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Monstergirl Powers Gacha
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"Uh- I'm glad. Powers are freaking weird, you know? I really should have taken my clothes off before I got them all sticky... Wait, where did that come from- But it's true. I feel like I'm falling. This is insane. God, this scenario is hot. We should- Safeword, and then, uh... I can show you how amazing you are. Or you could k-keep me trapped and rub and tease me until I can't help it..."



"I'm glad you're finding it hot too~. Would 'Safeword' seem fine to use as a safeword? And keeping you trapped as I tease and rub your body sounds quite nice~."

"Hmm, idea! would it sound fun if I take your clothes off while still keeping you mostly stuck and trapped in my nectar?"


"Safeword it is. Plus, 'red', or 'yellow' for slow but don't stop? That sounds hot, yeah! Like something out of an H-manga, honestly!" Art giggles. "Maybe I should be recording this! We definitely shouldn't do the 'accidentally started streaming' gag though!"


Alex nods.

"Those work! And recording this sounds fun~accidently streaming it too. "Should I let you out so you can go set up something for recording? or should I keep you trapped and you tell me where you keep your cameras?"


"-I am actually very particular about my cameras! Please don't touch them, sorry. Um... You're plenty comfy that we don't actually need a bed, unless you want one, so I think we might want to go to the place that's easiest to clean? And maybe we can do a - little bit of simple roleplay. I'm an adventurer tempted by your scent or something."


"I won't! and don't be sorry bout that, it makes sense and I probably would've thought of that before speaking if halve my brain wasn't focused on how great and hot and erotic you are. and that sounds fun~, which way should I head to find the easiest to clean room?"

And after waiting for Art to give directions, she bounces along towards her destination (while still holding Art inside her nectar).


Easiest to clean room is probably the master bathroom. It's spacious and tiled.

"This feels very silly..." Art says, lounging and being carried along. But she's grinning.

(She hugs Art around the waist again, for reasons. At least one, for sure.)


"The fun kind of silly?"

(Alex semi-awkwardly with their current positions returns hugs, and gently rubs her floof against Art.)

And once they arrive in the master bathroom, she asks.

"So how would the adorable adventurer I've lured in with my scent like this scene to go?"


"I think... It would be great if we had the greenscreen set up but that's a bit much... Ah... After I set up the camera, I could come in holding a foam sword and you're all 'welcome to my baths, please enjoy'. Then I make a show of being suspicious but enraptured. You invite me to taste your nectar. I do, and moan, and you say I have to let you take off my clothes to get more. First my shirt, then pants, then bra, then underwear... And then we have sex. I have condoms... Over in that drawer, I'll grab them when I get the camera? Probably a good idea to use them even if we don't, uh, that. ...Gosh, it's weird to have horny brain and streamer brain fighting each other. My greeeen screeeen..."


Alex giggles.

"You're adorkable. Doing that sounds fun, and I can let you out from my nectar while you set that stuff up."

Alex lightly pouts.

"And it would be a good idea to use condoms even though a part of me really wants to take your uncovered cock inside me."


Art pats Alex on the back. "They are the smart and sane decision. Who knows how transforming biology works, yeah? I mean, we don't need them for everything, maybe... I mean, hands, mouth, or jelly..." Art squirms at that thought. "...Actually, I wanna shower first, too. Sorry sorry sorry. Lemme out now?"


"I knoww, it's just a bit sexually frustrating, but I can cope fine with using them where it's a good idea, and those suggestions for where you can put your cock without needing to use condoms all sound quite fun~"

"And sure, it's no problem for you to shower first!" After saying that Alex releases her nectar's hold on Art, trying to be careful to do so in a way that doesn't result in Art falling to the ground.



Takes a shower. Tries to ignore the churning disquiet.

Then emerges from it wearing nothing but a towel, smiling weakly at Alex's obvious appreciation.

But... Ah, screw it.

"...Hey, I think- I'm actually really nervous here, and I might have fucked up. Getting your hopes up and planning - some elaborate thing. I, uh. I don't wanna do this scene. Or. At least not right now."


Alex smiles gently at Art.

"That's fine! If you don't wanna do it, we won't. And if you end up wanting to do it later we can, and if you don't, that'd still be fine. Is there anything you would like to do together? We could play Smash like had been the original plan earlier? And uh, may I still hug you?"


"We can still hug. And like, snuggle. I just... It really is a lot easier to say irredeemable lewd stuff when it's mostly a joke."


"Valid! And I'm glad I can still hug you."

Tentative hug?


Hug! (Half-naked hug, in fact)

"I'm... Gonna go put a comfy shirt on, and then then I kinda do want to play Super Smash with you."


Continued Hug! (Alex is trying to ignore that aspect, and one of the nice things about no longer having a dick is that it's not obvious how much she's failing at not getting turned)

"I'll wait for you to do that then and then we can smash! uh the game that is, not literally..."

After saying that, Alex semi-reluctantly releases Art from hug.


Art comes back in pajama pants and a comically large sports jersey. "C'mon, this way to the gaming basement!"

It seems like Art has a truly massive TV, and a fully kitted out basement. The Smash Ultimate theme is already playing on it. Plush carpet, a mini-kitchen, shelves with lots of gaming knickknacks, metal posters on the walls.

Art gently tosses a controller underhand. "Co-op or versus? You'd get a handicap."


Alex bounces after Art.

"You've got a really cool setup here! and maybe co-op to start off with, and if I get decent enough at it, switch to versus?"


"You betcha!"

Art is pretty good at video games!

They seem to relax over time too, a certain tense air slowly turning to quietness.



After a while, Art speaks up...

"You know... I feel like a bit of a jerk here. Was mostly interested in you because you have powers. I have to ignore people who get really into my stream persona, and like... It's kind of the same thing, a little bit maybe, if you squint. So, uh, sorry."


Alex is impressed! She's merely decent at them.


"You shouldn't feel like a jerk! Or well I was mostly interested in you initially because you were cute and potentially seducable with my powers, so should-feel-like-jerk would be symmetric and I'd much rather the universe where neither of us should feel like a jerk?"



"Sure. It definitely works like that. I joke that some people really deserve each other. In the best and worst ways... But yeah, that's. Huh. First impressions, I guess. As long as we're aware of it, it's probably fine?"


Alex beams at making Art splorfle.

"I'm glad you recognize the definite correctness of my view on how it works~, and yeah."


"And, like, there's a point when you're just aimlessly dithering. Maybe because you're hypothetically scared of shitty relationship dynamics for some other reason."

It doesn't sound hypothetical.

"But if you want to be my 'it's complicated'... I think I'm probably game. As long as we talk things out and take it slow. 'Cause powers are awesome and you're being very chill about me bein' a mess."

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