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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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Alex sneak hugs Art.

"I'd like that too, even if a less reasonable part of me does want to accelerate into the most intense stuff first."


In response, Art half-stands and cups Alex's cheek, then plants a gentle kiss on the lips.


Alex lets out a surprised squeak, before happily leaning into the kiss, and cupping one Art's cheeks in return too.


It's... Not a great kiss. But Art smiles.

"My knowledge of kissing is mostly theoretical... Lips are very sensitive. I've played with my fingers around my lips before, wondering what it's like. So I can see it! And seeing your eyes up close is nice."

Another light peck. Art tries to brush softly sideways over Alex's lips.

"How was that, compared to the first one?"


Alex giggles at what a cute dork Art is being.

"A bit weird, but nice! And you should feel to experiment as much as you like on me to get more practical knowledge of kissing~"


Well, that sounds fun. Art will snuggle up a bit and proceed to keep kissing Alex. Also hugs. No hurry.

Does calling Alex cute improve results~?


It's just as fun as it sounds! Alex will return snuggle/hug and lean into the kisses when it doesn't seem to interfere with the techniques Art is practicing.

Depends on how you measure! She certainly flusters and squirms more when called cute.


"Heeee. The flustered squirming only makes you more cute. A vicious cycle! May I take your shirt off and kiss your breasts?"


Even more flustered squirming!

"Oh noes, what a horribly vicious cycle I'll be trapped in, being called cute, which will make me squirm, which result in being called more cute, which will result in even more squirming, and then so on into infinity! truly a terrible fate I'll suffer."

And after breaking down into giggles.

"Of course you may!"


Yay! New places to kiss and fondle and call cute!

"I think taking it slower was a good idea. I'm having a lot of fun playing with you right now!"


Alex squeaks quite a bit the first time her breasts are fondled, followed by various happy noises as it continues.

"I think you may be right! I'm certainly having a lot of fun being played with too."


After some few minutes of this, Art whispers in her ear: "May I... Touch your pussy? I want to see how cute you are when you... You know..."


Here's some intensely flustered plantsheepgirl noises when Art does that, followed by.

"Yes? Yes! I think I'd like it if you did, it's just I've only had it for less than a day, so um, please be gentle?"


"Good girl. I'll take it slow, and try my best. And I've read about this, at least a bit..."


Art will proceed to use her fingers, while still kissing Alex and giving words of praise. The slick nectar only adds to the smooth feeling. Long, teasing strokes at first, experimenting with placement and speed and pressure until she finds a combo Alex seems to really like.

"How are you feeling? Is this much okay?"


Preening sheepplant noises at being called a good girl.


Alex shudders initially at how much more intense and wonderful it feels to be touched there both as a girl and by another girl, followed by lightly moaning as Art varies her technique and adjusts it to something even nicer.

"It feels.. Intense? But definitely in a good way.. I'd like it if you kept it up at this level?"


"As you wish~ Are you sure you don't want to go a little faster, a little stronger? It feels really good, right~? And we do have safewords."

Art's fingers are starting to get a little tired already. It's not the best position. She pauses for a moment to shift to a better angle, which happens to bring her slightly more on top of the jelly. And closer to being able to smugly smirk and appreciate the looks on Alex's face.

"I wouldn't dare do more if you didn't ask, though."


Alex pouts at Art's smirk.

"Uwah, how mean, making me have to use my words and ask with my mouth noises for you to do that."

Making a pleading look in Art's direction.

"Would you go even faster and stronger? It feels so good..." Her needy whine as she finishes asking is only half an act.


"Of course! Uh, let me know if something's wrong, if it hurts."

Art speeds up, and tries to perform two patterns of stimulation at once. Thumb circles around Alex's clit, and rubbing that steadily transitions to penetration with a finger on the other hand. This takes a good bit of concentration, enough that he forgets to keep kissing.

(You can do this, Art. You want to curl the finger up and apply a sort of pulling to hit the G-spot. Gently. But not too gently. Just pay attention to how Alex is feeling...)


"I will!"

Alex lets out more happy moans as Art speeds up the stimulation, followed by mewling with need as she's penetrated at how much more intense and wonderful and right it feel to have something inside her, and thoughts flash across her mind of what if it was something bigger inside her? What if it was a cock pushing inside her formerly virgin pussy? What if it was Art's cock going deep inside and claiming her? Thoughts which push her over the edge Art's touch had brought her to, and into orgasming for the first time as girl.


Art lets himself slowly stop as Alex comes down, then transitions to a tight hug.

"That looked really fun. It's making me tempted to bend you over and try for another."


Alex snuggles and weakly hugs back, and nuzzles her head against Art's neck.

"It was really fun for me too... And I'd really really like it if you did that but..." It takes Alex a bit in her current state to find the words for what to say next. 

"I kind of want the first time I'm railed to have more of a contrast between the start and end states? Right now I'm feeling very subbyweak and i'll be just be even more subbyweak if you rail me?"



Indeed, snugs. Snugs and slow patting and rubbing.

"...I don't think that quite makes sense to me? No means no of course, and I was uh, kinda sorta joking anyway, but. I don't get it, I guess."


Snuggles and happy nuzzles.

"Valid! I didn't really give a good explanation there, I'm kind of feeling a bit too blissed out to come up with a proper explanation right now, it was a really intense and nice orgasm."


"Glad to be of service. That's a real confidence booster. And that's fine. I'll just hug you for now. I wouldn't mind if, ah, you wanted to try on me, but I also don't mind not that... Anyway."

Sigh, shift the hug slightly.


"Glad to boost your confidence, you deserve it! And hmm? Which thing would you maybe like or was it just not mind me doing to you?"

Continued happy hug.

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