Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Eat lunch at Milliways more often, probably. I've thought of some cool stuff to do if I could blink forward or sideways a couple meters, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to cast fast enough to be effective. Make a magic item that could do that, maybe."


"No, you'd have to cast each time, for that. Or look at the places ahead of time and cast then, at least. It doesn't do relative position at all."


"Hrmm. Still, anything you can do to prepare the field is usually worth doing, even if that is less flexible than being able to do it on the fly."



Nom lean.



Awww sleepy kobold!



"Seems like it, yeah." Hug. "See you in the morning?"


Hug. "Yeah. Sleep well."

Ana taps the ring on her finger with the Force, and disappears from the cave.


And the kobold goes to bed.


In the morning, she stops by the reception area to check on the progress there, before taking her customary fruit-gathering walk.


The cells are finished, with a small refresher in one corner with no removable pieces and a soft bit of flooring in the other that could perhaps serve as a bed. Everything is sturdy, resistant to damage, and hard to repurpose as a weapon.


She digs out another set of rooms, changes the portals around to give the construction droids access to the new ones instead of the old ones, and updates the spells on one of the rooms to an at least potentially permanent configuration, adding a deactivation trigger so she can change them later if need be.

Then she steels herself, rechecks her defensive spells, and goes to get the Sith.


Master Tima is maintaining the suppression this time. The configuration of the room is otherwise not much changed.


She takes Lyo aside. "I'm ready to send the Sith somewhere better for keeping them contained, now. I don't want to startle anyone when I do it, though."


"Including the Sith?"


"Ideally," says the kobold.

Not if it means a repeat of yesterday, says her body language.


He considers.

"I think it would be best if he were not informed prior. It will be easier to explain after the fact."


"All right."


He goes over to Tima and whispers inaudibly in her ear, then turns back to the kobold and nods.


And a moment's trance later, poof, he's gone.


Master Tima stands up and dusts herself off.

"Well, I for one shall be glad of the chance to take a proper bath."


The kobold bows deeply to her. "Thank you again for your help."

(Guilt, and a sense that while the inconvenience here wasn't her fault she certainly considers it her responsibility in some sense.)


"It was our pleasure, truly. We hope this project of yours works out." Bow.

Pop-pop-pop-pop there they all go.


And poof goes the kobold, off to that stand of purple-fruit trees that was looking promising a couple days ago.

She's only slightly late to breakfast.


"Good morning!"


"Good morning!" She sets down a tray bearing two breakfasts, one her usual, the other heavily skewed toward finger foods. "Sith's all moved,  I'd like to tell Satele before class this morning."


"The Masters left after he did, right? They've probably already told her."

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