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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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"I don't have measurements for them but a rough guess of their size would've been." She makes a gesture to try and indicate the size of her sheeplant's tits.

And when the manager show's up and mentions that, she replies.

Would doing partially clothed instead naturally result in 69 percent off then? "Sure! That sounds like a good offer!"


They do a little mini photoshoot, quickly guiding her into a couple of different poses, showing off the store's branded bag and a grin.

And then they'll ring her up. Buying several new bras at once is a bit less pricey after the discount is applied!


Alex will happily do a bunch of different poses for them! (And mostly succeeds at resisting the urge to turn the poses horny.)

Yay for discounts! But also on noticing how it's still kind of pricey getting them all, she decides to restrain her desire to get more cute and horny clothes (at least until she's got more random-indulgences funds saved up.) And will head home after thanking the clerk for the help and the manager for discount.


A bit later, she gets a DM from Salem.

WitchOfBlue: Hey Alex uh

WitchOfBlue: I hate to be pushy or anything but I am still kind of the mom friend as far as Art goes

WitchOfBlue: So I want to talk to you a little bit about your mind-affecting power if that's okay?


Oh no, what did she do wrong Alex tries to reassure herself that Salem didn’t explicitly say she did something wrong, even if a part of her brain is now worried about that, and DMs back.

NoWillToBreak: Hi Salem, of course that’s okay, so what specifically about it did you wanna talk about?


WitchOfBlue: I want to see if you can have more control over it. Art told me it seemed to last a long time and then cut out suddenly. (And not much else, so not invading y'all's privacy if I can help it). But... Art also seemed pretty drained, so I'm guessing it was intense. Ending the effect early, or doing it at a weaker level, would give you more options.


NoWillToBreak: Um would you have wanted to volunteer for testing if i could vary the power's effects like that? Sorry if I'm misinterpreting things and you were just suggesting i try experimenting it with it like that or something. 


WitchOfBlue: Maybe. I don't know. I'm mostly having an attack of guilt and acute sense-of-responsibility syndrome and think I should have suggested you test it with someone you weren't close to, to watch for weird effects. Too late now and I'll I'm doing is making you feel bad... I want to suggest careful planning and powers testing for you, but if you keep getting more it's not like you can take a week to plan it out every time...? Sorry about my vague worrying.


NoWillToBreak: You shouldn't apologize for that! And taking a week to do careful planning every time i get a new power before using it might be inconvenient thing to, but that wouldn't like mean it's not a good idea or that I couldn't do it?

also um I want to offer you hugs iff you want some? both virtual and literal, I'd be willing to drive up and visit you just to deliver psychical hugs if you wanted them?

Alex adds and removes a few times a line to the effect of "and you're not making me feel bad" except it's not exactly true and so she leaves it out because she can't think of a way to admit that, that's reassuring. 


WitchOfBlue: I'm making a mess of this. I'd actually appreciate a hug if you don't mind. I just kind of

WitchOfBlue: Suck at being the responsible person in the room

WitchOfBlue: I feel like I'm probably being an asshole whenever I do it and the topic isn't safe kink

WitchOfBlue: You haven't done anything wrong


NoWillToBreak: gives virtual hugs and uh if you give me your address I can come down and give you some physical ones? though it would take me a bit to arrive as I can't teleport yet.

NoWillToBreak: Would it help if I told you you're not being an asshole by trying to be responsible? really you're being the opposite of one for trying despite feeling like an asshole when you do so.


WitchOfBlue: [Google Maps link]

WitchOfBlue: You don't have to visit me in person though, if it's inconvenient.


NoWillToBreak: I don't have to, but I want to!

NoWillToBreak: Google thinks it'll take bout 15 minutes for me to drive to visit, i was gonna vanish to go do that now unless you wanna discuss anything before i come down and visit you?


WitchOfBlue: Nothing else. I'm making Stress Cookies so expect some soon after you get here!


NoWillToBreak: :thumbsup:


And after 17 minutes, a baggily dressed succubus will be at Salem's door.


Salem's blue skin is visible through a window, and then the door is opened and a warm chocolate chip cookie is thrust upon her.

"Those horns are nice. Very regal."


Alex preens at having her horns complimented, and 'regally' accepts the cookie.

"Thanks! You're nice too, very pretty!" And after nomming the cookie. 

"And you make delicious cookies!"

After saying which, she slowly goes to glomp/hug Salem, trying to clearly telegraph what she's going to do in case Salem ended up not wanting to be hugged right now.


Salem hugs back, and tugs Alex inside so she can shut the door.

"Hell of a thing you've got going for yourself, you know, miss shapeshifter? I almost feel like I'm talking to the next Stella Sky. Tinkers have lots of powers, you have lots of powers..."


Alex follows her in and shrugs bashfully at Salem's words.

"I guess so? I may not have really thought about it like that..."


"Power gives you... Weight. Makes you have consequences. It's hard. Do you not want to fuss with that kind of thing? At least not yet, I imagine."


Alex nods. "Y-yeah, I'd rather not worry the weighty consequences of my powers when i haven't even had them for a week, though i might feel differently in a year or few from now."
And when a silly thought crosses her mind afterwards she smiles nervously and continues "though i'd be fine with worrying about weighty things when it's just stuff like having these now" squishing her breasts together to indicate what 'these' she's referring.


Salem giggles, looking startled. 

"Oh, they're quite lovely. Getting much use, are they?"


Alex bounces. "They are! In both senses!"


"I can worry about them for you, if you like. Always up for a good roll in the sheets. I like my mind the way it is, though."


"How very nice of you to offer! It'd be quite nice if you handled 'worrying' about them for me~" and trying to be less sillyhorny for what she next says. "And it's of course fine if you don't want to have your mind messed with!"

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