What. WHAT.
Ileosa would never in a million years have guessed this!!
Why, if he's Evil, is "his" "character" Chaotic Good?
(I mean, I'm aware that that's a fake explanation for your extraworldly knowledge even if you aren't, but if we take it at face value.)
...And why doesn't he act like a genius! Why would someone... pretend to believe that their actions are decided by an Evil genius from another world who's pretending to be them, and pretend that the person that person is pretending to be is a vagrant aasimar empowered priest of Cayden Cailean? It seems like a genius could genius up a plan to get a house and not have to sleep in the rain?
What's the in-character justification for the out-of-character behavior (which, in-character, is in-character behavior for the character being played by an Evil genius)?