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Template: Jamie
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A Tian.

Cheerful, kind, and friendly, Jamie will often go out of their way for strangers to a certain point, and far beyond that point for their loved ones. They go cold as ice when you push their boundaries, though.

Comes in Wild, Heir, Experiment, and Prisoner clusters.

Fairly selfish except for with the people they care about, Jamies are friendly enough to offset this, and default to being helpful, so long as it's not too much of an imposition. Will go to seriously self-harming lengths for the ones they love, however.
Jamies have a hunger for adventure and interesting things. Jamies believe strongly in self-determination, and their greatest fear is being forced into a role they hate. They can take this for a time, but will eventually either run or break. They fear being powerless, to help themselves and their loved ones, and they fear being abandoned by those they love.
Seemingly paradoxically, Jamies are fine with devoting themselves to obeying or assisting someone else so long as they do it of their own free will.
Jamies are non-binary but usually use the pronouns associated with their sex. Jamies have context-based attraction patterns - if he's distracted by something interesting, he normally won't react to flirting anything but offhandedly. Jamie does tend to acquire an attraction to strength and power, and to sparring and/or fighting, but usually doesn't start out with it.
Jamies are varying levels of 'very intelligent' and have prodigious memories, but tend to downplay this to lesser or greater extents, preferring to be underestimated. They are also extremely hedonistic, and quietly very self-controlled.

Wild: base cluster, the original Jamies were this. Usually either majority self-raised or raised by permissive parent figures. Usually hides intelligence mostly because being known to be highly intelligent makes life more boring.
Heir: The heir of an important family, with a lot of responsibility on their shoulders which they can't shrug off. Tend to hide their intelligence significantly less than other clusters.
Experiment: Someone's failed experiment, often Val's. Often has hidden skills, is quite obviously skilled in the areas their creator demanded they be, and frequently deals with self-hatred due to having little control over whichever aspect makes them a 'failed' experiment.
Prisoner: Raised a slave or raised to be married to someone, and/or raised/owned by Das for a significant portion of their life. Most examples of this cluster spend a lot of time locked in their head, and come across as an air-head because of this.

Jamies are also greatly affected by whether they're pre-angelic, angelic, or post-angelic phase - that is to say, whether they've attached themselves to someone(s).

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aigil having-a-blast Shirota Yuu Otherways
Amita el S'tira Heir magicmaybe Rachel Hurd-Wood Arcania Artefactum
Angela 'G' Vongola Heir Kumo cloudchowder Rachel Hurd-Wood Titan Fleet
Angela Morgenstern Experiment homeward-dove Elle Fanning Twilight, Evenfall
Angel Aniston-Martel Wild/Prisoner make-this-easy Rachel Hurd-Wood Twilight
Angela Starr Wild against-his-creed Dakota Fanning Lilith
Angelina Fray silver-lining Elle Fanning Skyfire
Angelo walk-in-the-light Alex Pettyfer Baldur's Gate
Angélo Barreira Anes Wild Angél silver-liquid-drops Alex Meraz Resonance
Angel O'Byrne Miva Johanna O'Byrne slip-of-fire Quintessa Swindell Primordial
Angelo 'Deus' Vongola Heir Timoteo Michelangelo Vongola, Angelino, Lino, Deus cumulo-nimbus Niels Schneider, Romann Berrux Skyfire
Angel Starr heavenly-treasure Quintessa Swindell Cuckoo
Angie feel-something Elle Fanning Polar Night
Angie Aniston little-patterns Elle Fanning Wont
Angie Morcant sugar-high Elle Fanning Cycle
Angie Starr truth-in-artifice Elle Fanning Scholomance
Artemis Wild satellite-mind Quintessa Swindell Percy Jackson
Artemis Wild whom-winged-darts Rachel Hurd-Wood Reborn Gods
Bow of the Nomad Bodiless/Conceptual Arcania Artefactum
Camilla Nessasdottir Wild heavenly-argosy Elle Fanning Alagaësia
Camoran Gaemir Wild more-than-treasure Shirota Yuu The Elder Scrolls
Camyle first-star Canada Jay Alethia
Changeling infrequent-form X-Men
General Jaim Heir ride-the-wave Shirota Yuu Arcania Artefactum
Genie friend-like-me Shirota Yuu, multiple Agrabah, SV Disney
Jaehaera Targaryen Jax Jae wings-of-joy Elle Fanning Westeros, Dusteros
Jaime Baratheon Heir foolsgold Alex Pettyfer, Dakota Goyo Westeros, Dusteros
Jaime Baratheon light-in-the-east Elle Fanning fall of worlds
Jaime Lannister finer-steel Alex Pettyfer Westeros
James Aniston Wild the-joyful Alex Pettyfer Deep Magic
James Michael Morcant hard-light Alex Pettyfer Buffy the Vampire Slayer
James Michael Morcant Wild shallow-water Ed Speleers, Christian Michael Cooper Refraindre
James Montgomery Prisoner technicolour-dreams Alex Pettyfer Pleasantville
James Robinson Experiment choose-to-be Jacob Anderson Mass Effect, Catalyst
James Starr Wild Jamie castles-in-the-sky Jeremy Sumpter Skyfire
James Starr Wild James Grayward-Starr fair-and-flighty Jeremy Sumpter Elsewhere
James Starr Wild Jamie honey-on-my-tongue Jeremy Sumpter Mystic
James Starr Wild (Prisoner) Jamie take-it-for-you Jeremy Sumpter Nemeton
Jamie at-the-sky Eiji Wentz Polar Night
Jamie wide-cast Eiji Wentz Legacy
Jamie Prisoner wind-up-bird Mitch Hewer, Shirota Yuu CyberLife
Jamie Evans Experiment pesky-pixie Alex Pettyfer Harry Potter
Jamie Fray Experiment Michelangelo Morgenstern burnished-with-llight Elle Fanning Twilight, Evenfall
Jamie Hart sweethart Sukiicat Catsi
Jamie Morcant great-beyond Christian Michael Cooper Star Trek
Jamie Morcant let-me-follow Alex Pettyfer Ganymeda
Jamie Morcant not-afraid Elle Fanning Haunting
Jamie Morcant stars-from-my-eyes Alex Pettyfer Midnight
Jamie Potter Angela Jamie Potter bright-spark Elle Fanning Firewalker
Jamie Rogers Wild rope-trick Niels Schneider Mystery Incorporated
Jamie Silverfox wild-roses X-Men
Jamie Starr Wild freedomofform Jeremy Sumpter WTFMagic
Jamie Starr good-for-me Elle Fanning Skyfire
Jamie Starr Wild heart-of-ocean Mitch Hewer Alterra, Subnautica
Jamie Starr present-time Mitch Hewer Erogame
Jamie Starr Prisoner pretty-bird Ed Speleers Refraindre
Jamie Starr Jacob Anderson
Jamie Summers hard-and-bright Elle Fanning Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Jamie Summers the-sweet-air Elle Fanning Deep Magic
Jamie Theobald Wild what-i-am
Jamis Starsinger Wild tooka-kit Elle Fanning KOTOR, Star Wars
Jane beloved-servant Rachel Hurd-Wood Obsidian
Jane Prisoner purest-agony Rachel Hurd-Wood Twilight
Jas Morgenstern Jax rivers-of-blood Alex Pettyfer, others Gate of Truth
JAX Experiment prototype Eiji Wentz Dormire
Jaximili-Semitur-Edorial after-an-eternity Eiji Wentz, Camren Bicondova, Sonam Kapoor Animorphs
Jax Morgenstern antimonium Alex Pettyfer Alicante
Jax Morgenstern JAX, Jonathan Morgenstern jacked-in Jeremy Sumpter Dead Effect
Jax Morgenstern Jax no-colour-at-all Niels Schneider Afterlight
Jax Morgenstern snow-drop Alex Pettyfer Themis-Zeta
Jax Morgenstern Experiment will-out Shirota Yuu Silvertongue, Seven
Jax Stellata short-fine-delicate Eiji Wentz Pokémon SV
Jaxum Midnight proximity-to-light Camren Bicondova MCU
Jax Verlac Experiment acheronta-movebo Niels Schneider Themis-Alpha
Jax Verlac Experiment/Wild cat-burglar Shirota Yuu Mass Effect, Catalyst
Jax Verlac Experiment the-red-sky Shirota Yuu Servitor
Jay ready-to-die Iñaki Godoy One Piece
Jay Underland
Jay Starr Wild catch-the-wind Jacob Anderson Unnatural Disasters
Jay Wayland Jacob Alexander Wayland, James Alexander Morgenstern angelic-canon Alex Pettyfer Themis-Chi
Jem Starr Wild/Prisoner how-to-smile Alex Pettyfer Panem
Jinyu on-the-wing Eiji Wentz Avatar: The Last Airbender
Joie to-the-sea Elle Fanning Pathfinder
Joy Wild a-sweet-love Shirota Yuu Paieon
Joy Prisoner taste-of-chocolate Shirota Yuu, Sukiicat Animus
Joyeuse swift-feet Quintessa Swindell, Kit Young Coelesti
Joyeuse Mikala have-this-wish Quintessa Swindell Alethia
Joyful Luck of the Starlit Hills Clan Wild Joy cat-like-tread Shirota Yuu Dungeons and Dragons
J Theobald Wild Sorcerer game-changer Jacob Anderson High Mage
Kurosaki Mikoto without-chains Eiji Wentz Soul Society
Lacie Joy Summers Elle Fanning Charmed
Lady Jasmine Atreides everything-it-touches Rachel Hurd-Wood Dune
Ligeia Wild sweet-strung Rachel Hurd-Wood Atlantic
Meketaten soul-to-heaven Mila Avital Heliopolis
Mica that-distant-shore Whoniverse, X-Space
Micah 'Angel' Morganrath Wild fine-lines Alex Pettyfer Ashes
Micah Morganrath lift-me-higher Alex Pettyfer Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Micah Rathe Alex Pettyfer a/b/o
Michaela Fray Wild peach-blossom Camren Bicondova, Elle Fanning Themis-Omicron
Michi Kyle kitka Camren Bicondova Gotham
Mika Irase Wild Mika seek-favorable-winds Niels Schneider, Romann Berrux Amenta
Mika Star Wild (Former Prisoner) hyper-intuition Shirota Yuu Psych
Mikh Zhtaarr Wild bright-eyes Mitch Hewer Etheirys
Mistaiwe Experiment/Wild Feacalino, Melkorion Lintalasse, Lisso bright-soul Shirota Yuu LOTR
River Tam Jonathan "Jax" Morgenstern see-the-sky Shirota Yuu Firefly
Robin spray-of-ivy Eiji Wentz Gotham
Sébastien Verlac become-a-monster Shirota Yuu, Will Tudor, Cesar Domboy Scholomance
Shemi made-for-love Rachel Hurd-Wood Theogony
Shmi Skywalker Prisoner freedom-or-death Rachel Hurd-Wood, Dakota Fanning Star Wars
Spear of the Wanderer Bodiless/Conceptual with-the-setting-sun Arcania Artefactum
The Wanderer Wild what's-stopping-you Elle Fanning, Niels Schneider Shallow Gods, Milliways
Uzumaki Mikoto when-I-wake Eiji Wentz Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto orange-lilies Eiji Wentz Naruto
Voyager little-wing Shirota Yuu Witch Awakening
Wender Wild that-darkling-sky Kit Young Labyrinth
Ymir Sidereus Wild/Heir iron-breaker-king Shirota Yuu Anima
Zephyrus pax-romana Last
Zoisite Wild/Prisoner dark-and-darling Shirota Yuu Sailor Moon

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
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Complete Has Warnings we are always going somewhere else [1 2 3 ... 45 46 47] Mercurous Somewhere, Anywhere, Everywhere 1174 by Sage/Nemesis
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Hiatused Has Warnings rage against the heavens [1 2] Vengeance Skyfire 47 by Sage/Nemesis
Complete Has Warnings rage against the dying of the light [1 2 3] Vengeance Skyfire 51 by Sage/Nemesis
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Hiatused It's broken, so fix it Vengeance Arcania Artefactum 3 by Sage/Nemesis
Total: 40