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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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Subby mewling noises! Especially at the praise and being called a good girl.

"T-thank you! I'm glad to have blown you! I mean past your expectations!"


The most convenient way to let out the hug impulse is to squeeze with her thighs again, so she does.

"That was fun and relaxing. We kind of broke some of my usual rules, but i know you and Art are clean, and I know I'm clean, and 'no' is a perfectly fine safeword, so... It's probably fine. And I usually only have one orgasm in me, so I hereby declare it snuggle time."


Continued subby happy noises at being squeezed.

"I'm glad you had fun with it too! And erm, sorry bout tempting you breaking your usual rules?" She'd be looking bashful if her head wasn't trapped between Salem's thighs.

"And snuggle time is good!"


"Oh, it's my fault if it's anyone's. Just don't want bad habits. Unless you think being that irresistible is hot?"

She starts moving towards a snuggle.


Alex resists to keep her head buried between Salem's thighs, and moves into a better snuggling position too.


"It's very hot! But if i listen to my one non-horny braincell it's probably ill-advised to be so irresistible others can't help but ravish me." Which makes it even hotter to horny brain.


"Hmmm..." Salem wonders if that's a side-effect of the mental charm power. But it'd kind of ruin the mood to bring it up now.

(In the back of her head, she runs over what she thinks she knows about Alex, and how Artemis described her before and after... It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you, no? But things seem fine on the mental integrity front, so far as Salem's analytical side can tell. The afterglow is afterglow and perhaps the beginning of a crush, nothing sinister.)

She snuggles. "I'm glad I could take out my worries like this. All shall be well, and all that."


Alex is completely oblivious to Salem's musings, and continues happily snuggling her.

"I'm glad to have helped!"


Sleepy snuggles with quiet soft jazz in the background continue for some time, then.

Alex happily spends the next while cuddling and hanging out with Salem, but does eventually need to head home and says goodbye to Salem.
Afterwards eventually checking her DMs and emails.
Permalink has emailed her!


We're very excited to hear from supers who would like to work with us! I'm Marten Konig, product development lead at Redline Clothes. I have quite a few questions and the answers change the direction we'd want to take with any potential partnership, but I'm sure we can work something out to everyone's benefit! Would you like to set up a meeting some time- Virtual or in person- To discuss this?

P.S. We have scrubbed the image you originally attached from our systems, since it seemed overly revealing. If there is some sort of accommodation for your body that we can assist with, please let us know.


Alex replies with something to the effect of "Hi, I'm excited to try working with yous too! If you have any questions you could send through email I can try answering them! And sure to setting up a meeting! I'm fine with doing/setting up either or both virtual and physical meetings! Virtual ones would have the benefit that i could do one right away, and physical that i could bring over fur samples and the possible disadvantage that I don't exactly have a decent / not-revealing at all outfit for my plantsheep form yet, but I can go in a different one that's not as inconvenient to dress, so I don't specifically need body accommodations (Though getting some more custom made clothes for would be convenient in a nice but not necessary way, if that's the kind of thing yous could easily help with, but I was already looking into other ways of getting that handled, so it's not inconvenient if yous don't.). Also sorry bout not thinking to make the image less revealing." the exact text of which is not reproduced here because in character, she would've spent an unreasonable amount of time rewriting over it until her social anxiety stops yelling at the idea of sending it, and her author does not in fact want to try replicating that.


Hello Alex,

Thanks for getting back to me.

If you're comfortable with a physical meeting, we're happy to have you visit any of our physical locations, or we can have someone fly out to meet you. Whatever you want to do, really. We want to be as easy and smooth as possible to work with, and we value a good reputation with our suppliers. We can comp you airfare, hotels, and a limousine too. I'm very excited about this and want to move on it as fast as possible, so just let me know!

Some quick questions (we can cover these in a meeting instead if you like):

How much wool do you think you can produce? I don't want to push you into something that's not sustainable for you, but our existing superhuman partner has ways to generate hundreds of yards of cloth a day, so our strategy with you might have to be different.

What special properties, if any, does it have? This could be either a 'superhuman' effect it has, or something as simple as coming in different colors/being unusually strong.

We would want to use your image in marketing materials, if possible. We can discuss the exact terms, naturally. How do you feel about that?

Are there any concerns you have about partnering with us that I can help address?

Marten Konig
Product Development
Redline Clothes


After reading through the email and the power questions Alex decides to switch to sheeplant form and try doing some experiments : 

Checking if the area she disconnected fur from to give to Art yesterday has regrown yet (yes).

Starting a timer and disconnecting another patch of fur at the time and seeing how long it takes to fully regrow (roughly an hour).

Repeating the previous and seeing if she can will it to regrow faster (way faster, taking just a few moments this time).

Disconnecting and timing it for bigger and smaller pieces to see if the regrowing scales with the amount of disconnected mass (yes).

Checking if she can manually will her fur to change (she checks if she can adjust it while it's disconnected from her as well but it seems not.), and after playing around with it for a bit, determines that she can make it's texture fluffier and softer or slicker and denser, that changing the texture changes the weight and size as well, and she can't alter it's color at all.

Checking how difficult some disconnected fur feels to tear (pretty difficult, especially the denser stuff, but she's never intentionally tried tearing wool before so she's not actually sure that's a power thing.).

And in between and after the experiments she works on and sends a reply email to the effect of:

Hi Marten, you're welcome!

I could do a physical meeting as early as tomorrow morning [1] if you've got any physical locations within an hour's drive of [insert Alex's approximate address here][2], or if you could have anyone flown in or driven nearby there, or if it'd be more convenient on your end I can do the meeting in the evening or on another day, I was just listing the earliest time I could do it. 

Regarding how much wool I can produce, I was able to produce roughly 10 kilos of wool over 3 minutes[3], but I wouldn't know how long I could keep up that pace for and I think the best way to check might just be bringing me to a warehouse or someplace with a lot of space you own, and seeing how long I can produce wool for before getting uncomfortable or tired?

And regarding it's properties it feels pretty soft by default, and i can make it softer and fluffier, or slicker and denser and it only comes in white, it also felt tough when i tried to tear some of it, but I'm not an expert on wool or anything like that so i wouldn't know whether it's just above average strong, supernaturally strong, or if i just don't know how to test wool strength.  

My power also has two other things it feels like it can do to my wool that I haven't actually tested yet, one feels like it'd make do something involving sleep (which i haven't tested yet due to lack of volunteers) , and the other feels like it'd do something involving stickiness (which I haven't tested due to lack of things I'd be fine with risking having wool be permanently stuck to). 

And something I just realized that potentially relevant for how fast to approach things, is that I don't necessarily know that the fur my power creates isn't the kind of power generated matter that spontaneously ceases to exist after a certain amount of time passes, or after a certain amount is created (I don't think my power works like that, but I'm not sure I'd necessarily know before some of it disintegrated if it did work like that and I've only had powers for a couple days). 

I'm tentatively open to having my image used in marketing materials! Though thinking on it further I would probably want to have mask/costume/disguise of some kind for any photos that'd be used in marketing to make it not trivially easy in the future for strangers to connect my sheeplant identity with my non-super identity via stuff like facial recognition and the like. Relatedly at some point before my image is used I'd want to check whether there'd be anything I might end up doing later that would if you knew about it ahead of time result in you not wanting to use my image because there being an obvious connection between me and your company would or might result in bad publicity for your company, and whether after it's used there'd be anything you want me to avoid doing because it'd risk bad publicity.

[1] Alex included her timezone and what she'd consider morning in the email, but her author was too lazy to figure out what those should be before posting this tag.

[2] She included something that was approximately her address instead of "[insert Alex's approximate address here]", but again her author is too lazy to figure out what that should be.

[3] Approximation of the value given by my coauthor for Alex's wool/temporal unit which was "I figure a person-sized bundle of thick wool in a few minutes if she's actively producing it".



I can meet you at our office here: [Address]. I'd like to discuss what a partnership would look like and collect whatever wool samples you can give me. We'll pay you a consultation rate for coming in. Does 2 PM tomorrow work for you?

Marten Konig
Product Development
Redline Clothes


After checking that the address wouldn't be somewhere she'd have much trouble getting to, Alex responds.


That time works fine for me, and that agenda for the meeting seems good to me!


Then fills a few more bags full of wool, labels them and the previous bags she filled based on what's in them (default, fluffiest, densest, unsorted experimental), switches back to succubus form as it's more convent for moving around in, and passes the rest of her day basically normally.

In the morning she moves the various bags into her car, and drives off to the appointed meeting place.


Art sends her some photos of cloth-weaving in progress, captioned 'another new hobby to find surprising depths in!'.



It's a generic looking office park. Marten meets her out front wearing business casual. He looks like a Generic Businessdude in his 30s who's trying not to stare too much.

"Alex? It's really nice to meet you! I have someone from the manufacturing division upstairs as well, so please come right on up. And I see we have samples. Exciting! I can help you carry those?"


When Art starts sending her photos of her cloth weaving, Alex thanks her for sharing them and happily asks questions about what's going on in them. And valiantly resists the urge to make horny puns about the depths she's exploring.



When she arrives in the parking she starts taking out bags and responds to Marten with "That's me, yes! And it's nice to meet you too in person! And sure if you're offering, it'd be convenient to have help carrying them up!"

Alex will then pass him however many bags he's willing/able to carry up, before grabbing some more to carry herself and then follows him into the office. (And when she notices him having trouble not staring, she doesn't comment on it and just briefly thinks that it's super valid of him to be having difficulty with, she'd also have difficulty trying not to stare if she encountered a real life succubus.)


The place looks like a generic warehouse with a few offices attached and elevated over the floor at the far end. It's not super busy, and all the boxes and pallets have Redline Clothes labels on them.

The manufacturing person is a woman with a long skirt and a graphic tee with an elaborate Arachne graphic on it. She grins and waves.

"Hi, Marten. You! I want to see what your wool is like!"

"Ahem. Uh, Alex, this is Cassandra, Cassandra this is Alex. She's an engineer on our silk mixing line."

"We take spider silk thread and integrate it into other fabrics at relatively low ratios, to get the benefits while stretching out the supply!"


Alex smiles back at the grinning woman, and goes to wave back before remembering that her hands are currently occupied carrying bags, and after Marten introduces her responds with.

"Hi Cassandra! A lot of my wool would be in these bags if you wanted to look at it!" Followed by offering one of them to her and also commenting that it's neat that they do that to stretch the supply.



The engineer fetches the bags.

"So Alex, thanks for coming out today. We have physical samples, so we'll run tests on all these. I know you had image concerns from our emails, is that something you want to talk about, or not? We can, if we work out a deal, just leave you as an unnamed contractor. I just think it might not be the best course."


Alex nods in understanding at them saying they'll run tests on the samples and then starts rambling in reply to the rest. "I can kinda talk about it! Though I would've maybe describe them more as reverse image concerns? In that like if I did the marketing stuff, presumably to help generate publicity and interest in stuff made from my wool? And like if I then later and unrelatedly did something that'd generate a bunch of negative publicity for myself, I could maybe see that then resulting in less interest for stuff made from my wool and possibly less interest on net then if I had just been an unnamed contractor? and also like even if it didn't result in less sales, if i did something with bad optics while being like a named contractor and that then incidentally resulted in bad publicity for your company by association, it would be reasonable for you to be annoyed at me in that scenario? but if i was just an anonymous provider I could just do as much stuff trashing my own reputation as i like, because I'd be the only one it'd affect?
And uh there was a specific example of something on my mind that i might end up doing later that might have problematic optics but my brain is kind of too mortified by the prospect of saying it out loud for me to explicitly say it yet sorry...?"


Marten nods along as Cassandra labels each bag, then takes small samples of each and runs them through a comb-looking thing taken out of a small case.

"I think that's a risk we're taking whenever we deal with independent contractors. A lot of the value in power-produced fabric is the narrative and meaning behind it. The reputation. If we just say, we have an anonymous superhuman who makes special wool for us, that's one thing, but if we can drop a name that's a lot more reliable to a lot of people's perspective? As for your reflection on us, there's obviously a spectrum between 'no restrictions whatsoever' and 'you only ever do things we approve'. Our work with miss Arachne is more towards the former. To an extent any publicity is good publicity- And her, ah, exploits are what I'd call 'soft villainous' rather than truly evil. Like the Mall Spiders incident- She webbed people up and stole things, but there were no deaths or even serious injuries. Our lawyers will have ulcers but that level- Would probably be something we can tolerate some risk of."

The mall turned it into a tourist attraction, for chrissake. They still have a section of wall with webs on it that you can take pictures in front of.


"That make sense and is basically reassuring on the front I was worried about!"


"I think we know a thing or two about image, too- If you look us up, you'll see our graphic tees and various daring designs first off. So maybe we could help bounce around some ideas for a name and image. I think you probably want to avoid the perception of being totally sponsored by us, though. As a perk for meeting us, in addition to the fee for the wool samples, we can walk around downstairs and pick a few things you like. This is a stock warehouse so we'll have some of everything."


"Having people who know things about image to bounce ideas off would be pretty helpful, thanks! And you'd be right that I'd like to a perception like that, yeah."

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