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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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"Clear boundaries are magic! If we can be nice and cuddly too, I'm kind of in the mood for that. Want any more snacks first?"


"They are! and sure to both, cuddles and snacks are both nice!"


Salem grabs a bag of popcorn and sticks it in the microwave. There are more cookies in the kitchen, and she also gets out a bowl of grapes and a bag of tortilla chips.

"Hummus? Cheese dip? I do think everything'll be alright. The real wackos and shitheads, villains, are really few and far between. I don't even consider myself a proper hero- I'd go out if Stella Sky herself asked me, but that whole lifestyle is far too rich for my blood."


Alex accepts some of the popcorn when it's done and some of the cookies.

"Nah but thanks for offering! and y-yeah."


"Let's go sit on the couch, then. Just some nice relaxation and gentle softcore cuddling- Though you could maybe tempt me into more. You grab the popcorn, for snacking on?"

Salem floats upward, insubstantially, leaving all her clothes behind. She plants a half-tangible kiss on Alex's forehead, then passes straight through her with a slight chill feeling, and floats over towards her living room with a smirk.


"If you say it like that, I might take it as a challenge to tempt you into doing more~. And sure I'll grab the popcorn."

Alex peeks lustfully admiring at Salem's body when she leaves her clothes behind. Shivers when she passes through her, and not just from the chill, before grabbing the popcorn and following into the living room.


Salem is using a remote control to noodle around on a DVR* system, and selects a recording from a music channel after a bit of searching. Slow, soft jazz. The curtains are closed.

"Come! Snuggle me, and I'll give you a nice massage. It does a body good to relax, you know?"


*The year is around 2011 in universe; Digital Video Recorders were the ancestors of modern SmartTVs, but basically ONLY had a 'record' function for broadcasts and little else.


Alex pounces on Salem lays the popcorn down nearby, and then gently pounces on and snuggle Salem.


Hugs. Hugs and snuggles and firm squeezing rubbing that does not bother to avoid erogenous zones.

Salem's in no hurry, though. Up and down Alex's arms. Up and down her chest. Up and down her thighs, shifting their snuggle occasionally to get a good angle. She nabs bits of popcorn, occasionally.


So much Hug! Alex snuggles close to Salem, making happy noises as her body is massaged, turning into light moans whenever her erogenous zones are rubbed. And when Salem's hands start massaging her thighs, she gives in to the urge to (lightly) clamp her legs together around them, trying to keep Salem's hands "trapped" between her thighs.


"Oh no. Whatever shall I do." She deadpan.

Then just phases her hand out, and kisses Alex's cheek. 


“Curses, how could you have possibly escaped my dastardly trap! it was supposed to be foolproof!” Alex ‘retaliates’ by kissing Salem’s cheek in response.


"Ah, but I am overpowered when it comes to this sort of thing. No bondage can hold me... Do I have to distract you so you don't get up to mischief?"

Salem's hand brushes gently over Alex's labia as she says this.


Alex lets out a light moan when Salem touchs there, but tries ro ignore it (and any further moans Salem could easily elicit while she talks) and monologues. “Foolish heroine, while your power is immense, I am even more overpowered, for among my many talents is complete and utter immunity to all distractions!”


"I'm going to have to put that claim to the test."

Salem clearly has practice at this.

She doesn't just tease the obvious spots. And she doesn't just go for intense stimulation. Some of it is light and teasing caresses, and some of it is a firm, assertive grope. Not a moment goes by where Alex is not being touched somewhere, light or deep. Often it's her pussy, her clit being lightly brushed over or her labia being firmly rubbed or two fingers steadily pumping inside her, just tangible enough to hit the right spot. Sometimes it's her breasts, the cool touch of Salem's intangibility running through and over them. And sometimes it's the rest of her body- a distracting tickle down her sides or feet or forearms, a slap against her rear, a sudden kiss on her neck accompanied with whispers in the back of her ear about just how horny she is and how she should just relax and cum.


"Regardless of" moan "what tests you" moan "perform the result shall be" moan "the same. my victory!"

 Alex, despite all her posturing, is extremely vulnerable to Salem's teasing, squirming at even the lightest caresses. Moaning loudly whenever she feels Salem entering her, the sensation of fingers entering her pussy only somewhat exotic but still just as pleasurable as the first time, and while the chill touch of Salem phasing through her breasts is not directly pleasurable, it's far stranger and makes her moan even more. Letting out a weak indecipherable moan of "more" when her butt is slapped.

While she's able to last surprisingly long despite her new(ish)ness to sex, having a girl's body, and having her pleasure, she eventually succumbs. Upon hearing Salem whisper into her ear, telling to relax and cum, all her remaining resistance crumbles. Leaving her a mewling orgasmic subby mess. All according to plan??? 


Salem chuckles quietly at her victory and caresses her through the orgasm.

Then she tugs Alex into a slightly different couch position and becomes solid, sitting on her chest.

She smirks. "Tsk. The new generation of heroes is so vulnerable to distractions, these days."


Alex weakly leans into the caresses, and squeaks when sits on her chest.

"Who ever said I was a hero? I'm actually a supervillain, and you've unwittingly fulfilled my master plan, leaving you right where i want you!" Alex then proceeds to giggle cutely laugh manically. 


"Hmm~? Yes, do go ahead. Oral performances by villains are a classic."


"Of course! For you see my master plan all along was to be repeatedly pleasured and brought to orgasm by a beautiful maiden, and as I am of course an honorable villain, I'll reward you for you unwitting assistance!" While she speaks, Alex has been slightly wiggling beneath Salem, moving to position her head right below Salem's pussy, after which she begins the prelude to her next performance of the oral arts.


It's Salem's turn to relax and enjoy. She gives instructions on what's good and what's not and scratches her hand in Alex's hair. 


Alex while amateurish, is very eager to learn and listens to Salem on what to do/avoid to make her feel good. (She also purrs at and nuzzles into the hair scratches whenever doing so wouldn't interfere with obeying Salem's instructions.)


The eagerness is cute enough. And this seems to be very easy to learn, to her current form. 

Salem clamps her legs around Alex's head, hand clenching in her hair, when she orgasms.


Alex is too distracted pleasuring hot girl to explicitly notice easily she's learning it, but she certainly appreciates it.

The sensation of Salem's thighs squeezing around her head and the knowledge that she just made her cum (and the fact that her hands had started touching herself without her realizing it) is enough to make Alex cum again, but she focuses through her orgasm and tries her best to continue pleasuring Salem, doing her best to balance not overstimulating Salem and making her orgasm last longer.


Salem stops pressing so hard as it goes on, other than pressing her count hard into Alex's mouth of course, and gives off a throaty growl eventually, deeply scratching Alex's hair with both hands.

"Damn, girl. I admit my expectations were low but you blew way past them. Good girl."

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