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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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"Mhm! And I do yeah! I haven't played many multiplayer ones before, usually I do play yuri visual novels or platformers, or rpgs or the occasional puzzle game!"


"Like Celeste, you mentioned. That's one of the best recent ones! And now I have nostalgia for a little Flash gem called 'N'..."


And so Alex and Art spent the rest of the car ride talking about and listening to the other about various cool games they enjoyed before arriving at Art's place.


They can take care of the rapid test kit on the way, too. Alex is clean.

Art's place is a fairly ordinary-looking small home in a nice area! They pull in and shut the garage behind them, so Alex can maneuver into the house in peace. Hardwood floors, spacious, bright colors, metal and glass furniture for the most part in vaguely-art-deco fashion.

Inside, things are pretty neat and tidy. "I enforce a strict room-for-purpose thing in my space. There's a work room for cosplay that used to be a guest bedroom, a streaming room, a gaming basement- The first for my shows and the second for relaxing- And all the, you know, normal boring rooms too."



"Cuteneat! You're way tidier that I've ever been, I kind of just keep stuff in a disorganized mess that makes sense to the part of my brain that remembers where I kept stuff but not in any other way."

"Anyway would you wanna show me the gaming-with-friends room or the sex dungeon first? or maybe whichever room you use for showing off your adorable cosplays?"


"My- What I don't have a sex dungeon, what do you take me for? It's a hell of a lot easier to be bold and horny on the internet! Especially when my character kind of is!"

Art is blushing furiously.

"Cosplay room. Would be the closest thing to a sex dungeon. Because I can guess what changing will do."


Alex giggles quite loudly at Art's adorable reaction. "Well you did say you have a strict room for purpose policy, so I would've thought that'd naturally extend to having a room dedicated for sex~"

"Your guess would almost certainly be correct! If I saw you naked and getting changed into an outfit even as tenth as cute as the one you showed before, well I'd suspect the only thing that'd stop you from being ravished would be whether you gave me permission to~"


Art leans against a wall and takes a deep breath. Her eyes roam over Alex.

"...As a wise, if crude, commenter once said before being banned by automod: If you want to fuck, then fuck. Right?"


Alex may have posed cutely without thinking about as Art's eyes roamed over her.

"Mostly right! If you'd want to take things slower, or a part of you wouldn't want it or would be nervous about it, it'd be fine to not fuck! While I am incredibly horny for you, I wouldn't want to pressure you into sex?"


"The horny brain in me is... Incredibly erratic, I have to be honest?" Art frowns. "I dunno. I definitely want to hug you more? And maybe see if that jelly is like, more bean bag chair-like than not?"


"That's fine! We can definitely hug more and you can check my jelly for that?" Alex smiles at and hugs? Art.



...Takes off a pair of running shoes, first, actually, and then grabs Alex's shoulders while hopping up, landing in a sort of half-laying position curled around Alex and hugging her wool.


"Yay! The jelly is bouncy and comfy! It smells really nice too, did I mention that?"

(Alex is reminded viscerally that they can control their jelly. It wants to let Art sink in, almost the same way you want to relax into a hug.)


Alex lets a surprised eep at Art hopping up on her, then return hugs (and maybe starts gently using her wool's prehensile nature to rub against Art).

Followed by beaming with pride at Art complimenting her jelly. "It does!!! And I don't think you did yet. And speaking of things I don't think were mentioned yet, while transformed this body comes with some minor urges, which I mention because it wants me to relax my jelly and let you sink into it. May I?"


"Um. Yes, but-" Art squirms a bit. "Before we slide any more down the slippery horny slope... I am nowhere near as pretty as you, and I do still uh. Have a penis, not a vagina."


"Would it be insensitive of me to feel that makes you even cuter? And you were already plenty cute! Also uh while we're mentioning things before sledding farther down the slippery slope of horny, possibly I should mention that I uh, used to have one too before I used my powers?" 


"Mmh... I kind of figured that when you mentioned you like your transformed body better? And it is a very cute and pretty transformed body, by the way."

Art applies a kiss. From this angle, it lands on the side of Alex's belly.

"I dunno if there's any love mixed in with the lust but like... Everything on that front is a sliding scale, you know? It's all just people being people in the end... I hate both extremes, kind of, but in more of a societal way than a visceral one. Toxic masculinity, and misogyny. Both suck ass in a bad way. I'm not making much sense."


"I guess I was being pretty obvious about it before, and Thanks! It's very nice hearing a cutie mention how cute and pretty my new body is~!"

Alex shrugs at the rest of what Art said and applies pets to her.

"Valid! Sometimes you just gotta say stuff, even if it doesn't make sense."



"...Anyway yeah you can sink me into the jelly. It's kind of awesome that you have jelly-related powers, gotta be honest. Just try not to get my head? I like breathing."


Smug plantsheepgirl noises at having her jelly praised. "It is! And of course, I wouldn't want to risk asphyxiating you!" Followed by slowly relaxing her jelly and letting Art sink into it (while paying attention to make sure her head doesn't go under).


"This is surprisingly comfortable!" Art reports, giggling.

(It feels kind of like giving a very thorough hug, to Alex.)


"I'm glad you're enjoying it too! It's quite nice on my end too, it feels like I'm giving your adorable body an even more through hug!"

What happens if she tries to do the jelly hug equivalent of gently squeezing Art while hugging her?


A full-body squeeze happens! Also an 'eep'.

Alex can feel the shape of Art's body in greater clarity for a moment; They are developing nonzero amounts of curves and softness, though a certain bulge remains salient.


"...This stuff smells really good and I almost want to try... Tasting some of it? But, uh. That'd be weird. Right?"



Can she gently increase the pressure against just Art's curves, and maybe rub her jelly against them as well? ~~and a few teasing rubs against Art's bulge?.


And when Art mentions wanting to taste her jelly, Alex before she said Art could, feels a weird flash of ??No it's only for ??? from what she's coming to recognize as her plantsheepgirl instincts, which for some reason turns to a bunch of extra ??lust?? for Art when she tentatively decided to ignore their initial reaction on this. 

"It wouldn't be weird! ...You should feel free to taste it~"

Can she move and wiggle some of her jelly towards Art's mouth?


The jelly is not very easy to - extend or retract like that? It's a bit like trying to move only the last knuckle of your little finger. Pressure and rubbing in specific areas works a little better.

Art solves this, though, by (with a grunt of surprised effort to pull away from the firm jelly) raising one hand, which is now coated in what might be called 'nectar', to her mouth.

"...Mango-pear but way sweeter but somehow not overpowering?" Is the diagnosis. "And, uh, delicious? Oh my god."

...And continuing to lick the sticky, ambery gel off her own fingers, moaning at the taste.


Rip, but she'll rub and apply pressure to all of Art's curves.

And when Art starts licking her nectar, she shudders from arousal from how incredibly hot she/her instincts find it.

"Oh fuck, that's incredibly hot, you look so beautiful and erotic licking my nectar~"

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