Well shit. He doesn't have a translation runestone, or know a spell for it.
Jaim does, but they're kind of in the middle of a battle here...
Still, if he doesn't speak Imperial, he's probably not with the Empire. They're pretty serious about stamping out other langauges.
He lowers his weapon a bit and glances at Kion. The man shrugs, "I don't recognise it, Highness," he says regretfully, "And I specialise in combat magic," he adds.
He looks over at the blue winged being and runs a hand through his hair in stress. He looks at the dome, points at it, and then makes a flat-palmed downward gesture, "Could you lower that? We were in the middle of something," he requests, hoping the gesture will get across if not the words.
He's no use in diplomacy, but there's a fight going on, which is something he's good at.