Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"The whole story, insofar as you can tell it."


And so she does; she has an excellent memory, and frequently mimics her own and Occlus' expressions to illustrate key points.

"...and then we got to the planet. I can't tell you much about that, for obvious reasons - I want to; I will once they've left - but it wasn't unocupied like they were expecting, and we were found, and there was a fight. They were careful to keep me safe, like they'd promised. And - this might be the most important thing I know - the five strange things in their force signature turned out to be force ghosts, that can themselves use the force."


Satele is surprised by this.

"You are certain?"


She nods. "As much as I can be. I didn't ask them about it; I'm getting the term from my translation spell, which I've only seen be wrong in cases where I was much more confused about something than I think I am here."


"To bind a ghost... that would be a powerfully Dark ritual. And she has five?" Satele shakes her head. "This does clear up some of the confusion surrounding her, but it is still not good to hear."


Nod. "I mage-sensed Occlus at one point, and saw them; I don't expect that anything I saw was useful at all, but I'd definitely describe them as bound; they're very contained."


"I see. I will check the Archives, but I do not expect a search to turn anything up. We have little information on Dark rituals of that magnitude. Can you tell me anything else about the behavior of the ghosts?"


"The ghosts formed a barrier to keep anyone from escaping while Occlus attacked; it seemed like they were either directly under Occlus' control, or had a lot of practice at working cooperatively with them and each other."


"That is... unsettling."


Sigh. "Yeah."

Is there room for the kobold next to Satele? 'Cause if there is, and if Satele doesn't make a face when she goes to, she's going to go sit in it.


Satele puts an arm around the kobold.


The kobold snuggles up to her, thoughtful. "They didn't have a choice, you know. To be a Sith. I don't think they even want to be, exactly. Maybe not a Jedi, either, but." She shrugs. "For someone with the power they have, in the situation they're in... we could have a lot more to worry about, I think."


"This is true. Perhaps we will be able to come to some understanding."


Nod. "I hope so. I think it's at least possible."


"I will make the most of this opportunity you have created."



"So, after that, they had me cast the portals from that planet to theirs, and they started bringing their people in - when I said their people seemed intimidated but not in fear of their lives, that's who I was talking about. I was gone most of the next day, but in the afternoon we went back up in their spaceship to let me figure out if it's possible to teleport to the spaceships you have here with my magic..." She continues describing, glossing over her time spent researching Sith and Jedi in Milliways a bit, but not actually ending it until "and that's when I met you."


"I see. This has indeed broadened my understand of Darth Occlus. Thank you for sharing."


She grins, "you're welcome," and hugs Satele again, briefly.


She hugs the kobold back.


The kobold is in no particular hurry to go; does Satele seem to want her to?


She can spare twenty minutes before she needs to get back to work.


The kobold will hang around, then, and shoos as soon as Satele gives any sign of wanting her to.

Next stop was... right, the storage room where they got the pillows, to see if she can scrounge up something suitable for a portal to the Sith.


It's mostly furniture and furniture-type goods. There are a few chairs that are basically two rings of metal plus cushions. If she takes the cushions off and disassembles the chair, the individual parts seem sturdy enough.


...she's not going to disassemble a chair. The thought doesn't even cross her mind.

Is this part of the Academy laid out in such a way that she can guess where other storage rooms might be?


There are other storerooms on floors above and below, but in this wing they all contain basically the same selection of stuff.

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