles on taking a combination of jacket and hoodie and t-shirt that seem like they could comfortably fit her wing inside too, an oversized hat that'd cover and make it not completely obvious that she has horns, and a skirt short enough she could causally give panty shots in which while on the shorter end, is still of a reasonable length. (And after much indecision does grab 1 piece featuring horny girl violence.)

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They hope she enjoys the merch! They'll email her with more information and maybe general parameters for a contract once engineering has experience with her wool!

(The envelope they gave her for the samples so far contains one thousand dollars. Cash.)

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They hope she enjoys the merch! They'll email her with more information and maybe general parameters for a contract once engineering has experience with her wool!

Understood! And she'll thank them for that before heading off.

(The envelope they gave her for the samples so far contains one thousand dollars. Cash.)

!! Next she'll go the bank to deposi-


She'd probably need to detransform for that considering how different she looks compared to her base form and thus what'd be on her ID...

She'll just hide the envelope in her apartment when she gets back and deposit it later after she gets around to sorting out her ID.

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On the way back she passes a neighbor who gives her a long questioning glance, but then they go back to doing something in their phone, while also fumbling for car keys.

Something feels... Different? Full? (She gets the distinct impression that all the recent sex contributed to that.)

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On the way back she passes a neighbor who gives her a long questioning glance

... Possibly she should come up with some kind of story to give her neighbors on either why recently they never see "him" leaving "his" apartment and why a busty pink haired girl is seen coming and going or/and why (s)he's suddenly girl.

At some point which is not now however, at this moment she'll just smile awkwardly back at the neighbor before hiding in her apartment.

Something feels... Different? Full?

Neat! What happens if she tries ?triggering? the thing that feels different?

(She gets the distinct impression that all the recent sex contributed to that.)

Well it's not like she needed even more incentive for all the sex, but she appreciates it!

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There's no obvious trigger. Feels like it's waiting for something.

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After a bit of time spent thinking, she decides to try checking if the trigger it's waiting for involves transforming, does it feel like a new option is available or something if she detransforms and transform again?

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When she detransforms, suddenly there is a third metaphorical figure on the metaphorical shelf!

This one feels... Almost technological. Shifty. Clever. Mischievous. And definitely like the sort of transformation that would appreciate a well appointed workshop.

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Cool! She almost immediately goes to try it out before thinking better of it, as she's heard things about tinker type supers, so first she's going to set a few attention grabbing timer/reminders on her phone, and then she'll-

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She barely even notices the floofy ears sprouting from her head, or her body shrinking to the smallest it's been yet, instead focused on the flood of ideas that's now crossing her mind~.

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There are so



she could build!

Anything that has been a petty annoyance in the past- Her computer loading slowly? That is FIXABLE. Code and new electronics. She can see how to do it. Too complicated to write down, and she'd need to go buy some things, bit it's eminently doable, and you could add new features, like an algorithm specifically for searching for whatever porn would be most arousing right at this moment, or maybe VR goggles to make it more immersive.

Clothes not fitting lately thanks to all the transformations? Well, there are some fabric designs and little bits of machinery that can automatically adjust them depending on the situation! And get them out of the way or turn them into something that accentuates her best features when the mood is right!

Worried about security? She could build really tough locks and reinforced materials to line the walls with- For that matter, she could build a really tough chastity belt that only unlocks for her, to protect from cheating and make sure energy is saved up for her!

Or her phone- Currently it's not really usable in some forms, which is inconvenient and maybe trackable? There are ways to make it connect mentally, untraceable and stealthy on the internet... To spy on people, or send lewd comments straight to Salem without worrying about getting caught.

Microwave heating food unevenly? She can change it to a different type of energy, powered by her own innate magic! And if you modulated it slightly differently, you could make it fire pleasantly numbing rays instead of microwave radiation- What a humane way of stopping people, much better than tasers or bullets, and she could use it to make sure Art stays at attention next time!