Ileosa's "extremely unusual phobias" include but probably aren't limited to: snakes, things which make her think of snakes, things which put her in mind of pit fiends (she'd include "pit fiends," but that wouldn't count as extremely unusual - everyone with sense is afraid of pit fiends), being out-of-doors at night, owning up to failure, and sleeping with men.
Her bizarre compulsive habits include: wanting to make every strong and beautiful women she falls for obey and/or love her, cutting up faces to mark her territory and make them worth less in the eyes of others and take away the places they could run and the people they could be, plotting and betimes enacting disproportionate revenge on people who disrespect her or outshine her or just get uncomfortably close to outshining her, and compulsive one-upmanship.
If Ileosa cares more about winning than she does pandering to her neuroses, probably the ones she needs most to be cured of are ophidiophobia, nyctophobia, androerotophobia, the harem-collecting thing, the mutilation thing, the disproportionate revenge thing, and the compulsive one-upmanship thing.
It's just - gods of the Pit, it seems so joyless and miserable.