Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Hug, teleport.

The kobold gets more takeout from Bar: a large sampler platter and a small canteloupe full of stew for Ana, and a larger canteloupe full of stew and a small sampler platter for herself.


Nom nom.

"I like these fruit things with the stuff inside. They're fun."


This gets a grin. "That's one way we do travel food, actually. Bundle one of these up in leaves and tie it shut, and pack it carefully, and it works fine in a backpack."


"That would be sooo much better than rat bars."


"Rat bars?"


"Ration bars. They have nothing to do with rats. Probably. Processed compressed artificial food-like substance formed into blocks. They're a meal substitute, contain all the nutrients you need. But they taste terrible."


"Huh. I thought someplace with such nice tech would have a better solution to that than that. I bet I can come up with one - portals to the Academy cafeteria are probably a bad idea even if only Jedi can activate them, but you could set up a cafeteria someplace else and have portals to there, probably."


"You would have the personal and heartfelt thanks of the entire Republic Army if you set something like that up."


She chuckles. "I'll get right on it, then."


Best kobold. Hug.


Hug, grin.


Lean. "So what else is it like, out there, besides the food being bad?"


"How do you mean?"


"Like, I know some of the pieces - Sith, Jedi, lightsabers, spaceships, rat bars apparently, more planets than there probably are people on my world - but I don't know all of them, and I don't know how they usually fit together? I know there's a war but I don't know much about the war, on any level."


"Um. How much context do you want, because this goes back like ten thousand years."


She shrugs. "How much of that do you think I need to know?" 


"Let me see. Um. Okay. So, a long time ago, all the Force-users in the galaxy got together on Tython to try to learn more about the Force. Some of them started using the Dark Side and got exiled or left or something. They went to the edge of the galaxy and became the Sith and started an Empire. The ones who stayed on Tython became the Jedi, and were involved in the founding of the Republic. A couple thousand years later, the Republic and the Empire found each other again, and the Great Hyperspace War happened. It was the first really large-scale conflict, lots of fighting. In the end, the Empire was defeated."


Nod, listen.


"We didn't hear from the Sith for a long time after that. I think the next time was when Revan came back from chasing the Mandalorians. But you probably got that story from his holocron. So that was like three hundred years ago. Then nothing until about fifty years ago, when the Empire invaded full force. Caught the Republic completely flat-flooted. That was a bad time. Over thirty years, we were pushed back further and further, until it was basically only the Core Systems left. Coruscant was blockaded, there was the raid on the Temple there. Then the Empire signed the treaty ending hostilities and stabilizing the borders because we still don't know why. There were several years of peace, but it didn't last too long. War was never formally redeclared, things just kind of slid in that direction. We're doing much better this time."


Nod, quick hug, lean, listen.


"That's, um, about where things with the war stand right now? Aside from, like, the actual strategic breakdown."


The kobold is deeply confused at this; it takes her a few seconds to think of something to say. "Well - what do they want, and why, and what do you want and why?"


"Um. I'm not really a diplomat? And I'm not really good at that stuff. But. Uh. What they want mostly seems to be us dead and themselves the only power in the galaxy, and what we want is to not get wiped out."


"There's reasons to know about that besides diplomacy. But we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Hug.


Hug. "Okay."


Hug. Nom.

"Have you thought at all about what kinds of things you want to do with the teleportation magic, if you learn it?"

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