At the end of the day, even if you do everything on the Overlord List, your odds of winning are better but that doesn't make them good. Like I've said, the heroes tend to win in the end. Some of the Overlord List rules, if you follow them, improve your odds of getting a redemption arc in the epilogue, or, if there's a Greater-Scope Villain or Man Behind the Man I haven't met yet, improve your odds of a survivable Heel-Face Turn in the third act - although others very much don't. I'm least conflicted about the things which it wouldn't hurt you to implement and would make you more effective while also harming others less. I'm more conflicted about the things which hurt you to do, but make you more effective while hurting others less, and the things which don't hurt to do and make you more effective without hurting others less. I'm not conflicted about things which hurt you to do and might make you marginally more effective without doing less harm to others, because those are just terrible. How could I feel happy about you doing something you hate when I don't expect it to help you in any lasting way?