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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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Hug can continue for a whole minute!

But eventually, car logistics should probably happen.

"I had fun today. Today was a good day." Is what Art says once they're on the road.


Alex will reluctantly release Art once the hug ends.


"I'm glad you had fun too! It was a very good day, one of many to follow I'm sure!"


"That's the spirit! Do you truly not mind giving up a little bit of wool? I'm thinking, like, a handkerchief as a first project. I can embroider it with gold thread in a sheep silhouette. I've never actually spun raw thread into yarn before though, I've always bought the yarn... Maybe I'll ask at the hobby shop if they have a spinning machine. I don't know if there are any between doing it by hand and 'industrial cotton mill'... Probably, right?"


"Probably yeah, and that sounds like an adorable thing to do for the first project! And yep I'm definitely with giving you some wool, though now that I think about there is one I'd like you to fulfill if I give you my wool."

"Specifically making something with it for me too?"


"The handkerchief was gonna be for you!"


Happy blushy plantgirl noises. "It was? You should make yourself one too then!"


"Sure. I'll figure out how to spin it tomorrow, I don't stream on Mondays. I'm not sure how much wool I should actually take... Or how fast it'll grow back..."


"Good girl! And hmm, I'm an impression from the sensoryish aspects of my power that the wool would definitely back fast, but not anything more specific then that, maybe we could experiment on that tomorrow?"


"For sure! Maybe we can also test it for super-properties. Get all scientific. Compare it to normal wool. I bet you can buy raw wool somewhere."


"Good idea! I could look up where it might be bought and see if there'd be any places selling it near the route between our places?"


"I'd appreciate it. I'm a bit worn out for today, gonna just veg out when I get home."


"Super valid! Should I ramble about anything I find out during the ride, or sent you a message going over it later, or maybe both?" Alex takes out her phone and starts doing research on acquiring raw wool.


"Can we just put on some music and vibe?"


"Of course, that sounds good too!"


Art puts on some Chillstep.

"Not that you have to be totally quiet either. Just... Brain tired."


Art will give another long lingering hug, and a kiss, when Alex is safely back at her house. And then rummage around in the trunk for a pair of scissors and a plastic bag.

"Do you think you could... Detach some? Or am I going to have to get cutty, which is a little sketchy honestly?"


"Valid!" Alex will quietly listen to the music for the remainder of the ride.

And once she's back at her house, she'll happily hug and return kiss Art, followed by willing a small clump of her fur to detach after Art asks that.

"I can! How much more should I give you?"


She fluffs out the plastic shopping bag and waves it slightly.

"I'm not sure how much yarn it'll turn into. There's a lot of air in there."


"Fair enough!" Alex try detaching her wool and putting it into the bag until any/the first of (the bag becomes full , it starts uncomfortable , any of the places she taking wool from start looking off) happens.


Her cloak/coat of fur is voluminous and huggable enough that the bag fills up before she notices any discomfort or a clear shortage.

Art leans forward for one final kiss on the cheek. "I'll text you tomorrow. Sleep well!"



Alex will steal a kiss on Art cheek's before she leaves. "Thanks, you too! and drive safely!"


The next morning, Alex has a new slot open instead of just the plantsheepgirl.

Rather than floaty and calm, the new option feels... Horny. That's the only clearly identifiable impression. Just horny.


!!! Alex does some excited bouncing at having a new form, and then picks it!


Alex's body doesn't change as drastically this time.

She transforms to a very feminine form like before. She still has horns, if larger ones this time. But no fruit, and no wool. Instead, she has a long, thin prehensile spade tail and a small pair of wings growing from the small of her back.

The instincts of this new form are all very HORNY, and a fair bit more insistent about it. It's not overwhelming, but it's definitely not ignorable either.

Wasn't that sex yesterday so amazing? She should go have more of it. Or touch herself right now, maybe.


Oh wow that's a lot hornier then she was expecting, even after taking into account the fact that she's an incredibly hot monstergirl and that the only defining feature of the form before turning it was "horny".

Wasn't that sex yesterday so amazing? She should go have more of it. Or touch herself right now, maybe.

As soon as that thought crossed her mind, her hands without her even considering it begin rubbing against her already wet pussy as she remembers what she did with Art yesterday. Kissing each other. Being groped. Art's hand rubbing against her pussy (she imagines it's Art's and not her own hands touching her pussy), Art's other hand joining in and teasing her clit, while the other goes inside her, thrusting and rubbing and thrusting, bringing her closer and closer to the brink of orgasm, and when she finally achieves it, all other thought flee her mind beyond how nice and good it feels.

As she recovers from orgasming she notices that she's still pretty horny despite having just cum, luckily she's at least less so horny, she can with a force of will resist the urge to start masturbating again (cause she had stuff other then masturbation she'd like to do today like bragging in DMs about her new form.) and goes to clean herself off.

Once that's done she replaces her shirt with one of her rare few ones with buttons put on backwards so she can over wings exposed without leaving her tits exposed even though that'd be hotter, puts her tail out from her pants, and then takes some pics of her new form to share in the group chat with Art and Salem. (And considers whether to DM/share it with Claire too, but decides to refrain until she's less horny, considering that Claire left the group chat because of too much horny.)

NoWillToBreak: Guess who just unlocked a new part of their power! 


BoxArt_x2: Was it Salem?

WitchOfBlue: *swats Art*

BoxArt_x2: Lol

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