Lurker visits The Old Republic
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She nods, and makes a twine portal. "Do you want anything, while I'm ordering?"


"Some more of those squishy green things. The little ones."


Grin. "All right." And here's a plate of squishy green things for Ana, and a bowl of fancy mashed potatoes for the kobold. Nom.


Nom indeed. Also cuddles.


Cuddles and noms, what a good.


"Okay. I'm going to hold off on trying to talk Bar into giving me ammunition until I can actually be there - they don't sell weapons at all; ammunition should be okay if I'm going to be enspelling it so it's not actually harmful, but it's not as simple as just asking - and I still don't think starting on the reception area is a good idea yet. Anything else you want to do?"


"Hmm. Nothing really comes to mind."


"All right." She considers, then: "I'm going to draw, do you want a holo-movie or something from Bar?"


"I should practice magic some more." The basket of sticks floats over from the other room.


"Sounds good." Lean, sketch sketch.

She starts with a drawing of the scene from this morning, complete with force flows for the five Jedi and the Sith. Next, Satele's deadpan and her smile, both on the same page. Then the force flows of Lyo's suppression - the Sith is barely sketched in, in this one; not a point of focus. Then the meeting room. And so on, recreating the events and scenery of the last few days.


Ana works on the magic detection form. When she gets a successful cast, she rewards herself with a peek at the kobold's sketchbook.

"You're pretty good at that."


The kobold grins appreciatively and pages back through the sketchbook to show off her other drawings. "It's one of the things I've been practicing the longest, even longer than I've been a Speaker."


"It definitely shows."

Speaking of practice... does this stick light up when she drops it on the kobold? Ana thinks if it touches someone who can't use the Force, it should.



But as the kobold goes to pick it out of her fur, it starts to. "That's me," she explains, "I have a spell on me so that nothing that uses my kind of magic can detect me unless I intend it to. I don't know the form for it, unfortunately." She hands the stick back.


"That sounds handy. It's too bad you don't know the form." Ana snaps the stick to break the spell.


"I might be able to learn it, if we find something it'd be useful for. My tribe's other mage isn't too happy about me, and I've been trying to avoid making that worse, but at this point I don't think anyone else would mind me picking up a few more things."


"Why aren't they happy about you?"


"Oh," lean, "it's actually kind of scandalous that I'm a Speaker and a mage at the same time, especially since my tribe didn't get to make a choice about either of them. I didn't get to make a choice about either of them either, exactly, but that only matters so much. And our other mage has always been kind of traditional, and they're worried about me taking over from them."



"Well, I think you're awesome and it's too bad they don't agree with my obviously objectively correct assessment of you."


Giggle, hug.

"I mean, they're not exactly wrong, I could pretty easily displace them if I wasn't careful about it. There's a bunch of reasons I'm not going to do that, though, starting with the fact that it wouldn't be good for the tribe. And it'd be mean."


"Exactly. Yet more evidence for the fact that you are awesome."



"Well, I suppose I can't argue with an objectively correct assessment." Grin.


"Wouldn't be much of an objectively correct assessment if you could!"


Heeeeee hug.

"You're great, y'know that?"



"I do know that!"


Here is a giggly, grinning kobold.


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