Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"We may not have the necessary things on hand, but I understand Bar can provide them." She gestures and a credit chit floats over to her. She hands it to Ana.


Nod. "Okay."


"Again, thank you for all you are doing. And if you need to take some time for yourself, do not hesitate to do so."


The kobold nods again, and bows, and offers Ana her hand to teleport back to the cave.


Ana takes it.


They appear by the kobold's bed, which she burrows into, leaving only her nose sticking out. Her shaky-fragile mental state is cut with frustration, almost entirely at herself.


Ana is regretting not being a healer again. She sits down by the kobold-lump.

"Do you want to talk some more?"


"Not really," she says, in a tone of voice that suggests she's going to anyway.

"It's upsetting how bad I get at cross-cultural stuff when I'm like this. I know Satele's safe, three or four times over at least; I shouldn't be reacting to them like that just because they moved too fast." She sighs.


Ana pats the kobold-lump.

"It's okay to have irrational reactions to things because your head is in a bad spot. Instinct is hard to shake off."


Sigh. "Yeah. And I can work through it when I need to. It's still frustrating, though."


Poor kobold. Pat pat.


The kobold remains lumpsome.


After a few minutes, a stack of ten heavy cloth circles in different kinds of camouflage appears nearby. "Do those look okay? Are there any kinds missing that we'd want?"


Ana sorts through them.

"They look all right, there's a couple you're missing though. Republic Army patterns Leth, Osk, and Nen."


Three more circles appear on top of that pile, in the mentioned patterns, and then more stacks start appearing in the workshop area, each consisting of twenty-five of a given pattern. When all thirteen patterns are acocunted for, the circles begin teleporting from the stack nearest the kobold's bed to land in a neat pile on the other side of the workshop, at a rate of one every couple seconds.


Pats would probably interrupt this process. Instead, Ana turns on her mage-sense and tries to track what the kobold is doing.


She's casting too quickly for it to really be trackable, even if the teleportation portion wasn't incomprehensible without the relevant spell form. If Ana has the patience to observe enough repetitions, though, she'll be able to piece together that the only triggers are 'turn on when touched by something with a certain kind of magic' and 'turn off almost immediately after that'.


Ana doesn't have a whole lot else to do right now, other than be here. She identifies the triggers after about half of the circles are done.


The kobold gets steadily less stressed as she works her way through the stacks; by the time she's done, she's fairly calm, if still fragile. She emerges from her bed and rearranges it slightly to make a more comfortable seat.


Ana cuddles up next to her.


And the kobold leans on her, with a bit of a smile.


"Feeling better?"


"Some, yeah. I still shouldn't go out for a while but I'll probably be okay for class in the morning."


"That's good!"

Pat pat.


Lean, grin.


"...I should eat."


"Milliways takeout?"

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